2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/18/04 08:14 PM
06/18/04 08:14 PM
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Lets get it on There are rules, and they follow. I have been guided by the earlier posts when this list was being discussed. I may clarify as we go along. 1. You can recommend a maximum of 10 games, but you can recommend less. 2. You can't list a series, unless you use single votes for each game. 3. Expansion packs will be considered seperate games, on the basis that the original might be ordinary but an expansion pack superb. 4. Any game that is not pure adventure can be listed, irrespective of genre. 5. You don't have to indicate the type or genre, and you are not limited to any specific number of games in any genre. Go ahead and list 10 rpg's if you choose. We will keep the thread open for about 2 weeks. At the end of it all I will compile an alphabetical list and a numerical list, and with the help of Zanthia we will also categorise the games into genres. So without further ado, here is my humble contribution. Outcast System Shock 2 Realms of the Haunting Deus Ex Ceasar 3 Alpha Centauri Half Life Twinsuns Odyssey
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/18/04 08:36 PM
06/18/04 08:36 PM
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Here's mine 1-American McGees Alice 2-Clive Barker's Undying 3-PainKiller 4-Serious Sam 5-Ultimate Ride 6-Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 7-Rise of the Middle Kingdom 8-UnReal Tournament 2003 9-Cultures 10-RollerCoaster Tycoon
I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little. JohnBoy ----------------
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/18/04 08:38 PM
06/18/04 08:38 PM
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Here's mine: 1. Grand Prix Legends 2. Painkiller 3. Mafia 4. Splinter Cell 5. System Shock 2 6. Max Payne 1&2 7. Return To Castle Wolfenstein 8. Clive Barker's Undying 9. HalfLife Rusty 
Even monkeys fall from trees sometimes.
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/18/04 09:39 PM
06/18/04 09:39 PM
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Sonic Boomer
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Hi And mine.... Yahoo !! Reading posts from other members has jogged my memory for games I have played and traded on, so now I can list a whole TEN Might & Magic VI Baldur's Gate Planescape Torment Darkened Skye Diablo Hellfire Return to Krondor Dragon Riders Outcast Lands of Lore III Thanks for yet another mammoth undertaking and "all the best" for your move Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 01:22 AM
06/19/04 01:22 AM
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some great listings already!
Gimme, all 3 avernum games-wow I am impressed. Curious which one did you like best. in case you didn't know, blades of avernum just got released.
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 01:41 AM
06/19/04 01:41 AM
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Planescape: Torment Betrayal at Krondor Anachronox Septerra core Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Deus Ex Morrowind Star Wars - KOTOR Lands of Lore Rollercoaster Tycoon
That's what I have off the top of my head, I'll probably see something I have missed when I see other people's lists.
Here we go again! Here we go go go!
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 03:40 AM
06/19/04 03:40 AM
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Thanks again, Flotsam!
1. Divine Divinity 2. Might and Magic VI 3. Might and Magic VII 4. Might and Magic VIII 5. Zanzarah 6. Enclave 7. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 8. Ghost Master 9. Morrowind 10. Beyond Divinity Honorable mention: ROTH, Europa 1400, Anachronox, Betrayal in Antara, Dragonriders of Pern, Rollercoaster Tycoon
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 03:56 AM
06/19/04 03:56 AM
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Aaaah! Dark Side Twisty! Let's not forget who came up with that great name! Sample the following: Anachronox Diablo II Dungeon Siege Neverwinter Nights Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate II Divine Divinity Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Might & Magic VI Zeus
"Your voice is Ambroooosia"
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Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 06:33 AM
06/19/04 06:33 AM
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great gratitude for doing this flotsam!  for Zanthia's offer to seperate into catagories.. Here's my humble list in no particular order other the #1: #1 Divine Divinity Baldur Gate I Morrowind Morrowind-Blood Moon Beyond Divinity- Enclave-still playing but love it Zanzarah Diablo I-still playing but love it Sacred-for the ease of playing Realms of the Haunting Ingie 
playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 09:39 AM
06/19/04 09:39 AM
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This is so exciting - I actually have games to list this time - who da thunk it??? Divine Divinity Morrowind Anachronox Outcast Quest for Glory IV Quest for Glory I Quest for Glory V Quest for Glory III Sacred Beyond Divinity
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 10:56 AM
06/19/04 10:56 AM
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Here's my list: - Morrowind - Tribunal (Morrowind expansion) - Bloodmoon (Morrowind expansion) - Divine Divinity - Baldur's Gate 1 - Tales of the Sword Coast (BG1 expansion) - Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn - Throne of Bhaal (BG2 expansion) - Dragon Lore 2 Many bows to Flotsam for compiling the list, Zanthia for sorting, and Schwab for the name. 
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 02:33 PM
06/19/04 02:33 PM
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1)Zanzarah 2)Max Payne 2 3)Tomb Raider 1 4)Tomb Raider 2 5)Tomb Raider 3 6)Dungeon Siege 7)Dungeon Siege-Legend of Aranna 8)Harry Potter 2 9)Ghostmaster 10)American McGee's Alice.
I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 06:08 PM
06/19/04 06:08 PM
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I think we should try and stick to pc games Jude, particularly as that is the way people have started.
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/19/04 08:47 PM
06/19/04 08:47 PM
Joined: Aug 2006
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Well, here's my short list (In no particular order) Realms of the Haunting System Shock 2 Thief: The Dark Project Thief II: The Metal Age Thief: Deadly Shadows Morrowind Rollercoaster Tycoon Divine Divinity Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Jedi Academy Edit: Why in the world has nobody mentioned the famous Thief games, yet? Am I the only fan of the series left on the board? 
Lvl 55 Hunter in WOW
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/20/04 08:37 AM
06/20/04 08:37 AM
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1. Lands of Lore 1 2. Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption 3. Clive Barker's Undying 4. Might & Magic 7 5. Wizardry 7 (CODS) 6. Might & Magic 6 7. Anvil of Dawn 8. Quest for Glory 4 9. Wizards & Warriors 10. Quest for Glory 2
"Christof, do not play with thy food. 'tis unseemly".
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/20/04 09:48 AM
06/20/04 09:48 AM
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Here's Mine... Not in any order.. 1. Prince of Persia 3D 2. Splinter Cell [one] 3. Deus Ex [one] 4. Mask of Eternity 5. Quest for Glory, Dragonfire 6. Nightlong [?] 7. 007 Nightfire 8. Auryn Quest [?] 9. Outcast [still playing] 10 Traitors Gate [one]
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/20/04 11:32 AM
06/20/04 11:32 AM
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Sonic Boomer
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Hi Syd I hope not !! 'Cause I edited mine !! [I can't see how it would matter before the "end" date ??] And I didn't include QFG myself - in case it wasn't countable - but then found I could make 10 anyway !! Which I found amazing 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/20/04 02:59 PM
06/20/04 02:59 PM
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Here's mine. BTW they are not in any order: 1. Baldur's Gate 2. Baldur's Gate Shadows of Amn 3. Arcanum 4. Realms of the Haunting 5. Morrowind 6. Divine Divinity 7. Nox 8. Dungeon Seige 9. Neverwinter Nights 10.Icewind Dale Honorable Mention: All the Baldur's Gate Series/Expansion Packs All the Neverwinter Nights series Dungeon Seige LOA Arx Fatalis All the Diablo Series Planescape Torment Icewind Dale II
Re: 2004 The Dark Side Twisty List!
06/20/04 03:00 PM
06/20/04 03:00 PM
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I haven't been playing that long, so don't have much of a list. My favorites are:
Divine Divinity Beyond Divinity Zanzarah American Magee's Alice
Playing "World of Warcraft", "Oblivion",and "Silent Hill 2"