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2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94388
06/01/01 03:50 PM
06/01/01 03:50 PM
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Here tis - game recommendation time.
The purpose of this thread is to compile a list of recommended games that those of us who haven’t played every adventure game can use to help determine what to play next. I first came to Gameboomers to get information on what games were out there and which of them were worth playing, and it is still a popular topic on the discussion board. Hopefully this list will help provide that information, based on the collective wisdom of us all.
It is not strictly a favourites list, although most of your recommendations will be your favourite games. The critical thing is whether you would recommend it to someone who asked “please give me a list of good adventure games to play”.
Tastes differ, so the list will cover all types of adventure games. The final list will be linked to reviews, so that someone who knows they like Tex Murphy can use the reviews to find similar games from the list. It will also be linked to a walkthru.
I will do a numerical list and an alphabetical list like last year, and with help from the Mac-ers it will indicate which games can be played on their tangerine machines.
The list is for adventure games, and without getting into definitions I think we know one when we see one.
Rules are simple:

1. You can recommend a maximum 15 games (you can of course recommend less)
2. You cannot recommend a series with a single recommendation (if you want to recommend all the Tex Murphy games, you will need to list them separately).
3. Myst and RealMyst will be treated as being the same game.

We will keep the thread open for 3 weeks, and I will provide intermittent updates.
So without further ado, here is my list:

The Longest Journey
GK2; The Beast Within
Myst III: Exile
Zork Nemesis
Dracula; The Last Sanctuary
The Neverhood
Black Dahlia
The Dark Eye
Blackstone Chronicles

Have fun


[This message has been edited by flotsam (edited 06-20-2001).]

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94389
06/01/01 04:56 PM
06/01/01 04:56 PM
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Riven (Win & Mac)
Riddle of The Sphinx (Win & Mac)
Myst III Exile (Win & Mac)
Shivers (Win & Mac)
Beyond Atlantis (Mac coming soon)
Zork Nemesis (Win & Mac)
Morpheus (Win & Mac)
Obsidian (Win & Mac)
Timelapse (Win & Mac)
Amber: Journeys Beyond (Win & Mac)
The Castle (Mac Only)
Lighthouse (Win & Mac)
Gabriel Knight: The Best Within
Faust you see a pattern there?...

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94390
06/01/01 05:12 PM
06/01/01 05:12 PM
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Well, I'm gonna assume that there's no age limit, so here it is:

Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Indiana Jones and the Fates of Atlantis
Jewels of the Oracle
Monkey Island: Revenge of LeChuck (I think)
Return to Zork
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Zork Nemesis
Zork Zero (the text game)

These are practically most of the adventure games I have anyways... oh well! Enjoy!

Medievia -
Viscount Choja Honorary Avatar of the Dragon
Baron Cagen the Human Lightning Rod
"...In life, we seek to understand the purpose,
in death, the purpose seeks us out..."

[This message has been edited by Magician (edited 06-02-2001).]

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94391
06/01/01 05:15 PM
06/01/01 05:15 PM
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somewhere in time
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I just love this list is:

Tex Murphy: Pandora's Directive
Tex Murphy: Under the Killing Moon
Gabriel Knight:Sins of the Father
Shivers I
Shivers II
Discworld Noir
Gabriel Knight III
Blackstone Chronicles
Black Dahlia
Atlantis Two
King's Quest VI:Heir today,Gone Tomorrow

Happy Gamer

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94392
06/01/01 05:50 PM
06/01/01 05:50 PM
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lexxy Offline
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I would highly reccomend thefollowing:
Tex Murphy "Under A Killing Moon"
Tex Murphy "Overseer"
Tex Murphy "Pandora Directive"
Gabriel Knight "Sins Of The Fathers"
The Longest Journey
Amber Journey's Beyond
Secrets Of The Luxor
Disc World Noir
Black Delhia
Last Express
Dracula Unleashed
I guess you can see that I am sort of partial to Ole Tex

It doesn't cost a dime to be kind
Currently playing The Moment Of Silence
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94393
06/01/01 05:51 PM
06/01/01 05:51 PM
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Here it goes

Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
The Longest Journey
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Dracula: Ressurection
Blackstone Chronicles
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Blade Runner
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Zork Nemesis
Discworld 2: Missing presumed...?

[This message has been edited by Clovis (edited 06-02-2001).]

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94394
06/01/01 06:07 PM
06/01/01 06:07 PM
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Adventure game recommendations in no particular order:

Atlantis II/Beyond Atlantis
Bad Mojo
Riddle of the Sphinx
The Arrival
Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
Broken Sword: Circle of Blood
Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
Gabriel KnightII: The Beast Within
Zork Nemesis
The Longest Journey
The Neverhood

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94395
06/01/01 06:15 PM
06/01/01 06:15 PM
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Well.....I can't recommend Myst III since I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Here are my recommendations:

Beyond Atlantis
Shivers II
King's Quest Six
Blackstone Chronicles
Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
The New Adventures of the Time Machine

That's basically it for me!

[This message has been edited by mac_attack (edited 06-01-2001).]

Lvl 55 Hunter in WOW
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94396
06/01/01 06:30 PM
06/01/01 06:30 PM
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My recommendations old and newer are:

1) The Longest Journey
2) Day of the Tentacle
3) Myst/Real Myst
4) Curse of Monkey Island
5) Rama
6) Timelapse
7) Ripley's Believe It Or Not: The Riddle of Master Lu
8) Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
9) The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery
10) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
11) Zork: Grand Inquisitor
12) Zork: Nemesis
13) Obsidian
14) Toonstruck
15) Grim Fandango

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94397
06/01/01 06:32 PM
06/01/01 06:32 PM
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I had alot of problems trying to narrow my list to 15 games so I decided to not list older games that don't meet todays graphic standards. In case anybody out there is into older classic games I would suggest Space Quest 1 The Sarien Encounter,SQ2 Vohauls Revenge,SQ3 Pirates of Pestulon,Kings Quest 2 Romancing the Throne,KQ4 Perils of Rosella,and Zac McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders. I also want to mention the games that couldn't make my top 15 but deserve mention SQ4 Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers,Dracula The Last Sanctuary,Sanitarium,Grim Fandango,Riddle of Master Lu,and The Dig. Well here are my selections:
1.Secret of Monkey Island
2.Monkey Island 2 LeChucks Revenge
3.Curse of Monkey Island
4.Gabriel Knight 2 The Beast Within
6.Discworld 2 Mortality Bytes
7.Simon the Sorcerer
8.Simon the Sorcerer 2 The Lion,The Wizard,and the Wardrobe
9.The Longest Journey
10.Kings Quest 7 The Princeless Bride
11.Maniac Mansion 2 Day of the Tentacle
12.Broken Sword Circle of Blood
13.Legend of Kyrandia Book 1
15.Space Quest 5 The Next Mutation

I also wanted to point out that alot of these great games are available from the online game stores for under $10.

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94398
06/01/01 06:34 PM
06/01/01 06:34 PM
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Rowan Offline
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Here's my list of recommendations in any order:

1) Myst 1
2) Myst 2: Riven
3) Myst 3: Exile
4) Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
5) Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
6) Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred/Blood of the Damned
7) Phantasmagoria
8) Shivers 1
9) Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls
10) Lighthouse
11) Dracula 1: Resurrection
12) Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary
13) The Longest Journey
14) Return to Zork
15) The 7th Guest

As you can see, if I like one, I like the whole series.


[This message has been edited by rowan (edited 06-01-2001).]

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94399
06/01/01 06:40 PM
06/01/01 06:40 PM
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The Longest Journey
Grim Fandango
King's Quest: Heir Today Gone Tomorrow
Broken Sword: Circle of Blood
Curse of Monkey Island
Amber: Journey Beyond
Simon the Sorcerer

That's it for me - I haven't played that many games and these have been my favorites so far.


(Anti) Social Development
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94400
06/01/01 06:54 PM
06/01/01 06:54 PM
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Ok, here goes:

Gabriel Knight II
Tex Murphy - Pandora Directive
Black Dahlia
Zork Nemesis
Dracula Resurrection
Tex Murphy - Overseer
Tex Murphy - Under a Killing Moon
The Longest Journey
Broken Sword I
Shivers I

Is that 15, I hope!


Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94401
06/01/01 07:00 PM
06/01/01 07:00 PM
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Here we go in no particular order...

Grim Fandango
Curse of Monkey Island
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight 3 - Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Discworld 2 - Mortality Bytes
Dracula Resurrection
The Longest Journey
Day of the Tentacle
Traitor's Gate

Can't do Myst III since I haven't played it yet. Same with Dracula - Last Sanctuary.


Now playing: Too bloody many (sigh)
Now reading: Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 9th edition (1995)
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94402
06/01/01 07:08 PM
06/01/01 07:08 PM
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The Longest Journey
Myst III:Exile
Feeble Files
Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island II:LeChuck's Revenge
Curse of Monkey Island
Zork Nemesis
Lighthouse:The Dark Being
The Dig
Rent A Hero
Bad Mojo

"Halfway through life's journey I came to myself in a dark wood, where the straight way was lost."--Dante's Divine Comedy
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94403
06/01/01 07:09 PM
06/01/01 07:09 PM
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kat165 Offline
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In no particular order:

Grim Fandango
GK1 - Sins of the Fathers
GK2 - The Beast Within
Black Dahlia
Broken Sword 1 - Circle of Blood
Broken Sword 2 - Smoking Mirror
Amber, Journeys Beyond
Faust, Seven Games of the Soul
Titanic, Adventure in Time
Dark Seed

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94404
06/01/01 07:14 PM
06/01/01 07:14 PM
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No particular order as it would be hard with some of these to rate one above the other.

Black Dahlia
Tex murphy Pandora Directive
Under a Killing Moon

Gabriel Knight: Beast Within
Sins of the Father

Zork: Return to Zork
Grand Inquisitor

Phantasmagoria and Phantas. 2 Puzzle of the Flesh.
Noctropolis ( might be really hard to find and straight DOS game but worth the attempt, really good)

Blackstone Chronicles

So far Faust and both Broken Sword games (Circle of Blood and Smoking Mirror)look really good but as I haven't finished them I'm hesitant to add to list.

[This message has been edited by Gameman007 (edited 06-01-2001).]

Would the oceans be deeper if there weren't any sponges?
If the world didn't suck would we all fall off?
Currently playing Hitchcock, Syberia, Dark Fall, Byzantine, The Dame Was Loaded and Atlantis 3.
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94405
06/01/01 10:54 PM
06/01/01 10:54 PM
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OK, here's my list of 15. This is fun, to think back over one's whole gaming experience. These are in approximate order of merit. But I've only played about 50 games so there are definitely gaps in my knowledge!

Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Day of the Tentacle
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Grim Fandango
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Broken Sword: The Other One (forgot thename!)
Traitor's Gate
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
Beyond Atlantis
Pandora's Box


"I could help you if I had my salmon"
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94406
06/01/01 11:19 PM
06/01/01 11:19 PM
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Here Goes my list in no order.

1) Amber Journey's Beyound
2) GK 1: Sin's Of The Father
3) GK 2: The Beast Within
4) Dracula The Last Sanctuary
5) Blackstone Chronicles
6) Sanitaium
7) Black Dahlia
8) The Forgotten
9) Phantasmagoria
10) Phantasmagoria 2 A Puzzle Of Flesh
11) Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
12) Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
13) Tex Murphy: Overseer
14)Realms of the Haunting

[This message has been edited by Josie (edited 06-16-2001).]

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94407
06/02/01 12:04 AM
06/02/01 12:04 AM
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My list in alphabetical order:

Amber: Journey Beyond
Atlantis II
Broken Sword II: Smoking Mirror
Escape from Monkey Island
Riddle of the Sphinx
Shivers I
Zork Nemesis
Zork: The Grand Inquisitor

Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94408
06/02/01 09:32 AM
06/02/01 09:32 AM
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My 15 must plays (no order):

1. Shivers
2. Shivers 2
3. Cydonia (Lightbringer)
4. Morpheus
5. Faust
6. The Neverhood
7. The Longest Journey
8. Riddle of the Sphinx
9. Grim Fandango
10. Gabriel Knight - Beast Within
11. Tex Murphy - Under A Killing Moon
12. Tex Murphy - Pandora Directive
13. Cassandra Galleries (deserves mention)
14. Dracula Last Santuary
15. Sanitarium

I haven't played many of the more recent games so those aren't on my list but I'm sure will be when I can get them!
Of course I have about 20 more games to add but we all have to show self control now & then

It's a hard-knock life. Wear wooden underwear.
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94409
06/02/01 10:37 AM
06/02/01 10:37 AM
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here is the list of ones i've played and really enjoyed.
1. longest journey
2. gabirel knight 1
3. gabriel kinght 3
4. sanitarium
5. king's quest 6
6. gabriel knight 2
7. nightlong
8. blackstone chronicles
9. king's quest 7
10. silver (i am playing it now)
11. king's quest 5
12. simon the sorcerer 1
13. simon the sorcerer 2
14. pajama sam - all of them
15. spy fox

okay... guilty... i enjoyed playing my daughter's games too. heck, who do you think taught her how to play them! lol

i am not perfect, but i am perfectly human.

[This message has been edited by rainbowlady (edited 06-10-2001).]

i'm not perfect, but i'm perfectly human. Grant me serenity to accept what can't change, courage to change what can & wisdom to know the difference
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94410
06/02/01 11:37 AM
06/02/01 11:37 AM
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I like the idea of listing them in alphabetical order as it is too hard to decide the order of preference, so here goes:
(1) Amerzone
(2) The Arrival
(3) Beyond Atlantis
(4) Byzantine
(5) Cassandra Galleries
(6) Dark Side Of The Moon
(7) The Forgotten..It Begins
(8) Frankenstein Through The Eyes Of A Monster
(9) The Longest Journey
(10) The Messenger
(11) Myst
(12) Rama
(13) Riddle of the Sphinx
(14) Riven
(15) The Sacred Amulet
Love,Betty Lou

[This message has been edited by Betty Lou Brewer Jones (edited 06-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Betty Lou Brewer Jones (edited 06-03-2001).]

I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94411
06/02/01 02:42 PM
06/02/01 02:42 PM
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If it were the best 22, this would be easy. Hmmm, how to cut 6 out? I guess I cheated a little here.

The Dig
Kings Quest VI
Kings Quest VII
Zork the Grand Inquisitor
Amber,Journeys Beyond
Riddle of the Sphynix
Twinsen's Oddysey
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Longest Journey
Any one Tex Murphy
Thief 2, The Metal Age

[This message has been edited by joanieS (edited 06-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by joanieS (edited 06-14-2001).]

[This message has been edited by joanieS (edited 06-14-2001).]

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." ...unknown
Re: 2001 Gameboomer Recommendations #94412
06/02/01 03:23 PM
06/02/01 03:23 PM
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This is the votes from the Swedish Jury:

1) Pandora Directive
2) Overseer
3) Under a killing moon
4) (still to come)
5) ?
6) Shivers
7) The 7th Guest
8) Harvest of souls
9) The 11th Hour

And that

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