Hi Boomers

I am an avid adventure fan and although I am not very active in these forums, I have been watching the discussions here for a long time and I have a lot of respect for GameBoomers community.
Recently, I added a blog part to my personal website and I decided to share my adventure game reviews from there. I have been writing reviews in Turkish for quite a while, but in order to reach a wider audience I have decided to translate them to English and keep writing the new reviews in English from now on.
Currently I only have 2 reviews on the website, but I plan on increasing that number in short term.
Here is review of Rhem I have written back in 2006:
http://kemalure.com/?page_id=89And here is a very recently written review of Testament of Sherlock Holmes
http://kemalure.com/?page_id=121I am in desperate need of feedback from you in order to improve my writing ! Obviously English is not my native language, so I am sure I am making some stupid grammatical mistakes. I am also quite sure that some of the phrases I use would not be chosen by a native English speaker. I welcome your comments on these reviews. Aside from that, any comment on higher level writing style is also much welcome.
Thanks ! I hope you enjoy the reviews.