A little bit early as a surprise (and cos I have a big real life day

. Nearly 100 participants, and almost 200 games recommended. Its always fun and its always a pleasure.
Some final observations. Newish games picked up votes, no doubt as more people played them, which meant some games had to suffer. Notable in this respect were Zork Nemesis and Amber, which had their totals more than halved. It doesn’t mean they are any less good in their own right of course.
Some older games also notably picked up their recommendations. Lighthouse and Sanitarium were two such games, the latter no doubt benefiting from being re-released.
Good games of course just keep on keeping on. GK2, Myst, Riven and Grim Fandango were all in the top 5 in our original list and are still thereabouts this time.
Freeware games made an appearance for the first time, and some essentially backyard offerings (some of which did get commercial releases) did well, Dark Fall being the obvious standout.
50 games were mentioned that weren’t mentioned last year, many new but some quite old. Beneath a Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen were two of the latter.
Finally, there is a new top game, the 4th in 5 years, recommended by about 2/3 of all participants.
As always there is a numerical and an alphabetical list. I have taken some liberties with names to get series games together on the alphabetical list, and because of some personal foibles - I refuse to call the Schizm games Mysterious Journey 1 and 2. Errors are all my own.
And as I say every year, there are no losers here. Every game on this list made at least one participants top 15 recommendations.
Happy playing
68 Syberia
64 The Longest Journey
56 Dark Fall
48 Grim Fandango
42 Myst 2: Riven
41 Myst/RealMyst
38 Sanitarium
37 Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
37 Syberia 2
36 Myst 3: Exile
35 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
34 Black Mirror
30 Zork Grand Inquisitor
24 Amerzone
24 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
24 Timelapse
22 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
22 Morpheus
22 Obsidian
22 Shivers
21 Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure
20 Blackstone Chronicles
20 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
18 Atlantis 2
18 Lighthouse
18 Zork Nemesis
17 Neverhood
17 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
16 Discworld Noir
16 Black Dahlia
16 Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
16 Myst: Uru
16 Runaway
16 Schizm: Mysterious Journey
14 Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
13 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
12 Amber: Journeys Beyond
12 Faust
12 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
12 Phantasmagoria
12 Schizm 2: Chameleon
11 Day of the Tentacle
10 Post Mortem
10 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
9 Discworld
8 Byzantine: The Betrayal
8 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?
7 Journey to the Centre of the Earth
7 Last Express, The
7 Tex Murphy: Overseer
6 Atlantis 3
6 Bad Mojo
6 Dracula Resurrection
6 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
6 Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
6 Riddle of the Sphinx 2: The Omega Stone
6 Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo
6 Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls
5 Arthurs Knights 1: Tales of Chivalry
5 Callahans Crosstime Saloon
5 Dark Side of the Moon
5 Dig, The
5 Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
5 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
5 Jack the Ripper
5 Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
5 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
5 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
5 Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island
5 Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
5 Salaambo
5 Sam and Max Hit the Road
5 Simon the Sorcerer
4 7th Guest
4 Blade Runner
4 Deathgate
4 Eric the Unready
4 Full Throttle
4 Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy
4 Ripper
4 Temujin
3 Arrival, The
3 Bioscopia
3 Cameron Files: Loch Ness
3 Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm
3 Cydonia/Lightbringer
3 Dark Eye
3 Egypt 3: The Egyptian Prophecy
3 Harvest
3 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
3 Messenger/Louvre; The Final Curse
3 Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
3 Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
3 Phantasmagoria 2: Puzzle of Flesh
3 Physicus
3. Pilgrim 2: Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin
3 Reah
3 Simon the Sorcerer 2
3 Starship Titanic
3. Stupid Invaders
3 Titanic: Adventure out of Time
3 Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
3 Toonstruck
3 Zork: Return to Zork
2 11th Hour, A Quiet Weekend in Capri, Alida, Atlantis: The Lost Tales, Beneath a Steel Sky, Cassandra Galleries, Chemicus, Chronomaster, Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion, Connections: It’s a Mind Game, Conspiracies, Crystal Key, CSI, Duckman, Dust, Forgotten: It Begins, Hitchcock: The Final Cut, Inherent Evil, Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends, Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate, Loom, Nancy Drew: The Final Scene, Pepper’s Adventures in Time, Pilgrim, Rama, Road to India, Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Mummy, Traitors Gate, The Watchmaker, Zak Mackracken and the Alien Mind Benders, Zanzarah
1 A Case of the Crabs, Ace Ventura, Ark of Time, Arthurs Knights 2: Secrets of Merlin, Azrael’s Tear, Bad Milk, Beyond Time, Ceremony of Innocence, Comer, Crystal Skull, Cult, Dark Fall 2, Deep Space 9: Harbinger, Dragonsphere, Dragon Riders of Pern, Dreamweb, Ecoquest: The Search for Cetus, Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy, Feeble Files, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist, Gast, Gateway, Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria, Ghosts, Isabelle, Jack Orlando, Jazz and Faust, Law and Order: Double or Nothing, Liesure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work, Liesure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!, Maniac Mansion, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Mystery of the Druids, Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger, Nancy Drew: The Scarlet Hand, Outcast, Pandora’s Box, Pleurghberg: Dark Ages, Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a Hero, Quest for Glory 3: The Wages of War, Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness, Realms of the Haunting, Rent-a-Hero, Riddle of Master Liu, Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow, Secrets of the Luxor, Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories, Space Bar, Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation, Torins Passage, Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer, Twinsun’s Odyssey, Uninvited, Uru Live, Versailles, X Files, Zero Critical