Just a thought but.....
I first came here to get some ideas about what to play. Trawled around and found some back posts, found some top 10 lists, and asked some direct questions. As a result, I am still here and have played some good stuff.
Others obviously come here for the same reason. There are often new posts asking for suggestions.
So (and realising that one persons poison is anothers champagne, and that nothing is perfect) I propose we start a thread on which each person can submit a maximum of 10 games that they would recommend others play. If you don't have 10 you would recommend, or haven't played enough, less than 10 is fine - but no more.
The emphasis is on the fact that you are recommending games for others to play. This would eliminate (perhaps) the game which made the earth move for you (for whatever reason) but which whilst it will forever occupy a niche in your favourite games file, you cannot in all honesty recommend it to someone else to play today.
Your 10 would not be in order of priority. Just 10 (or less) recommendations. If you originally post less than 10, but then play one that you have to add, you can do so. But 10 is the maximum.
We could keep the thread open for (say) 28 days (or till the end of this month). It would then be closed, and we could compile a single composite list of the games mentioned, in order of most to least. I am willing to volunteer to do the counting.
Then some clever moderator type person could put the list in the hall of fame or classic posts or somewhere else obvious, to serve as a resource for current and future gamers. It would be date marked, and a new list could be compiled at appropriate intervals to pick up new games.
There would obviously be more than 10 games on the list, and the collected wisdom of everyone here (especially the BAAGs) would give a good snapshot of recommended games at the date indicated. The numbers (and tastes) of people here should ensure a good cross section, and offer another source of info, and a possibly broader opinion than a single review.
We could cut the list off at a certain point down, or discard any games with less than a certain number of mentions, or simply post the whole list. I suggest we cross that bridge at the time but also suggest that we don't ultimately list any game that is only mentioned once.
Finally, we are talking adventure games, and whilst its hard to define, I think we know it when we see it. Its the games we talk about here. Some may have different opinions about whether certain games fit the genre, but at the end of the day if I was to put (say) Quake on my list, I suspect it would reside at the end of the list with just one vote. Under my own rules it would not make the final list and all disputes about whether it was really adventure or not would never arise.
So with some trepidation as a newbie but in (optimistic) anticipation of wild enthusiasm

I will kick it off with the list below. I will confess there are many I haven't played that will no doubt make a later list, but you have to start somewhere.
And if this is has all been done before and I missed it, my apologies.
Zork Nemesis
Bad Mojo