Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 09:21 AM
06/02/04 09:21 AM
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
Here's my List: - 1. Dark Fall
- 2. X Files The Game
- 3. LightHouse
- 4. Zork Nemesis
- 5. Myst
- 6. Riven
- 7. Ghosts
- 8. Gabriel Knight III: Blood of the Sacred and of the Damned"
- 9. Atlantis: The Lost Tales
- 10. Jack the Ripper
- 11. Ripper
- 12. Syberia
- 13. Syberia II
- 14. Post Mortem
- 15. Sherlock Holmes and the Case of The ROse Tatoo
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 11:45 AM
06/02/04 11:45 AM
Joined: Oct 2000
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the desert foothills
here's my list: Phantasmagoria Syberia Syberia II Gabriel Knight II 7th Guest Under a killing moon Pandora Directive Dracula Resurrection Black Dahlia The Arrival Riddle of the Sphinx Morpheus King's Quest series Space Quest series Darkfall 
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 12:13 PM
06/02/04 12:13 PM
Joined: Feb 2004
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Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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Hi. What a great idea to create such a list! Here's mine: Syberia 1 Syberia 2 The longest Journey Dark Fall Post Mortem Broken Sword 1 Broken Sword 2 Bioscopia Amerzone Grim Fandango Schizm 1 Runaway Dracula The Last Sanctuary The Black Mirror Schizm 2 Good luck! :kiss: 
"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely." -Carl Yung-
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 05:27 PM
06/02/04 05:27 PM
Joined: Feb 2002
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Agent Provocateur
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Grim Fandango Under a Killing Moon Discworld Noir Callahan's Crosstime Saloon Death Gate Eric the Unready Gateway The Dig Monkey Island 2 Quest for Glory 1 Blade Runner Chronomaster The Longest Journey Broken Sword 1
Here we go again! Here we go go go!
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 06:05 PM
06/02/04 06:05 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
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The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
Sonic Boomer
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In the Naughty Corner
Here is my list of top 15 in no particular order:
1. Amerzone 2. Syberia 3. Syberia 2 4. Blackstone Chronicles 5. Black Mirror 6. Broken Sword Sleeping Dragon 7. Grim Fandango 8. Curse of Monkey Island 9. Runaway 10. Broken Sword 1 11. Salammbo 12. Dracula Resurrection 13. Dark Fall 14. Journey to the Center of the Earth 15. Escape from Monkey Island
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 06:33 PM
06/02/04 06:33 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 35 West Hollywood, CA
Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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West Hollywood, CA
My first list as a no special order... Syberia Amerzone Grim Fandango Gabriel Knight 3 The Longest Journey Myst: Riven Myst: Exile Seven Games of the Soul Black Mirror Bioscopia Mysterious Journey - Schizm Post Mortem Salammbo Omega Stone Dark Fall GO LAKERS! 
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 08:07 PM
06/02/04 08:07 PM
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Here is my list in no particular order.... 1. The Longest Journey 2. Real Myst 3. Riven 4. Exile 5. Blade Runner 6. Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time 7. Journeyman Project 3 - Legacy of Time 8. Amerzone 9. Darkfall 10. Grim Fandango 11. Curse of Monkey Island 12. Zork Grand Inquisitor 13. Gabriel Knight 3 14. Uru 15. Lighthouse
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/02/04 11:53 PM
06/02/04 11:53 PM
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1. The Black Mirror 2. Myst 3 3. Black Dahlia 4. Sanitarium 5. The Longest Journey 6. Dark Fall 7. Syberia 8. Syberia 2 9. Obsidian 10. Morpheus 11. URU 12. Grim Fandango 13. Gabriel Knight 3 14. Broken Sword 1 15. Broken Sword 2 Thanks for doing the list again this summer 
Lemme ', is too much. Lemme sum up.
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 12:36 AM
06/03/04 12:36 AM
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Boy, turn your back for a few days and look what happens. I had better get cracking on my first pithy insight. Stay tuned!
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 07:18 AM
06/03/04 07:18 AM
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Long Beach, Australia
Whilst I was tallying up where we are at this stage I kept thinking "why didn't I vote for that one??". Limiting to 15 really is hard So far more than 160 games have received recommendations. The top 3 are Longest Journey, Syberia and Dark Fall. Three freeware games have received a vote, and 43 games have been mentioned that weren't mentioned last year. Tex and Gabe are still polling well, as is Guybrush. George and Nico remain solid vote pullers as well, and all but one of Nancy's outings has already received at least one recommendation. New releases this year are probably doing better than in previous years. To the best of my knowledge the oldest game recommended comes from 1987, and the newest game recommended hasn't been released yet!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> More later 
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 07:41 AM
06/03/04 07:41 AM
Joined: Aug 2000
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Sonic Boomer
Sonic Boomer
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These may not be my 15 favorites, but I certainly enjoyed them all and highly recommend them. Myst Riven Grim Fandango The Neverhood Syberia 1 Syberia 2 Torin's Passage Zork Grand Inquisitor Zork Nemesis Curse of Monkey Island Lighthouse Obsidian Timelapse The Longest Journey Faust Thank you flotsam. You do a magnificent job every year - especially on the pithy remarks. 
Beautiful young people are acts of nature but beautiful old people are works of art
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 07:54 AM
06/03/04 07:54 AM
Joined: May 2001
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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This is it:
Amber Black Mirror Blackstone Chronicles Dark Eye Dark Fall Discworld Noir Inherent Evil: The Haunted Hotel Loch Ness Cameron Files 1 Morpheus Post Mortem Quiet Weekend in Capri Sanitarium Syberia 1 Uninvited Watchmaker
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 08:43 AM
06/03/04 08:43 AM
Joined: Nov 2001
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Collegeville, PA USA
Here are my recommedations, in no particular order...... 1. Black Mirror 2. Syberia 3. The Longest Journey 4. Journey To The Center Of The Earth 5. Discworld Noir 6. Zork Nemesis 7. Gabriel Knight 2--The Beast Within 8. Amber Journeys Beyond 9. Dark Fall 10. Morpheus 11. Blackstone Chronicles 12. Sanitarium 13. Shivers 14. Phantasmagoria 15. Nancy Drew Treasure In A Royal Tower Dawn :kiss:
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 11:13 AM
06/03/04 11:13 AM
Joined: Jan 2002
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Grand wizard of high mucky muck
Grand wizard of high mucky muck
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Thanks again, my pithy hero! Touche Neverhood Gabriel Knight 2 Gabriel Knight 1 Broken Sword 1 Discworld 1 Discworld 2 The Longest Journey Duckman King's Quest 7 (The Princeless Bride) Quest for Glory 4 (Shadows of Darkness) Black Mirror Salammbo Shivers 1 Arthur's Knights 1
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/03/04 08:27 PM
06/03/04 08:27 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
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Okay, here's my 15: 1-Myst 2-Zork Nemesis 3-Lighthouse 4-Shivers 5-Dark Fall 6-Amber 7-Gabriel Knight 2 8-Siberia 9-Siberia 2 10-Longest Journey 11-Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive 12-Grim Fandango 13-Riven 14-Myst Exile 15-Morpheus
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 2004 List twist again...
06/04/04 10:21 AM
06/04/04 10:21 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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hunched over my computer
Wow, this is really hard. I think I have a list and then I read someone else's and remember a game I forgot! But here goes:
1. Riven 2. Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within 3. The Longest Journey 4. dark fall 5. Beyond Atlantis (Atlantis 2) 6. Syberia 7. Myst 8. Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred etc. 9. Amber, Journeys Beyond 10. Rhem 11. Syberia 2 12. Sanitarium 13. Morpheus 14. Runaway 15. Grim Fandango
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"