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Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94550
06/14/00 01:51 AM
06/14/00 01:51 AM
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Here goes in no particular order with the exception of "The Quivering" which will solidly perch atop my all time favorites list:

1.The Quivering(a must play for true
adventurers!My all time favorite!)
2.The Arrival (fantastic sci-fi adventure)
3.Tex Murphy series (all)
4.Feeble Files (one of the best ever made)
5.Neverhood (either you love it or hate it)
6.The Longest Journey (Truly wonderful)
7.Grim Fandango (what it's all about)
8.Dracula Resurrection (unbelievable graphics and very spooky)
9.Day of the Tentacle (a real classic)
10.Broken Sword 1 & 2 (can't beat these for true adventuring)

I could add many more, but the list above relates the best of the best. It's too bad we can't list a top 20.
Thanks for the opportunity to do this.

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94551
06/14/00 03:09 AM
06/14/00 03:09 AM
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In no particular order, here goes:

1. Any Tex Murphy
2. The Longest Journey
3. Any Monkey Island
4. Sam and Max Hit the Road
5. Any Discworld(especially Discworld Noir)
6. Grim Fandango
7. Gabriel Knight 1 and 2(not 3)
8. Circle of Blood
9. Toonstruck
10. Sanitarium


Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94552
06/15/00 02:16 AM
06/15/00 02:16 AM
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The top 10 is now a top 11 with Shivers equal with Obsidian.
Those that join the list of more then 5 mentions are Sam and Max Hit the Road, Broken Sword 2, and The Neverhood.
As responses are dwindling and people will get sick of me pestering them, what say we end posts at the end of this weekend, and I will do a complete summary.


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Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94553
06/15/00 06:55 AM
06/15/00 06:55 AM
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Yea, yea I know a day late and a dollar short. Here goes and this hasn't been easy narrowing it down to only 10 - this list is subject to change at any time

Myst - the game that hooked me and therefore will always have a place in my heart
Zork Nemesis
The Longest Journey
Atlantis 2
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Bad Mojo
Pandora Directive
Under a Killing Moon

I'm playing Discworld Noir and The Quivering right now and they look like they are going to make it into the top 10 when I'm done. As stated subject to change

Dark Side : Risen
Light Side:

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94554
06/15/00 08:02 AM
06/15/00 08:02 AM
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After much deliberation and heated discussion here we go in no particular order ...

Discworld series
Simon the Sorcerer series
Monkey Island series
Broken Sword series
(cheat mode off)
Day of the Tentacle
Shivers I
Pandora Directive
Callahans Crosstime Saloon
Black Dahlia
Near misses because they are now a bit dated
Zak MacKracken and the Alien Mind Benders,
Gabriel Knight I and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
Grim Fandango lost out because of the interface!

Rosemary who also loved Blue Ice but wouldn't dare recommend it

Rosemary & Gordon

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Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94555
06/15/00 08:23 PM
06/15/00 08:23 PM
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Better late than never.

  • Amber-Journey's Beyond
  • Black Dahlia
  • Byzantine
  • Gabriel Knight II
  • Lighthouse
  • Morpheus
  • Myst
  • Riven
  • Timelapse
  • Zork Nemesis

There are so many others I could name but these are games that got me hooked on adventure and all have been played more than once.

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94556
06/15/00 08:52 PM
06/15/00 08:52 PM
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These are my top 9 in no particular order. This was hard to do. I finally decided on the basis of have I replayed them even when I had new games or old/new games for me to play which I always do.
Black Dahlia
Last Express
Zork Nemesis
Grim Fandago

I still have a lot games to go and a whole lot that I want to replay. I am beginning to think one only sees what is in a good game (like a good movie or good book) if one returns to it.

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94557
06/15/00 09:04 PM
06/15/00 09:04 PM
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I'm late because I like a lot of games and can't decide so here in no particular order:

1. The Longest Journey
2. Myst/Riven
3. Grim Fandango
4. GK 1, 2, 3
5. Monkey Island Series
6. Tex Murphy Series
7. Journeyman Project Series
8. Amber
9. Sanitarium

I also liked the Atlantis 1,2 and so on and so forth.

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94558
06/15/00 09:06 PM
06/15/00 09:06 PM
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Just got a chance to review all of the latest posts on this thread, and I want to re-iterate what Alan said about The Quivering. EVERYONE on GameBoomers should play this game! Really! I know I have been a minor pain about it, but don't just take my word for it. Go to Alan's site ( ), buy it and PLAY it! You will not be sorry.

Here's Randy's review on Just Adventure if you don't believe me:

And here's Ray's take on it, although he was much less forgiving of the notorious 'Save' feature (or should that be the 'Save but that means you won't have enough imps to make it through the next level" feature?):
Do yourselves a favor. Play The Quivering.

You don't need any brains to listen to music.
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94559
06/16/00 05:55 PM
06/16/00 05:55 PM
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Hope I'm not too late. Here's my list:
1-Myst--my first, and will always be my
2-Zork Nemesis--am replaying now.
5-Gabriel Knight II
6-Tex Murphy- OTKM
8-Monkey Island


The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94560
06/16/00 11:31 PM
06/16/00 11:31 PM
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Rick1 Offline
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So ya think the list is dwindling, huh?
And then come 6 more ratings lists from posters I thought had already posted! Shows what I know! LOL
I'll E ya this weekend....Baseball ROCKS!


Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94561
06/17/00 06:43 AM
06/17/00 06:43 AM
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Must be all that decadence Rick!
I will post summaries Monday morning my time. That will be late Sunday in the USA. I know you have more than one timezone, but they aren't my strong suit, so I can't get any closer than that.
We can then close the thread.


Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94562
06/17/00 02:34 PM
06/17/00 02:34 PM
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No problemo, flotsam. With all the hard compilation work you have done for us, we sure aren't gonna' get picky about USA time zones!

Thanks a Mil! Love, Witchen =O)

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94563
06/17/00 08:27 PM
06/17/00 08:27 PM
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Myst (my first game!) and Riven
Shivers (both)
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Tex Pandora Directive
Curse of Monkey Island
Gabe 2
Black Dahlia
Broken Sword

Right now, am enjoying Lightbringer

Didn't anyone like Dark Side of the Moon?

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94564
06/17/00 08:35 PM
06/17/00 08:35 PM
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Just a suggestion, but this thread has only been open 10 ( 11? ) days, maybe you should let it run for another week. There are still many regulars that haven't posted yet. What with schools getting out, Graduations, etc., a lot of people have been quite busy this last week or two.

granny goodwitch

A woman NEVER shot a man while he was doing dishes!

Granny Goodwitch

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Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94565
06/18/00 02:05 AM
06/18/00 02:05 AM
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I did suggest till the end of the month in the starting post, and I didn't realise it was only 11 days.
Cos it slowed down, I just assumed everyone had posted that was going to.
At granny's request, and I got some e-mails as well, what say we hold off for another week. I will post summaries next Monday. They are ready to go so I will just up-date them.
In the meantime, idarcy asked for the list to show Mac games. If I e-mail you a list idarcy (and MacDee??) can you e-mail me back the ones that are Mac-ed?


Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94566
06/18/00 08:34 AM
06/18/00 08:34 AM
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Sure flotsam.....

I'd be glad too...


Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94567
06/18/00 10:30 AM
06/18/00 10:30 AM
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1. The Longest Journey
2. Zork Grand Inquisitor
3. Myst
4. Faust
5. Timelapse
6. Monkey Island Series
7. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (same as Circle of Blood)
8. Discworld
9. Simon the Sorcerer
10. Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within

Two others that belong in the top ten but are almost impossible to find are:

3 Skulls of the Toltecs

Lela and Bill

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94568
06/18/00 05:33 PM
06/18/00 05:33 PM


Flotsam idea man! June 18th,2000

Here's mine!!
1) Myst/Riven
2) Zork nemesis
3) Zork Grand Inquisitor
4) Sanitarium
5) Journeyman 3
6) Lighthouse
7) Grim Fandango
8) Shivers

Flotsam....Great Idea!!! I can't wait to find out the results. You have taken on a very grand project and if you need any help....let me know at Good Luck in this and in your gaming. Your gaming friend

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94569
06/19/00 01:06 AM
06/19/00 01:06 AM
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Haven't played many but I did a lot of research before buying.


This thread will help me decide what to buy next )

Cheers ... Peter

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94570
06/19/00 04:48 PM
06/19/00 04:48 PM
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ok, here's mine - I haven't played that many but the ones I would recommend are:

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Broken Sword 1 and 2
Fatal Illusion (except for bugs)

That's basically all the games that I've played that I would recommend. I wouldn't recommend Feeble Files because, though fun, it was far too hard to even attempt to play without a walkthrough (for me at least!). I also didn't much like Amerzone - the locations and puzzles were too samey. GK2 I haven't finished yet, and so far there has been too much reading, and having to have people read things out loud, which had got me down. By the time I end I might want to recommend it I guess, but not yet. Apart from that, I've just not played lots of the favourites that have been mentioned so far...

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94571
06/19/00 10:20 PM
06/19/00 10:20 PM
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Dark Side of the Moon certainly made my list.(See above) One of my all time favs.

BTW, I see some have mentioned 3 Skulls of the Toltecs. I know this is one of Mr. Bill's sleeper hits, but does anyone know where I could buy a copy? Thanks,


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Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94572
06/20/00 04:11 AM
06/20/00 04:11 AM
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Zork Nemesis
Gabriel Knigh II

I would just have loved to put "9 - Last Resort on the list", however it isn't an easy game, and maybe not the best to recommend. Rama is also a game not easily recommended, but I was so totaly proud of myself when I finished it (I suck at math), that it had to go on the list, I wish for more people to experience the same kind of joy!

Writing the list was hard, I thought that I've played soooo many games, what to chose and so on. However, reading through the other lists, I realize that there are quite a few games left to discover. I'm going to have to get myself a PC one of these days... [blip].

Great idea with the lists! //emma//

Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94573
06/20/00 05:58 AM
06/20/00 05:58 AM
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A quick update.
We have 105 games on the list and 54 respondents. There are 15 games with more than 10 recommendations, and another 13 with 5 or more.
Thanks to idarcy and macdee, the final lists will be mac friendly.
See you next Monday.


Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2000 A list with a twist #94574
06/20/00 02:30 PM
06/20/00 02:30 PM
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Thanks for all your work on compiling this list, and thanks as well to idarcy and ~MacDee for their Mac clarifications. That will help me out a lot!


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