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2005 The List - What to play next #95104
05/27/05 08:53 PM
05/27/05 08:53 PM
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Long Beach, Australia
flotsam Offline OP
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Here we are again. Doesn't time fly.
For new members, the aim of this thread is to compile a list of adventure game recommendations from the collected wisdom of us all. It is intended to be a resource to help people decide what game to play next.
Its also a bit of fun.
When I first joined GB, my best source of game recommendations was other boomers. I had no idea there were so many adventure games. I wanted to find out what was good and what I should play. The resulting list, and lists for each subsequent year, are the collected wisdom of all participating boomers.
You bet to list 15 games that you would recommend to someone to play in this day and age. They are not necessarily your own favourite 15 games but they might be. You might however decide to recommend a cross-section of styles or types. You might love a particular game but believe it is too much a product of your own idiosyncracies to recommend, or you might not recommend it because it is notoriously hard to get running on anything later than a 386 machine. There is no rule that says you can’t recommend such games; it is up to you.
No game is excluded, if it meets the criteria of being an adventure game. We all know what that is when we see it, so don’t get too hung up on criteria.
There are some rules though:

1. You can recommend a maximum of 15 games. You can choose to recommend less.
2. You cannot recommend a series. If you want to recommend all the Tex Murphy games, that will take 5 seperate recommendations, one for each game.
3. Myst and RealMyst will be counted as one game.
4. Uru and its add ons will be counted as one game.
5. Adventure games only please (other games get there own list later).

The thread stays open for about three weeks, and I will post intermittent updates. It is always compulsory to get more posts than the year before.
So here to get things started are my 15 recommendations.

The Longest Journey
GK2: The Beast Within
Syberia 2
Myst Revelation
Dark Fall
BS3: The Sleeping Dragon
Blackstone Chronicles
Zork Grand Inquisitor
The Dark Eye
The Neverhood

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95105
05/27/05 09:44 PM
05/27/05 09:44 PM
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Mad Offline
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Hi smile

Thanks for this thread Flotsam thumbsup

Gabriel Knight Sins of the Father
Gabriel Knight Beast Within
Discworld II
Broken Sword
Broken Sword II
Lost Files Sherlock case of Rose Tattoo
Simon the Sorcerer
Kings Quest V
Kings Quest VI
Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis
Legend of Kyrandia
Journeyman III Legacy of Time
The Black Mirror


Mad wave

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95106
05/27/05 10:00 PM
05/27/05 10:00 PM


Here's my favorite games

Blackstone Chronicles
Black Mirror
Cameron Files (Loch Ness)
CSI (Dark Motives)
Egyptian Prophecy
Hitchcock- The Final Scene
Jack the Ripper
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Secret of Shadow Ranch
Danger on Deception Island
Law & Order 3
Syberia 1

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95107
05/27/05 10:36 PM
05/27/05 10:36 PM
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This is my first one of these, so here goes

Dark Fall
Uru: Ages of Myst
Riddle of The Sphinx
Post Mortem
Mission Critical
Aura Fate of Ages
The Longest Journey
The Black Mirror
Beyond Atlantis
Jack Orlando Directors' Cut

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95108
05/27/05 11:31 PM
05/27/05 11:31 PM
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Here's my list.

Blackstone Chronicles
Black Dahlia
Still Life
Dark Fall
Jack the Ripper
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within
Phantasmagoria 1
Zork Nemesis
Myst IV Revelation
Last Half of Darkness
Syberia 2

<3 I am in love with Norman Reedus/Daryl Dixon <3
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95109
05/27/05 11:32 PM
05/27/05 11:32 PM
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Gamehound Offline
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Blackstone Chronicles
Dark Fall II: Lights Out
Phantasmagoria 1
Dracula II: The Last Sanctuary
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight II: The Beast Within
Callahans Crosstime Saloon
The Crystal Key II
WANTED: A Wild Western Adventure
RedJack: Revenge of the Brethren
Sherlock Holmes: Mystery of the Mummy
The Cameron Files 2: Pharaoh's Curse
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
Ace Ventura
Full Throttle


Can't find those rare adventures? Come visit me here for the tactics I use.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95110
05/28/05 12:04 AM
05/28/05 12:04 AM
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Myst 3: Exile
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
Beyond Atlantis (aka Atlantis 2)
Schizm 2 (aka Mysterious Journey 2 or Chameleon)
Secret of Monkey Island
Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight 2

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95111
05/28/05 12:13 AM
05/28/05 12:13 AM
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This is very very hard. lol Can I edit as I remember others I loved even more? Just kidding, Flotsam, I don't want to drive you crazy.

Not in order of preference:

1. Still Life
2. Phantasmagoria 1
3. Gabriel Knight 2 (Beast Within)
4, The Longest Journey
5. Black Dahlia
6. Obsidian
7. Dark Fall 1 (The Journal)
8. Morpheus
9. Syberia 2
10. Blackstone Chronicles
11. Sanitarium
12. Jack the Ripper
13. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
14. Return to Zork
15. Phantasmagoria 2 (Puzzle of the Flesh)

I feel like I betrayed some of my best friends by not mentioning them. cry smile


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95112
05/28/05 02:54 AM
05/28/05 02:54 AM
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nickie Offline
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Aw Melanie, don't cry . I know what you mean though - I'm leaving some off because although they are personal favorites, they're too hard to find or to get to play with these newer computers, like Master of Dimensions( razz flotsam, I got it in print anyway). Without further ado:

Discworld 1
Discworld 2
Gabriel Knight 1
Gabriel Knight 2
The Moment of Silence
The Longest Journey
Broken Sword 1 (Circle of Blood)
The Crystal Skull
King's Quest 7
Return to Zork
Arthur's Knights 1
Black Mirror

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95113
05/28/05 06:07 AM
05/28/05 06:07 AM
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1. Darkfall 1 (The Journal)
2. Black Dahlia
3. Gabriel Knight 1 (Sins of the Fathers)
4. Gabriel Knight 2 (Beast Within)
5. Phantasmagoria 1
6. Phantasmagoria 2
7. The Longest Journey
8. Simon the Sorcerer 1
9. Simon the Sorcerer 2
10. Dracula 2 (The Last Sanctuary)
11. Broken Sword 1
12. Discworld Noir
13. Amerzone
14. Kings Quest 7
15. Mystery of the Druids

Phew...that took some deciding, I could have gone on and on and on lol

Sue laugh

If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95114
05/28/05 07:19 AM
05/28/05 07:19 AM
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kwbridge Offline
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Return to Mysterious Island
King's Quest VI
Myst IV
Black Dahlia
Still Life
Dark Fall
Curse of Monkey Island
Zork Nemesis
The Longest Journey
Grim Fandango
Broken Sword
Discworld Noir
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Journeyman Project III: The Legacy of Time

(Anti) Social Development
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95115
05/28/05 08:10 AM
05/28/05 08:10 AM
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Sentinel, descendants in time
Syberia II
Black Mirror
Longest Journey
Riddle of the Sphinx II Omega Stone
Schizm I
Zork Nemesis
Myst III Exile
Myst IV Revelation
Dark Fall, The Journal

Thanks Flotsam lol

Chief wave

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95116
05/28/05 09:45 AM
05/28/05 09:45 AM
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Betty Lou Offline
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Here's my list:
Uru Ages of Myst, D'ni & POTS
Shivers 1
The Arrival
Beyond Time
Byzantine, The Betrayal
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Dark Fall The Journal
Dark Side of the Moon
Grim Fandango
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Of The Mummy
The Longest Journey
The Riddle of the Sphinx
Dragonriders of Pern
There were at least 5 others I would have recommended but the rules are "only 15".
(re-edited May 29th)
Love, Betty Lou laugh

I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95117
05/28/05 10:16 AM
05/28/05 10:16 AM
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tigger Offline
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OK this year I'm going to wing it... probably the best way to get a true list out of me!!!

Gabriel Knight 2
Longest Journey
Dark Fall
Syberia 2
Myst 3 Exile
Starship Titanic
Grim Fandango
Phantasmagoria 2
Nancy Drew Ghost dogs of Moon lake

Tig wave

A bounce a day keeps the doctor away!!
Playing Sims2, Sherlock, Phantom of Venice
Reading Storm Breaking
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95118
05/28/05 10:44 AM
05/28/05 10:44 AM
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Here are my recommendation praise

Dark Fall
Riddle of the Sphinx
Zork Nemesis
Pandoras Directive
Still Life
Discworld Noir
The Beast Within
Blackstone Chronicles
The Last Express
Dark Fall Lights Out
Full Throttle


ON:Ether One Redux
Recent:Stasis,Gabriel Knight3(RP),Gabriel Knight2(RP),Barrow Hill D P,Syberia2(RP),Secret Files P C,Inner World,Eyes Of Ara
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95119
05/28/05 11:08 AM
05/28/05 11:08 AM
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Just a question -- Is Uru Complete Chronicles considered a compilation of separate games (you have to vote separately for Ages of Myst, To D'ni, and Path of the Shell the way Betty Lou did). Or is it really one game? (Betty Lou could just vote for Uru, which opens up two other slots for her to vote.)

My list is narrowed down to 16. Agonizing. help

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95120
05/28/05 11:39 AM
05/28/05 11:39 AM
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Personally, I'd consider Uru Complete Chronicles one game. The Ages Beyond Myst portion is really the only bit with a real beginning, middle and ending, IMHO. The other bits are expansion packs, and I would make a distinction between an "expansion pack" and a "game." (tho on the other hand, while I'd certainly recommend Uru Ages Beyond, including POTS makes me have second thoughts....)

So here's my list, anyway (which starts oddly similar to Flotsam's, I notice...)

GK2: The Beast Within
The Longest Journey
Beyond Atlantis (Atlantis 2)
GK1: Sins of the Fathers
Aura, Fate of the Ages
GK3: Blood of the Sacred etc.
Amber, Journeys Beyond
Uru Complete Chronicles
Curse of Monkey Island


"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95121
05/28/05 12:36 PM
05/28/05 12:36 PM
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judith Offline
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Well, here goes;

1. Myst iv Revelation
2. Still Life
3. Moment of Silence
4. The Longest Journey
5. Alida
6. Journey to the Center of the Earth
7. Mysterious Journey 11
8. Aura Fate of the Ages
9. Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
10. Gabriel Knight: Blood of the Sacred
11. Black Dahlia
12. Syberia
13. Syberia 2
14. Blade Runner
15. Black Mirror

That was really hard. I love all my games, & replay them more than once. Judy

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95122
05/28/05 12:48 PM
05/28/05 12:48 PM
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Still Life
The Secret of Monkey Island
Discworld Noir
The Longest Journey
Runaway: A Road Adventure
Grim Fandango
Simon the Sorcerer
The Day of the Tentacle
Broken Sword 1
Discworld 1
The Black Mirror
The Moment of Silence
The Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Beneath a Steel Sky

Life is one big Adventure Game
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95123
05/28/05 02:02 PM
05/28/05 02:02 PM
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Here's my list:
1)Gabriel Knight the Beast Within
2)Lost Eden
4)Syberia 2
5)Zork Grand Inquisitor
7)Phantasmagoria Puzzle of Flesh
8)The Black Mirror
9)The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
11)Grim Fandango
12)Beyond Atlantis
14)The Feeble Files
15)Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phangoria

" If Cornoil Comes From Corn
Where Doe's Babyoil Come From "
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95124
05/28/05 03:13 PM
05/28/05 03:13 PM
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OK, this is my first list too, so here goes.

Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight - Blood of the Sacred
URU Complete Chronicles
The Dig
The Longest Journey
Broken Sword
Dark Fall 1 - The Journal
Schizm 2 - Chameleon
Post Mortem
Broken Sword 1
MYST IV Revelation
The Moment of Silence
Full Throttle

Well, that's it. I'm going to stop changing my mind, it really is quite hard to come up with just 15. Thanks a lot Flotsam.

Teresa laugh

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95125
05/28/05 03:15 PM
05/28/05 03:15 PM
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Myst Revelation
Syberia 1
Syberia 2
Grim Fandango
Return to Mysterious Island
Black Mirror
Still life
Atlantis 2
Dark fall
A quiet weekend in capri
Nancy Drew Danger on Deception Island

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95126
05/28/05 04:59 PM
05/28/05 04:59 PM
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Beyond Atlantis
Myst Exile
Syberia II
The Egyptian Prophecy
Mysterious Journey Chamelion
Black Mirror
Crystal Key II
Darkfall Lights Out
Return To Mysterious Island
Beyond Atlantis II

Working on Zork Nemesis now.

There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.

William Butler Yeats
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95127
05/28/05 05:01 PM
05/28/05 05:01 PM
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Beyond Atlantis
I have no mouth and I must scream
Inherent Evil
Still Life
Black Mirror
Jack the Ripper
Black Dhalia
Blackstone Chronicles
Riddle of the Sphinx
Phantasmagoria-Pray its only a nightmare
Dracula the Last Sanctuary

Sometimes lost is where you need to be. Just because you don't know your direction doesn't mean you don't have one.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95128
05/28/05 05:19 PM
05/28/05 05:19 PM
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Thank you flotsam for taking this on again. Did you have any idea what you were getting yourself into when you did the first one??!!

I don't seem to have many new favorites to add on to the list this year, but I've not played Still Life yet and I see that is a favorite of a lot of gamers.

1. Syberia
2. The Longest Journey
3. Syberia II
4. Myst
5. Riven
6. Exile
7. Myst Revelation
8. The Black Mirror
9. Atlantis II
10. Shivers
11. Timelapse
12. Gabriel Knight II
13. Black Dahlia
14. Amerzone
15. Dracula Resurrection


Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95129
05/28/05 08:34 PM
05/28/05 08:34 PM
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colpet Offline
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Myst Exile
Dark Fall
Zork Nemesis
Black Dahlia
Riddle of the Sphinx
Beyond Atlantis
Tex Murphy Pandora Directive
Gabriel Knight 2 Beast Within

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95130
05/28/05 09:29 PM
05/28/05 09:29 PM
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Are you sure we can’t make it 50 instead of 15, Flotsam? I always feel like I'm leaving out old friends. Well, anyway, here's mine:

Beyond Atlantis
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
Lighthouse: The Dark Being
Myst III: Exile
Myst IV: Revelation
Riddle of the Sphinx
Starship Titanic
Zork Grand Inquisitor

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95131
05/28/05 10:46 PM
05/28/05 10:46 PM
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Still Life
Jack the Ripper
Real Myst
Realms of the Haunting
Black Dahlia
Broken Sword Smoking Mirror
Black Mirror
Dark Fall Lights Out
The 11th Hour
Jazz and Faust

Brick walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage. Give no thought of tomorrow, today was tomorrow and tomorrow will be today.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95132
05/28/05 11:08 PM
05/28/05 11:08 PM
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looney Offline
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Aaaahhh,,thank you Flotsam! You rock! Really, thnaks for doing this, I look forward to this every year!!! praise

Still Life
The Longest Journey
Blackstone Chronicles
DarkFall2: Lights Out
Black Mirror
Journeyman Project3: Legacy of Time
Blade Runner
Jazz and Faust
Curse of Monkey Island
CSI ( the first one)
Paris 1313
Black Dahlia

I want to put Zanzarah on this list, since it's a hybrid of so many genres, can it qualify? whistle

Banana phone!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95133
05/29/05 02:11 AM
05/29/05 02:11 AM
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My list, in no particular order........ happydance

1. Black Mirror
2. Morpheus
3. Amber Journeys Beyond
4. Syberia
5. Blackstone Chronicles
6. Still Life
7. Dark Fall 1 The Journal
8. Dark Fall 2 Lights Out
9. Shivers
10. Inherent Evil
11. Phantasmagoria
12. Clue Chronicles Fatal Illusion
13. Wild Wild West The Steel Assassin
14. Nancy Drew Treasure In A Royal Tower
15. Nancy Drew Message In A Haunted Mansion

It's so hard to narrow it down to just 15!

Dawn thumbsup

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95134
05/29/05 08:07 AM
05/29/05 08:07 AM
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My 15 cents:

Longest Journey
Grim Fandango
Zork Nemesis
Myst Revelation
Syberia 2
Death Gate
Myst Exile
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Pandora Directive

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95135
05/29/05 11:36 AM
05/29/05 11:36 AM
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This was painful as well...I hated to cut out some of my old favorites frown

Blackstone Chronicles
Syberia 1
Syberia 2
The Moment of Silence
Discworld Noir
Runaway - A Road Adventure
Egyptian Prophecy
Broken Sword Shadow of the Templars
Broken Sword, Sleeping Dragon
Broken Sword, Smoking Mirror
Last Half of Darkness
Grim Fandango
Black Mirror

Thanx flotsam praise
Ana wave

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95136
05/29/05 12:36 PM
05/29/05 12:36 PM
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Ok- its my first time- so be gentle- thanks

CSI Crime Scene Investigation
CSI Dark Motives
7th Guest
11th hour
Shivers 2
Myst 4 Revelation
Starship Titanic
Beyond Atlantis II
Dark Fall
Dark Fall Light Out

It never bodes well to leave a live dragon out of your calculations-
J.R.R Tolkien
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95137
05/29/05 03:09 PM
05/29/05 03:09 PM
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housewife Offline
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My List..

1*Still Life
3*Dracula:The Last Sancuary
4*Black Dahila
5*DarkFall 2
7*The Moment of Silence
9*Syberia 2
10* Sentinel
11*Black Mirror
12*Myst: Revelations
14*Post Mortem
15*Aura:Fate of the Ages

Liz laugh

Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95138
05/29/05 08:55 PM
05/29/05 08:55 PM
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Yipee! Me likes making lists! Ere we go!

1.Syberia 2
2.Beyond Atlantis 2
3.Beyond Atlantis
4.Dracula Resurection
5.The Cameron Files 2, Pharaoh's Curse
7.Dracula 2, The Last Sactuary
8.The Cameron Files, Secret at Loch Ness
9.The X-Files
10.Shadow of Destiny
11.The Longest Journey
13.Nancy Drew, Ghost Dogs of Moonlake
14.Nancy Drew, Secret of the Scarlet Hand
15.Nancy Drew, The Final Scene

May you all find many new, excellent, and scruptous (with just a hint of garlic) games this year! Appy Gamin! happydance

Playing: Barrow Hill,Lights Out, Authur's Kights,Titanic, Traitors Gate,Escape from Monkey Island,Haunting Ground.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95139
05/29/05 09:05 PM
05/29/05 09:05 PM
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
The Longest Journey
Syberia II
Still Life
The Moment of Silence
Egyptian Prophesy
Stupid Invaders
Broken Sword
Broken Sword III
Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95140
05/29/05 09:07 PM
05/29/05 09:07 PM
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near Yosemite
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1. Toonstruck
2. Pandora Directive
3. Gabriel Knight 2 The Beast Within
4. Longest Journey
5. Zork Grand Inquisitor
6. Sanitarium
7. Arthur's Knights 1
8. Curse of Monkey Island
9. Death Gate
10. Syberia
11. Sherlock Holmes Case of the Rose Tattoo
12. Discworld
13. Discworld 2
14. Blackstone Chronicles
15. Dust a Tale of the Wired West

Really tough to narrow it down, and there are many more favorites where that came from. Thank you, Flotsam, for doing this once again. smile

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95141
05/29/05 10:34 PM
05/29/05 10:34 PM
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Guess I'm still stuck on the old faves, haven't completed any of the new (newer?) games in almost a year that could replace them.

Journeyman III Legacy of Time
Zork Nemesis
Broken Sword 1- Circle of Blood
Broken Sword II- Smoking Mirror
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Myst III - Exile
Beyond Atlantis
The Neverhood
Callahans Crosstime Saloon

Granny Goodwitch

A woman NEVER shot a man while he was doing dishes!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95142
05/30/05 01:35 PM
05/30/05 01:35 PM
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Thanks again Flotsam :kiss:

Zork, Grand Inquisitor
Broken Sword, Circle of Blood
Broken Sword, Smoking Mirrow
Gabriel Knight, Beast Within
Gabriel Knight, Blood of the Sacred
Return to Mysterious Island
Longest Journey
Journeyman Project 3, Legacy of Time
Tex Murphy, Overseer
Cameron Files, Loch Ness
Cameron Files, Pharaohs Curse wave

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95143
05/30/05 04:51 PM
05/30/05 04:51 PM
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Myst III: Exile
Myst IV: Revelation
Shadow of Destiny
Tony Tough and the night of Roasted Moths
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Grim Fandango
Sherlock Holmes: Silver Earring
Dark Fall
The Longest Journey
Mysterious Journey 2: Chameleon

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95144
05/30/05 04:58 PM
05/30/05 04:58 PM
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Hi there,
Well we are off to a good start. I will start counting today and post a little summary of where we are at tonight smile

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95145
05/30/05 08:05 PM
05/30/05 08:05 PM
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This is so tough because some of the classic games that I would say everyone should play just don't hold up graphically to todays standards. So here goes with my favorites:

1. Gabriel Knight 2 The Beast Within
2. Discworld 1
3. Discworld 2
4. LeChucks Revenge Monkey Island 2
5. The Longest Journey
6. Syberia
7. The Black Mirror
8. Curse of Monkey Island Monkey Island 3
9. Broken Sword 1 Circle of Blood
10. Simon the Sorcerer 2 The Lion,the Wizard and the Wardrobe
11. Day of the Tenacle Maniac Mansion 2
12. Legend of Kyrandia Book 1
13. Secret of Monkey Island Monkey Island 1
14. Simon the Sorcerer 1
15. Runaway A Road Adventure

I also want to list the games I left off since they are older and not up to the graphic standards of todays games. These games might be older but they are well worth playing if you have missed them.
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders-
Awesome Puzzles.
The Dig- Excellent music and atmosphere.
Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
Challenging puzzles and funny voice acting.
Grim Fandango- A classic.
Fable- Short but fun.
Kings Quest 2- An oldie but goodie.
Kings Quest 7- Sierra games were always fun.
Dracula 1 & 2- I especially loved 2.
Space Quest Series- Monkey Island/Discworld
humor mixed with wicked puzzles.

happydance bravo

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95146
05/31/05 04:39 AM
05/31/05 04:39 AM
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1.Gabriel Knight 3
2.CSI Miami
3.CSI Dark Motives
4.Laura Bow Dagger of Amon Ra
5.Monkey Island 3
6.Discworld Noir
7.Dark Fall
8.Dark Fall 2
9.Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
10.The Longest Journey
15.Gabriel Knight 1


I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95147
05/31/05 05:18 AM
05/31/05 05:18 AM
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Taking the plunge:

Discworld Noir
Aura Fate of the Ages
Grim Fandango
Auryn Quest
Amber Journey Beyond
Mystery of the Druids
Broken Sword
Still Life

happy trails,

Carolyn Pop in and say hi!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95148
05/31/05 06:39 AM
05/31/05 06:39 AM
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Longest Journey
Monkey Island 1
Monkey Island 2
Monkey Island 3
Discworld 1
Discworld 2
Simon The Sorcerer 1
Simon The Sorcerer 2
The Beast Within
Black Mirror
Day Of The Tenacle
Kyrandia 1
Broken Sword 1

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95149
05/31/05 07:54 AM
05/31/05 07:54 AM
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an Illinois cornfield
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ARGH!!!! So hard.... woozy

1. Faust
2. Syberia 2
3. Dark Fall 1
4. The Neverhood
5. Zork Grand Inquisitor
6. Obsidian
7. The Longest Journey
8. Shivers
9. Arthur's Knights (either one)
10. Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
11. Nightlong
12. Sanitarium
13. Discworld Noir
14. Grim Fandango
15. Alida

laugh Love, Jen laugh

It's a hard-knock life. Wear wooden underwear.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95150
05/31/05 08:12 AM
05/31/05 08:12 AM
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My list, it's my first time.

This list is not updated, as I have not
played the newest games (from the last half
year yet and also many others that I did not
had time to play)

  • 1. The Black Mirror
    2. Blackstone Chronicles
    3. Sanitarium
    4. Syberia 1
    5. Broken Sword 1
    6. Dark Fall
    7. Post Mortem
    8. Jack the Ripper
    9. Dark Fall 2
    10. Alone in the dark 4
    11. Mystery of the Mummy
    12. Faust
    13. Amerzone
    14. Runaway
    15. Zork grand inquisitor


Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95151
05/31/05 09:08 AM
05/31/05 09:08 AM
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1. Sanitarium
2. The Blackstone Chronicles
3. Zork Grand Inquisitor
4. Zork Nemesis
5. Timelapse
6. Morpheus
7. Alfred Hitchcock The Final Cut
8. Dark Fall
9. Shivers 1
12.Midnight Nowhere
13.Circle of Blood

It's hard to narrow it down to 15!

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95152
05/31/05 12:02 PM
05/31/05 12:02 PM
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Here's my list (in no particular order, except NEVERHOOD is always #1!)

1. Neverhood
2. Grim Fandango
3. Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
4. Blackstone Chronicles
5. Morpheus
6. Amber Journey Beyond
7. King's Quest VI
8. Sanitarium
9. Ripper
10. Ceremony of Innocence
11. Discworld I
12. The Longest Journey
13. Nancy Drew Final Scene
14. Phantasmagoria I
15. Leisure Suit Larry VII

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95153
05/31/05 12:35 PM
05/31/05 12:35 PM
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Here's mine in no particular order
Dark Side of the Moon
The Longest Journey
The Pandora Directive
Moment of Silence
Legend Of Kyrandia 2
Still Life
King's Quest 2
King's Quest 6
Gabriel Knight 2
Space Quest 3
Freddy Pharkas

You laugh because I'm different
I laugh because you're all the same

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95154
05/31/05 04:57 PM
05/31/05 04:57 PM
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Sorry for the delay. I was just counting the tallys and saw the query re Uru.
I will count Uru and its add ons as one game; Uru Chronicles.
I will amend the rules at the start.

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95155
05/31/05 05:23 PM
05/31/05 05:23 PM
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Thanks flotsam!

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95156
06/01/05 02:45 AM
06/01/05 02:45 AM
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Hi all,
Pithy insights and summaries follow.
Nearly 160 games nominated so far, including 30 or so that weren't mentioned at all last year.
The Myst series of games are the most recommended across a whole series, and considering its comparatively short life (and the fact that it remains unavailable to many of us) Still Life is doing well.
Black Mirror, Dark Fall, TLJ, GK2 and Syberia have already been recommended by at least 20 boomers.
Good to see Ico, Ceremony of Innocence and Shadow of Destiny have been mentioned (I reserve to myself the luxury of editorialising), but the cockroach is yet to be seen.
Black is the colour of choice, and Dark is much preferred to Light.
Sleeping Dragons are preferred to the riding kind, but not by much, and clocks appear to be on the outer, but cursing is admired by many.
Several boomers frequent the saloon, but none the bar, and so far we prefer our titanics in space.
Stay tuned woozy

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95157
06/01/05 07:10 AM
06/01/05 07:10 AM
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metzomagic Offline
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flotsam, hi,

Not sure if the order matters, so I'll put them in order just in case:

1. Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
2. The Pandora Directive
3. Realms of the Haunting
4. Day of the Tentacle
5. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
6. Myst
7. Monkey Island 2: Le'Chuck's Revenge
8. The Last Express
9. Riven
10. The Moment of Silence
11. Discworld Noir
12. The Longest Journey
13. Under a Killing Moon
14. Dark Fall: The Journal
15. Morpheus

Also not sure that you will classify Realms of the Haunting as adventure, but what the hey evil


Now playing:
Paradise Killer

Running very old games on Windows 10? Then visit Steve's Legacy Games Corner!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95158
06/01/05 08:03 AM
06/01/05 08:03 AM
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cry I haven't been playing long enough to come up with 15 games I would recommend, but I'll add my 10 cents worth anyway...

1. The Longest Journey
2. Black Mirror
3. Sanitarium
4. Riddle of the Sphinx
5. Syberia
6. Cameron Files-The Pharaoh's Curse
7. Jack the Ripper
8. Cameron Files-Loch Ness
9. Nancy Drew-Treasure in the Royal Tower
10. Nancy Drew-The Final Scene
11. Dark Fall-The Journal
12. Return to Mysterious Island
13. (For the kiddie Boomers) Scooby-Doo-Showdown in Ghost Town

Winkie wave

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95159
06/01/05 08:24 AM
06/01/05 08:24 AM
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I liked the editorializing! I'm a bit surprised myself by the absence of the cockroach.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95160
06/01/05 09:16 AM
06/01/05 09:16 AM
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1. Myst IV: Revelation
2. Riven
3. Uru
4. The Longest Journey
5. Syberia 1
6. Syberia 2
7. Still Life
8. Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
9. Runaway
10. Black Mirror
11. Sanitarium
12. Lighthouse
13. Shivers
14. Broken Sword 3
15. Blackstone Chronicles

Thanks flotsam! smile

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95161
06/01/05 07:30 PM
06/01/05 07:30 PM
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fildil Offline
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Well, for what it's worth here are my picks (in no particular order)

1. Gabriel Knight 2
2. Gabriel Knight 3
3. Sanitarium
4. Dark Fall 1
5. Syberia 1
6. Syberia 2
7. The Longest Journey
8. Discworld Noir
9. Grim Fandango
10. Broken Sword 1
11. Broken Sword 2
13. Tex Murphy - Pandora Directive
14. CSI Miami
15. Zork Nemesis



There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. Oscar Levant
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95162
06/01/05 11:38 PM
06/01/05 11:38 PM
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Heres my list.....

1 Riven
2 Syberia 1
3 Syberia 2
4 Blackstone Chronicles
6 Myst#4
7 Aura
8 Night long
9 Dracula Resurrection
10 Morpheus
11 Amerzone
12 Sanitarium
13 Shivers
14 Grim Fandango
15 Lighthouse

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95163
06/02/05 01:19 AM
06/02/05 01:19 AM
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If its adventure to you metzo then its adventure to me smile

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95164
06/02/05 07:52 AM
06/02/05 07:52 AM
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{not in any order}
1. Shivers
2. Shivers 2
3. Lighthouse
4. Pandora Directive
5. Overseer
6. Uru
7. Syberia
8. Syberia 2
9. Kings Quest 8
10. Aura
11. Auryn Quest
12. Schizm
13. Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs
14. Outcast
15. Gabriel Knight 3

{and a whole bunch more!} smile

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95165
06/02/05 08:43 PM
06/02/05 08:43 PM
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Hi all,
One week down, 2 to go.
Top 3 so far are Syberia, TLJ and Dark Fall.
Keep those recommendations coming smile

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95166
06/03/05 01:36 AM
06/03/05 01:36 AM
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Well, in my list there have been some shifts, but some have stayed right up there. SYBERIA II missed out because of my preference for 1st person, puzzle-laden, look-all-around-up-and-down games, though it comes up pretty high because of the plot and the great scenery. Anyway, my list:

10.. FAUST

I had to leave off some very good ones, such as RAMA, REAH, MYST, OBSIDIAN, LIGHTHOUSE, BLACKSTONE CHRONICLES, SYBERIA II, AND SANITARIUM, but that's how it goes when only 15 are allowed. laugh

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95167
06/03/05 02:07 AM
06/03/05 02:07 AM
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Nice to see avp wave

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95168
06/03/05 08:00 AM
06/03/05 08:00 AM
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I used to try and put these in order, but its niggling to decided whether Broken Sword 3 is better than Broken Sword 2. So I am listing them as they occur to me.

Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Darkfall 1
Darkfall 2
Traitors Gate 1
Broken Sword 1
Broken Sword 2
Broken Sword 3
Grim Fandango
The Longest Journey
Egypt II
Pandora's Box

"I could help you if I had my salmon"
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95169
06/03/05 11:10 AM
06/03/05 11:10 AM
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In no particular order:
2-Zork Nemesis
3-Shivers I
5-The Longest Journey
7-Gabriel Knight: Beast Within
8-Amber: Journeys Beyond
9-Grim Fandango
10-Myst Exile
11-Dark Fall I
12-Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive

The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95170
06/03/05 11:55 AM
06/03/05 11:55 AM
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1 - The Longest Journey
2 - Syberia
3 - King's Quest 5
4 - King's Quest 6
5 - Grim Fandango
6 - Gabriel Knight 1
7 - Gabriel Knight 2
8 - Full Throttle
9 - Myst
10 - Legend of Kyrandia
11 - Zork Nemesis
12 - Zork Grand Inquisitor
13 - Broken Sword
14 - Broken Sword 2
15 - Broken Sword 3

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95171
06/03/05 01:51 PM
06/03/05 01:51 PM
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I think to take the pain out of this we should do a "favorite 10 runners-up" list, too.

Syberia I
Dark Fall
Zork GI
King's Quest VI
Gabriel Knight, Sins of the Fathers
Journeyman Project III
Riddle of the Sphinx
Pandora Directive
Amber, Journey Beyond
Atlantis 2


"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." ...unknown
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95172
06/03/05 06:45 PM
06/03/05 06:45 PM
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Hi all, my list would be for the following titles.

The Longest Journey
X files
Monkey island 1
Monkey Island 2
Monkey Island 3
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
Gabriel Knight 3
Simon the Sorcerer 1
Simon the Sorcerer 3D
The Dig
Discworld 2
Police Quest 1 "Original non vga floppy version"
Indiana Jones: The Fate of Atlantis
Grim Fandango
Star Trek: A Final Unity

These are some of the best loved games i have played and should be played at least once to any adventure gaming fan.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95173
06/03/05 07:10 PM
06/03/05 07:10 PM
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Up to here smile

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95174
06/03/05 07:10 PM
06/03/05 07:10 PM
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Well now that I've become a "Settled Boomer"! And a monster has been unleashed!LOL
I'ts time I list a few of my favorites!
List won't be nearly as long, but heck I just started!
My Favorites:
Atlantis Evolution
Dracula Resurrection
Dracula Last Sanctuary

Currently Playing:
Harry Potter-Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter-Chamber of Secrets
(That is if I can ever learn how to fly without running into everything!LOL)
Escape from Monkey Island

Well that's my list for now! Still have several I've recently gotten but haven't played yet!

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95175
06/04/05 12:24 PM
06/04/05 12:24 PM
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Finding it hard to get even a mention of all my favorite series. Havent been able to play as many games this last year, but those that I have played have been very good.

Aside from the Myst series, the numbers just indicate I havent run out of slots yet! lol

1 Uru: Ages of Myst/ to D'ni/ Path of the Shell
2 Myst/realMyst
3 Riven
4 Zork Grand Inquisitor
5 Syberia
6 Grim Fandango
7 Curse of Monkey Island
8 Starship Titanic
9 Darkfall
10 Discworld Noir
11 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
12 The Egyptian Prophecy
13 Journeyman Project III: Legacy of Time
14 Beyond Atlantis
15 Riddle of the Sphinx

Honorable mention: in no particular order

Broken Sword 2: Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword 3: Sleeping Dragon
Darkfall 2
Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs
Nancy Drew: Deception Island
Nancy Drew: Scarlet Hand
Nanch Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch
Eric the Unready
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
Day of the Tentacle
Feeble Files
Discworld 1 & 2
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
Myst III: Exile
Myst IV Revelation (havent finished, but Tomahna got them that vote)
Secret of Monkey Island (1)
LeChuck's Revenge (Monkey Island 2)
Escape from Monkey Island (4)
Syberia 2
Gilbert Goodmate
Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2
Schizm/Mysterious Journey
Mysterious Journey 2
Zork Nemesis
Omega Stone
Return to Zork

Can we make this our favorite 42..err..44? wave

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95176
06/04/05 04:32 PM
06/04/05 04:32 PM
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If there's a God, he has a PC and plays adventure games? Here's my list.... bravo

Dark fall lights out
Dark fall the journal
The secret of monkey island
Day of the tentacle
Indiana jones and the fate of atlantis
Syberia 1
The curse of monkey island
Alone in the dark 1
Monkey island 2 Le Chucks Revenge
The longest journey
Gabriel Knight 3
Sam n Max Hit the road
Broken sword 1
The dig
Broken sword 3


Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95177
06/05/05 03:09 PM
06/05/05 03:09 PM
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I'd forgotten about Shivers. I should have squeezed that in somewhere.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95178
06/05/05 08:39 PM
06/05/05 08:39 PM
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It suddenly dawned on me that there are two potential reasons for a list like this. First, to acknowledge artistic greatness, sort of like the American Film Institute's list of all time greatest movies (see Note that there are a lot of old movies on this list, going back to 1915. Or second, to help newer folks find games they might like. I suspect that a lot of the old hands already know what they like and probably have them. It doesn't matter how great a game is if you can't get it. So I'm modifying my approach some this year. I looked over some of my favorite sources and picked out some of my favorites that are still available commercially. Every one of these games is on my Top 15 list or pretty close. Let me emphasize that I am in no way associated with or If you haven't played these games, get them while the getting is good.

Broken Sword: Circle of Blood CdAccess $20
Byzantine: The Betrayal CdAccess $20
Diskworld Noir CdAccess $20
Gabriel Knight 3 CdAccess $20
The Longest Journey CdAccess $20 a little bawdy, but epic
The Riddle of Master Lu CdAccess $20 caveat: tough game to run
Syberia lots of places
The Dig CDROMshop $24

OK, here's a couple of commercial games that the developers have generously released for free. You can get the ScummVM emulator software and the games here:
Beneath a Steel Sky By the folks that did Broken Sword
Flight of the Amazon Queen Very Monkey Islandish

Then finally, here are the ones near and dear to my heart that I have room left to list. These will be more difficult to find, but if you ever run across them don't hesitate.
The Secret of Monkey Island
Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
Zork Grand Inquisitor


Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95179
06/06/05 10:42 PM
06/06/05 10:42 PM
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Me and Mrs. Fongo were hanging out at the Adventure Mansion this evening, and thought we'd put together our top 15 for the year.

After a series of complex negotiations, brutal eliminations, and a few tears (I felt much better after she got me some ice cream), we got it together.

After all that, the list looks pretty similar to last year:

Full Throttle
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst
Myst IV Revelation
Amber: Journeys Beyond
Dark Fall
Grim Fandango
Zork Nemesis
Byzantine: The Betrayal
The Neverhood
Bad Mojo
Longest Journey
Tex Murphy: Overseer

Dark Fall, Syberia and Myst IV were the additions this year, with Myst (a little dated), Myst Exile (we preferred Revelation), and Riddle of the Sphinx walking the plank.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95180
06/07/05 08:19 PM
06/07/05 08:19 PM
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In no particular order:

-Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
-Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
-Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
-Grim Fandango
-The Longest Journey
-Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
-Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
-Syberia II
-Missing: Since January
-Still Life
-King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
-The Secret of Monkey Island
-Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
-Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95181
06/08/05 03:25 AM
06/08/05 03:25 AM
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Hi ho,
We reach the half way point (more or less) and the No 1 recommendations from previous years all continue to do well, Myst being the least recommended of the previous "winners" so far.
Syberia narrowly heads the list from TLJ.
Special mention to Fongo for the avatar and mentioning the cockroach.

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95182
06/08/05 01:37 PM
06/08/05 01:37 PM
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Grim Fandango
TM: Pandora Directive
TM: Overseer
Broken Sword
Syberia II
Nancy Drew: Deception Island (I hate picking just one, because I love pretty much all of them equally, they each have their own charms and faults)
JP3: Legacy of Time
Zork: Grand Inquisitor

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95183
06/10/05 07:09 AM
06/10/05 07:09 AM
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Here's mine in no particular order:
Syberia 2
Gabriel Knight 1
Gabriel Knight 2
Gabriel Knight 3
Dark Fall
The Fifth Disciple
Arthur's Knight 1
King's Quest 7
King's Quest 8 Mask of Eternity
Post Mortem
Still Life
Black Mirror
The Longest Journey
Gooka:The Mystery of Janatris
happydance happydance happydance
but I can think of a lot more that I enjoyed a lot... whistle

Carla happydance

“Come what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95184
06/10/05 02:41 PM
06/10/05 02:41 PM
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A very hard choice to list only 15.

Tex Murphy

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95185
06/10/05 08:22 PM
06/10/05 08:22 PM
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One week to go -keep em coming!

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95186
06/11/05 12:48 PM
06/11/05 12:48 PM
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1. The Longest Journey
2. Day of the Tentacle
3. The Curse of Monkey Island
4. Rama
5. Timelapse
6. The Riddle of Master Lu
7. Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
8. The Beast Within- A Gabriel Knight Mystery
9. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
10. Zork: Grand Inquisitor
11. Zork: Nemesis
12. Obsidian
13. Toonstruck
14. Grim Fandango
15. Death Gate

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95187
06/11/05 02:58 PM
06/11/05 02:58 PM
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karachi, sindh .pakistan
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Here are my recommendation

need for speed underground 2
sims 2
counterstrike 2
area 51

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95188
06/11/05 07:16 PM
06/11/05 07:16 PM
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Here is my list:
Moment Of Silence
Midnight Nowhere
Gabriel Knight I
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Tex Murphy Under A Killing Moon
Blackstone Chornicles
Real Myst
Lights Out
Black Mirror
Tex Murphy Overseer
Runaway A Road Adventure
Tex Murphy Pandora Directive

It doesn't cost a dime to be kind
Currently playing The Moment Of Silence
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95189
06/12/05 07:31 AM
06/12/05 07:31 AM


owww, right that mark on the wall. i forgot that...

im goin on....

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95190
06/12/05 08:34 AM
06/12/05 08:34 AM
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It was hard to choose my 15 best adventures games but here is my list:

Syberia 2
Dark Fall
Sentinel Descendants in Time
Myst III Exile
Cameron Files Pharoah's Curse
Lights Out
Omega Stone
Mysterious Journey

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95191
06/14/05 02:27 PM
06/14/05 02:27 PM
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I love this kind of posts.So here is my list in most favorite-less favorite order:

1. The longest journey
2. Myst 4:revelation
3. Gabliel Knight 3
4. Post Mortem
5. Syberia
6. Myst 3:exile
7. Full Throttle
8. Day of the Tentacle
9. Broken Sword1
10.Grim Fandango
12.Monkey Island4
13.Runaway:A road adventure
15.Atlantis 3

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95192
06/15/05 12:35 PM
06/15/05 12:35 PM
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Here's mine. Not in order.
1. Riddle of the Sphinx
2. The Omega Stone
3. Sanatarium
4. Timelapse
5. Zork Nemesis
6. The Longest Journey
7 Syberia
8 Syberia II
9. Journeyman Project 3
10 Dracula Resurrection
11. Dracula The Last Sanctuary
12. Shivers
13. The Dig
14. Grim Fandango
15. Timeline


Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95193
06/16/05 02:24 AM
06/16/05 02:24 AM
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Nearly done - I will post final lists on Sunday my time.

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95194
06/16/05 06:42 AM
06/16/05 06:42 AM
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Hi guys,

Here is my list:

1. The Longest Journey
2. Syberia
3. Syberia 2
4. Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
5. Phantasmagoria 1
6. Amerzone
7. Sanitarium
8. X-Files
9. Riddle of the Sphinx 1
10. Amber: Journeys Beyond
11. Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
12. Dark Fall: The Journal
13. Byzantine: The Betrayal
14. The Messenger
15. Black Mirror


danyboy smile

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95195
06/16/05 09:07 AM
06/16/05 09:07 AM
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I can't list 15, but my favorites would be be Amerzone, Dark Fall The Journal, Syberia 1, Syberia 2, and Black Mirror--

Thanks Flotsam and Becky-- wave

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-Roger Caras
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95196
06/16/05 10:32 AM
06/16/05 10:32 AM
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wave I really havn't played enough adventure games to come up with 15, but I'll list my favorites so far-I have some of the games people have listed, but havn't played them yet cry -(my BAAGing got out of hand when I first became addicted to playing games.) I also have among my favorites some action games, but here is not the place to list those.

Syberia 2
Zork Nemisis
Under a Killing Moon
Journeyman 3
The Longest Journey

People do not remember how much you know,only how you make them feel
finished Gray Matter, playing Alice Madness returns and Deponia
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95197
06/16/05 10:50 AM
06/16/05 10:50 AM
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Here's my list

1. Riven
2. Tex Murphy: Under a killing moon
3. Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
4. Myst
5. Black Dahlia
6. Broken Sword I
7. Gabriel Knight II
8. Myst Exile
9. Syberia
10.Last Express
11.Broken Sword II
12.Gabriel Knight I
14.Syberia II
15.Black Mirror

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95198
06/16/05 10:55 AM
06/16/05 10:55 AM
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My list, in no particular order:

The Secret of Monkey Island
Day of the Tentacle
Full Throttle
King's Quest 6
Spellcasting 101
Death Gate
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Heart of China
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Spycraft: The Great Game

Unfortunately my list will be swallowed up by the collective, but I assure you you can't go wrong with any of those games.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95199
06/16/05 02:56 PM
06/16/05 02:56 PM
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Here is my selection:

1. Riven
2. Tex Murphy: Under a killing moon
3. Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
4. Tex Murphy: Overseer
5. Broken Sword I
6. Broken Sword II
7. Gabriel Knight I
8. Gabriel Knight II
9. Amerzone
11.Syberia II
14.Phantasmagoria I
15.The Longest Journey


Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95200
06/16/05 04:48 PM
06/16/05 04:48 PM
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My list - not much different from last year - alphabetical except for the top two, which remain my 1 and 2 favorites.

1. Myst
2. Riven
3. Amerzone
4. Beyond Atlantis (aka Atlantis II)
5. Broken Sword 1, Circle of Blood (aka Shadow of the Templars)
6. Broken Sword 2, The Smoking Mirror
7. Kyrandia 1, Legand of
8. Monkey Island 1, Secret of
9. Morpheus
10. ND: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
11. Riddle of the Sphinx
12. Schizm, Mysterious Journey
13. Syberia I
14. Syberia II
15. Timelapse

I've been in a playing slump for the last 5-6 months and there are still a lot of games I haven't played like Exile, Dark Fall 1 and 2, Obsidian, and the list goes on.

Thanks for doing this again, flotsam!

wave Jema

Wouldn't that jar your mustard!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95201
06/16/05 05:23 PM
06/16/05 05:23 PM
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1. Myst
2. Riven
3. Syberia 1
4. Timelapse
5. Black Dahlia
6. Morpheous
7. Amerzone
8. TLJ
9. The Last Express
10. Alida
11. Obsidian
12. Exile
13. Of Light and Darkness
14. Revelation
15. Auryn Quest

" If you decide not to chose, You still have made a choice"....Getty Lee
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95202
06/16/05 07:17 PM
06/16/05 07:17 PM
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Holy moly I pertanear missed this. Here are my recommendations in no particular order.

Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon
Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
Broken Sword 3
Discworld Noir
Myst IV
Longest Journey
Dark Fall
Broken Sword 1
Broken Sword 2
Black Mirror
Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango
Bad Mojo
Curse of Monkey Island

Dark Side : Risen
Light Side:

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95203
06/18/05 07:30 PM
06/18/05 07:30 PM
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Lucky last syd, and good to see.
The votes are in and the ballot box is closed. Numbers were down on last year which just means I will cajole you lots next year. It remains fun and its always a pleasure.
What to say? Still Life made a strong appearance for a game still not played by many, and whilst the top 3 remained the same, there was movement below that. 50 or so games were mentioned that weren’t mentioned last year, some obviously new, but many old and obviously revered.
Isabelle wasn’t mentioned but you should play it if you can.
As always there is a numerical and an alphabetical list. I have taken some liberties with names to get series games together on the alphabetical list, and because of some personal prejudices; I refuse to call the Schizm games Mysterious Journey 1 and 2, and Beyond the Beyond of Atlantis 2 Too (or whatever its called) is too [blip] confusing.
Alternate names are listed where I could, as are full names wherever possible. Errors are all my own.
All the games must be worth playing – they were mentioned by somebody from among all the games they have played. Given they keep releasing new ones I fear I will never catch up, but I only have myself to blame if I play a dud.
Happy playing smile

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95204
06/18/05 07:32 PM
06/18/05 07:32 PM
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53 Syberia
50 The Longest Journey
37 Dark Fall: The Journal
33 Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
31 Syberia 2
29 Myst 2: Riven
25 Myst/RealMyst
29 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
28 Black Mirror
28 Grim Fandango
23 Sanitarium
20 Amerzone
19 Myst 4: Revelation
18 Myst 3: Exile
18 Still Life
17 Blackstone Chronicles
17 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
17 Zork Grand Inquisitor
16 Zork Nemesis
16 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
16 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
15 Atlantis 2
15 Black Dahlia
15 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
15 Morpheus
15 Runaway
14 Discworld Noir
14 Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
14 Myst: Uru Chronicles
14 Obsidian
14 Shivers
13 Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
13 Timelapse
12 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
11 Aura
11 Day of the Tentacle
11 Phantasmagoria
11 Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure
10 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
10 Moment of Silence
9 Alida
9 Amber: Journeys Beyond
9 Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
9 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
9 Schizm: Mysterious Journey
8 The Dig
8 Discworld
8 Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
8 The Neverhood
8 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
7 Byzantine: The Betrayal
7 Faust
7 Full Throttle
7 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
7 Jack the Ripper
7 Lighthouse
7 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
7 Post Mortem
6 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?6 Simon the Sorcerer
6 Tex Murphy: Overseer
5 Callahans Crosstime Saloon
5 Cameron Files: Pharoahs Curse
5 Dracula Resurrection
5 Egypt 3: The Egyptian Prophecy
5 Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends
5 Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
5 Return to Mysterious Island
5 Schizm 2: Chameleon
5 Sentinel
4 Cameron Files: Loch Ness
4 Atlantis 3
4 Deathgate
4 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
4 The Last Express
4 Lifestream
4 Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
4 Rama
4 Riddle of the Sphinx 2: The Omega Stone
4 Starship Titanic
3 Arthurs Knights 1: Tales of Chivalry
3 Auryn Quest
3 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
3 Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
3 Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
3 Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy
3 Remedy
3 Salaambo
3 Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Mummy
3 Simon the Sorcerer 2
3 Toonstruck
3 X Files
3 Zork: Return to Zork

2 7th Guest, 11th Hour, Bad Mojo, Beneath a Steel Sky, Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion, Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm, CSI, CSI: Dark Motives, CSI Miami, Dark Side of the Moon, Dragonsphere, Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist, Jazz and Faust, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Kings Quest 2: Romancing the Throne, Kings Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder, Kings Quest 8: Mask of Eternity, Laura Bow: The dagger of Amon Ra, Left Hand of Darkness, Midnight Nowhere, Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island, Mystery of the Druids, Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, Reah, Realms of the Haunting, Riddle of Master Liu, Ripper Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo, Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls, Temujin

1 A Quiet Weekend in Capri, Ace Ventura, Alone in the Dark 1, Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare, The Arrival, Arthurs Knights 2: Secrets of Merlin, Atlantis Evolution, Beyond Time, Ceremony of Innocence, Conspiracies, Crystal Skull, Cydonia/Lightbringer, The Dark Eye, Dragon Riders of Pern, Duckman, Dust, Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy, Feeble Files, The Fifth Disciple, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria, Gooka: Mystery of Janatris, Harvest, Heart of China, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ico, Inherent Evil, In Memoriam/Missing; Since January, Jack Orlando, Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time, Law and Order: Justice is Served, Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate, Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin, Liesure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!,Loom, Lost Eden, Lost inTime, Messenger/Louvre; The Final Curse, Mission Critical, Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor, Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion, Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand, Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch, Noir: A Shadowy Thriller, Outcast, Pandora’s Box, Paris 1313, Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Scooby Doo: Ghost Town, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Silver Earing, Simon the Sorcerer 3D, Sorcerer, Spellcasting 101, Spycraft: The Great Game, Star Trek: Final Unity, Stupid Invaders, Timeline, Titanic: Adventure out of Time, Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths, Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer, Traitors Gate, The Uncertainty Machine, Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure, Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin, Wrath of the Gods, Zanzarah

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95205
06/18/05 07:33 PM
06/18/05 07:33 PM
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Long Beach, Australia
flotsam Offline OP
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flotsam  Offline OP
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Long Beach, Australia
2 7th Guest
2 11th Hour
1 A Quiet Weekend in Capri
1 Ace Ventura
9 Alida
1 Alone in the Dark 1
1 Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare
9 Amber: Journeys Beyond
20 Amerzone
1 Arrival, The
3 Arthurs Knights 1: Tales of Chivalry
1 Arthurs Knights 2: Secrets of Merlin
15 Atlantis 2
4 Atlantis 3
1 Atlantis Evolution
11 Aura
3 Auryn Quest
2 Bad Mojo
2 Beneath a Steel Sky
1 Beyond Time
15 Black Dahlia
28 Black Mirror
17 Blackstone Chronicles
2 Blade Runner
29 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
12 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
9 Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
7 Byzantine: The Betrayal
5 Callahans Crosstime Saloon
4 Cameron Files: Loch Ness
5 Cameron Files: Pharoahs Curse
1 Ceremony of Innocence
2 Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion
1 Conspiracies
2 Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm
1 Crystal Skull
2 CSI: Dark Motives
2 CSI Miami
1 Cydonia/Lightbringer
1 Dark Eye
37 Dark Fall: The Journal
13 Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
2 Dark Side of the Moon
11 Day of the Tentacle
4 Deathgate
8 Dig, The
8 Discworld
6 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?
14 Discworld Noir
2 Dragonsphere
1 Dragon Riders of Pern
5 Dracula Resurrection
8 Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
1 Duckman
1 Dust
1 Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy
5 Egypt 3: The Egyptian Prophecy
7 Faust
1 Feeble Files
1 Fifth Disciple, The
1 Flight of the Amazon Queen
2 Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
7 Full Throttle
14 Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
33 Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
16 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
1 Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria
1 Gooka: Mystery of Janatris
28 Grim Fandango
1 Harvest
1 Heart of China
1 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
2 Hitchcock: The Final Cut
1 Ico
3 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
7 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
2 Inherent Evil
1 In Memoriam/Missing; Since January
7 Jack the Ripper
1 Jack Orlando
2 Jazz and Faust
1 Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
15 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
2 Journey to the Centre of the Earth
2 Kings Quest 2: Romancing the Throne
2 Kings Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
9 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
4 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
2 Kings Quest 8: Mask of Eternity
4 Last Express, The
2 Laura Bow: The dagger of Amon Ra
1 Law and Order: Justice is Served
2 Left Hand of Darkness
5 Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends
1 Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate
1 Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin
1 Liesure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!
4 Lifestream
7 Lighthouse
50 Longest Journey, The
1 Loom
1 Lost Eden
1 Lost inTime
1 Messenger/Louvre; The Final Curse
2 Midnight Nowhere
1 Mission Critical
10 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
7 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
16 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
2 Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island
10 Moment of Silence
15 Morpheus
25 Myst/RealMyst
29 Myst 2: Riven
18 Myst 3: Exile
19 Myst 4: Revelation
14 Myst: Uru Chronicles
2 Mystery of the Druids
1 Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
2 Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
1 Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
3 Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
1 Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand
5 Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
3 Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
1 Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch
8 Neverhood
3 Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy
1 Noir: A Shadowy Thriller
14 Obsidian
1 Outcast
1 Pandora’s Box
1 Paris 1313
11 Phantasmagoria
4 Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
7 Post Mortem
4 Rama
2 Reah
2 Realms of the Haunting
1 Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren
3 Remedy
5 Return to Mysterious Island
2 Riddle of Master Liu
11 Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure
4 Riddle of the Sphinx 2: The Omega Stone
2 Ripper
15 Runaway
3 Salaambo
1 Sam and Max Hit the Road
23 Sanitarium
1 Scooby Doo: Ghost Town
9 Schizm: Mysterious Journey
5 Schizm 2: Chameleon
5 Sentinel
2 Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories
2 Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo
3 Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Mummy
1 Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Silver Earing
14 Shivers
2 Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls
6 Simon the Sorcerer
3 Simon the Sorcerer 2
1 Simon the Sorcerer 3D
1 Sorcerer
1 Spellcasting 101
1 Spycraft: The Great Game
1 Star Trek: Final Unity
4 Starship Titanic
18 Still Life
1 Stupid Invaders
53 Syberia
31 Syberia 2
2 Temujin
8 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
17 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
6 Tex Murphy: Overseer
13 Timelapse
1 Timeline
1 Titanic: Adventure out of Time
1 Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
3 Toonstruck
1 Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer
1 Traitors Gate
1 Uncertainty Machine
1 Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure
1 Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin
1 Wrath of the Gods
3 X Files
1 Zanzarah
17 Zork Grand Inquisitor
16 Zork Nemesis
3 Zork: Return to Zork

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95206
06/18/05 07:52 PM
06/18/05 07:52 PM
Joined: May 2002
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
JohnBoy Offline
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
Thank you so much flotsam! A big hug and a big :kiss: to ya!

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95207
06/18/05 08:11 PM
06/18/05 08:11 PM
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MaG Offline
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Thank you very much, flotsam! We really appreciate it.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95208
06/18/05 08:41 PM
06/18/05 08:41 PM
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trudysgarden Offline
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trudysgarden  Offline
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Thanks flotsam for doing this list. A daunting task I'm sure!

happy trails,

Carolyn Pop in and say hi!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95209
06/19/05 12:06 AM
06/19/05 12:06 AM
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The Garden State
LadyKestrel Offline
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The Garden State
Good job, Flotsam! We appreciate all your efforts!

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95210
06/19/05 01:40 AM
06/19/05 01:40 AM
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flotsam Offline OP
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flotsam  Offline OP
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Long Beach, Australia
It is indeed my pleasure, and anyway, don't forget it was born out of complete self interest laugh

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95211
06/19/05 08:03 AM
06/19/05 08:03 AM
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Becky Offline
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Stony Brook, New York, USA
Flotsam, you're the best! bravo

Now to print the list up and look for the surprises and compare to last year's list....

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95212
06/19/05 08:53 AM
06/19/05 08:53 AM
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looney4labs Offline
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looney4labs  Offline
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Super Job--guess KISA will have to go back to work after all laugh

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95213
06/19/05 09:14 AM
06/19/05 09:14 AM
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Tyke Offline
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Just like to say a big!!! thanks for all your time and effort, Flotsam!

Sue smile

If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
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