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Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95204
06/18/05 07:32 PM
06/18/05 07:32 PM
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flotsam Offline OP
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flotsam  Offline OP
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53 Syberia
50 The Longest Journey
37 Dark Fall: The Journal
33 Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
31 Syberia 2
29 Myst 2: Riven
25 Myst/RealMyst
29 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
28 Black Mirror
28 Grim Fandango
23 Sanitarium
20 Amerzone
19 Myst 4: Revelation
18 Myst 3: Exile
18 Still Life
17 Blackstone Chronicles
17 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
17 Zork Grand Inquisitor
16 Zork Nemesis
16 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
16 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
15 Atlantis 2
15 Black Dahlia
15 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
15 Morpheus
15 Runaway
14 Discworld Noir
14 Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
14 Myst: Uru Chronicles
14 Obsidian
14 Shivers
13 Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
13 Timelapse
12 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
11 Aura
11 Day of the Tentacle
11 Phantasmagoria
11 Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure
10 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
10 Moment of Silence
9 Alida
9 Amber: Journeys Beyond
9 Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
9 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
9 Schizm: Mysterious Journey
8 The Dig
8 Discworld
8 Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
8 The Neverhood
8 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
7 Byzantine: The Betrayal
7 Faust
7 Full Throttle
7 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
7 Jack the Ripper
7 Lighthouse
7 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
7 Post Mortem
6 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?6 Simon the Sorcerer
6 Tex Murphy: Overseer
5 Callahans Crosstime Saloon
5 Cameron Files: Pharoahs Curse
5 Dracula Resurrection
5 Egypt 3: The Egyptian Prophecy
5 Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends
5 Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
5 Return to Mysterious Island
5 Schizm 2: Chameleon
5 Sentinel
4 Cameron Files: Loch Ness
4 Atlantis 3
4 Deathgate
4 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
4 The Last Express
4 Lifestream
4 Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
4 Rama
4 Riddle of the Sphinx 2: The Omega Stone
4 Starship Titanic
3 Arthurs Knights 1: Tales of Chivalry
3 Auryn Quest
3 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
3 Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
3 Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
3 Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy
3 Remedy
3 Salaambo
3 Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Mummy
3 Simon the Sorcerer 2
3 Toonstruck
3 X Files
3 Zork: Return to Zork

2 7th Guest, 11th Hour, Bad Mojo, Beneath a Steel Sky, Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion, Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm, CSI, CSI: Dark Motives, CSI Miami, Dark Side of the Moon, Dragonsphere, Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist, Jazz and Faust, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Kings Quest 2: Romancing the Throne, Kings Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder, Kings Quest 8: Mask of Eternity, Laura Bow: The dagger of Amon Ra, Left Hand of Darkness, Midnight Nowhere, Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island, Mystery of the Druids, Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, Reah, Realms of the Haunting, Riddle of Master Liu, Ripper Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo, Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls, Temujin

1 A Quiet Weekend in Capri, Ace Ventura, Alone in the Dark 1, Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare, The Arrival, Arthurs Knights 2: Secrets of Merlin, Atlantis Evolution, Beyond Time, Ceremony of Innocence, Conspiracies, Crystal Skull, Cydonia/Lightbringer, The Dark Eye, Dragon Riders of Pern, Duckman, Dust, Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy, Feeble Files, The Fifth Disciple, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria, Gooka: Mystery of Janatris, Harvest, Heart of China, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ico, Inherent Evil, In Memoriam/Missing; Since January, Jack Orlando, Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time, Law and Order: Justice is Served, Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate, Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin, Liesure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!,Loom, Lost Eden, Lost inTime, Messenger/Louvre; The Final Curse, Mission Critical, Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor, Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion, Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand, Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch, Noir: A Shadowy Thriller, Outcast, Pandora’s Box, Paris 1313, Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Scooby Doo: Ghost Town, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Silver Earing, Simon the Sorcerer 3D, Sorcerer, Spellcasting 101, Spycraft: The Great Game, Star Trek: Final Unity, Stupid Invaders, Timeline, Titanic: Adventure out of Time, Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths, Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer, Traitors Gate, The Uncertainty Machine, Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure, Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin, Wrath of the Gods, Zanzarah

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95205
06/18/05 07:33 PM
06/18/05 07:33 PM
Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 6,907
Long Beach, Australia
flotsam Offline OP
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flotsam  Offline OP
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Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 6,907
Long Beach, Australia
2 7th Guest
2 11th Hour
1 A Quiet Weekend in Capri
1 Ace Ventura
9 Alida
1 Alone in the Dark 1
1 Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare
9 Amber: Journeys Beyond
20 Amerzone
1 Arrival, The
3 Arthurs Knights 1: Tales of Chivalry
1 Arthurs Knights 2: Secrets of Merlin
15 Atlantis 2
4 Atlantis 3
1 Atlantis Evolution
11 Aura
3 Auryn Quest
2 Bad Mojo
2 Beneath a Steel Sky
1 Beyond Time
15 Black Dahlia
28 Black Mirror
17 Blackstone Chronicles
2 Blade Runner
29 Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
12 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
9 Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
7 Byzantine: The Betrayal
5 Callahans Crosstime Saloon
4 Cameron Files: Loch Ness
5 Cameron Files: Pharoahs Curse
1 Ceremony of Innocence
2 Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion
1 Conspiracies
2 Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm
1 Crystal Skull
2 CSI: Dark Motives
2 CSI Miami
1 Cydonia/Lightbringer
1 Dark Eye
37 Dark Fall: The Journal
13 Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
2 Dark Side of the Moon
11 Day of the Tentacle
4 Deathgate
8 Dig, The
8 Discworld
6 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?
14 Discworld Noir
2 Dragonsphere
1 Dragon Riders of Pern
5 Dracula Resurrection
8 Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
1 Duckman
1 Dust
1 Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy
5 Egypt 3: The Egyptian Prophecy
7 Faust
1 Feeble Files
1 Fifth Disciple, The
1 Flight of the Amazon Queen
2 Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
7 Full Throttle
14 Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers
33 Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
16 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
1 Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria
1 Gooka: Mystery of Janatris
28 Grim Fandango
1 Harvest
1 Heart of China
1 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
2 Hitchcock: The Final Cut
1 Ico
3 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
7 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
2 Inherent Evil
1 In Memoriam/Missing; Since January
7 Jack the Ripper
1 Jack Orlando
2 Jazz and Faust
1 Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
15 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
2 Journey to the Centre of the Earth
2 Kings Quest 2: Romancing the Throne
2 Kings Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
9 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
4 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
2 Kings Quest 8: Mask of Eternity
4 Last Express, The
2 Laura Bow: The dagger of Amon Ra
1 Law and Order: Justice is Served
2 Left Hand of Darkness
5 Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends
1 Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand of Fate
1 Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin
1 Liesure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!
4 Lifestream
7 Lighthouse
50 Longest Journey, The
1 Loom
1 Lost Eden
1 Lost inTime
1 Messenger/Louvre; The Final Curse
2 Midnight Nowhere
1 Mission Critical
10 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
7 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
16 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
2 Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island
10 Moment of Silence
15 Morpheus
25 Myst/RealMyst
29 Myst 2: Riven
18 Myst 3: Exile
19 Myst 4: Revelation
14 Myst: Uru Chronicles
2 Mystery of the Druids
1 Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
2 Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
1 Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
3 Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
1 Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand
5 Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
3 Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
1 Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch
8 Neverhood
3 Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy
1 Noir: A Shadowy Thriller
14 Obsidian
1 Outcast
1 Pandora’s Box
1 Paris 1313
11 Phantasmagoria
4 Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
7 Post Mortem
4 Rama
2 Reah
2 Realms of the Haunting
1 Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren
3 Remedy
5 Return to Mysterious Island
2 Riddle of Master Liu
11 Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure
4 Riddle of the Sphinx 2: The Omega Stone
2 Ripper
15 Runaway
3 Salaambo
1 Sam and Max Hit the Road
23 Sanitarium
1 Scooby Doo: Ghost Town
9 Schizm: Mysterious Journey
5 Schizm 2: Chameleon
5 Sentinel
2 Shadow of Destiny/Shadow of Memories
2 Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo
3 Sherlock Holmes: Curse of the Mummy
1 Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Silver Earing
14 Shivers
2 Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls
6 Simon the Sorcerer
3 Simon the Sorcerer 2
1 Simon the Sorcerer 3D
1 Sorcerer
1 Spellcasting 101
1 Spycraft: The Great Game
1 Star Trek: Final Unity
4 Starship Titanic
18 Still Life
1 Stupid Invaders
53 Syberia
31 Syberia 2
2 Temujin
8 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
17 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive
6 Tex Murphy: Overseer
13 Timelapse
1 Timeline
1 Titanic: Adventure out of Time
1 Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
3 Toonstruck
1 Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer
1 Traitors Gate
1 Uncertainty Machine
1 Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure
1 Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin
1 Wrath of the Gods
3 X Files
1 Zanzarah
17 Zork Grand Inquisitor
16 Zork Nemesis
3 Zork: Return to Zork

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95206
06/18/05 07:52 PM
06/18/05 07:52 PM
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
JohnBoy Offline
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
Thank you so much flotsam! A big hug and a big :kiss: to ya!

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95207
06/18/05 08:11 PM
06/18/05 08:11 PM
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MaG Offline
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Thank you very much, flotsam! We really appreciate it.

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95208
06/18/05 08:41 PM
06/18/05 08:41 PM
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trudysgarden Offline
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trudysgarden  Offline
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Thanks flotsam for doing this list. A daunting task I'm sure!

happy trails,

Carolyn Pop in and say hi!
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95209
06/19/05 12:06 AM
06/19/05 12:06 AM
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The Garden State
LadyKestrel Offline
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The Garden State
Good job, Flotsam! We appreciate all your efforts!

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95210
06/19/05 01:40 AM
06/19/05 01:40 AM
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flotsam Offline OP
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flotsam  Offline OP
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Long Beach, Australia
It is indeed my pleasure, and anyway, don't forget it was born out of complete self interest laugh

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95211
06/19/05 08:03 AM
06/19/05 08:03 AM
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Becky Offline
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Flotsam, you're the best! bravo

Now to print the list up and look for the surprises and compare to last year's list....

Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95212
06/19/05 08:53 AM
06/19/05 08:53 AM
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looney4labs Offline
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Super Job--guess KISA will have to go back to work after all laugh

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: 2005 The List - What to play next #95213
06/19/05 09:14 AM
06/19/05 09:14 AM
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Tyke Offline
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Just like to say a big!!! thanks for all your time and effort, Flotsam!

Sue smile

If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
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