Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/13/05 09:56 PM
07/13/05 09:56 PM
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I wonder how this will compare to my last year's list...
If someone told me I could only keep ten of my games, these are the ones I wouldn't be able to part with, in no particular order,
1. Gothic 2. Gothic 2 3. Thief Gold 4. Thief 2 the Metal Age 5. Morrowind 6. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 7. Deus Ex (the first one) 8. Vampire Bloodlines 9. Splinter Cell (the first one) 10.Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn
I think that covers it.
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/14/05 02:46 AM
07/14/05 02:46 AM
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Holy cow this can get confusing Thanks for the heads up Nickie; now tell me, are Baldurs Gate 2 and Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn the same game? Nearly 100 games mentioned already, about 40 not listed last year. Divine Divinity, Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic lead the way. I noticed Syd that you tried to sneak in extras  and Jen, more than one game on the same collection disc is at this stage not going to get you a vote for each of them, clever as it is. You can try and convince me though  As for you Looney, you may indeed vote 10 times for Zanzarah but I will only count it once Keep them coming :kiss:
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/14/05 08:22 AM
07/14/05 08:22 AM
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Jen in Chgo
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an Illinois cornfield
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="3" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by flotsam: <strong> I noticed Syd that you tried to sneak in extras  :kiss: Well, if that doesn't work, just pick one for me, I can't remember which was best, just that I had a great time & would recommend them all.  Can't blame a gal for tryin'.  Love, Jen 
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Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/14/05 10:10 AM
07/14/05 10:10 AM
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Seems to me that many of us play series as one long game. I have done that with the BGs, Thiefs, Gothics and Might & Magic games to mention a few. However, for the list, in no special order: Baldur's Gate 1 Baldur's Gate 2 Thief 1 Thief 2 Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine Anachronox Divine Divinity Planescape Torment Gothic 1 Gothic 2 Alas, I must leave out so many wonderful hours of fun. Great gaming! 
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/14/05 07:26 PM
07/14/05 07:26 PM
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Moi try to pull a fast one???? Never, I say, never. As my esteemed colleague from the state of Illinois stated (and elequantely I might add) Quest for Glory is more one long story that is simply broken up into several managable shall we say, chapters - yes, let's say chapters. And as such it is technically one long game so.......... 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/14/05 07:45 PM
07/14/05 07:45 PM
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Might and Magic 6 Anachronox Divine Divinity Gothic Ultima Ascension Zanzarah Quest for Glory 4 (actually, all of them, but I won't try to sneak the rest of them in) GhostMaster King's Quest 8 Mask of Eternity Arx Fatalis And many more. *SIGH*
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/15/05 06:16 AM
07/15/05 06:16 AM
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Thanks flotsam! 1. Outcast 2. Divine Divinity 3. Neverwinter Nights 4. Morrowind 5. Dungeon Siege 6. Beyond Good and Evil 7. Might and Magic 7 8. Splinter Cell 9. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 10. James Bond 007 Nightfire  Kay
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/15/05 10:54 AM
07/15/05 10:54 AM
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Thanks Floatsam! I didn't think I had played enough "darkside" games to come up with 10...but I guess I have "slid" a little farther than I thought! Here's mine..[not in any order] 1. Quest for Glory 4 2. Quest for Glory 5 3. Kings Quest 8 Mask of Eternity 4. Splinter Cell 1 5. Outcast 6. Prince of Persia 1 7. 007 Nightfire 8. Deus Ex 1 9. Indiana Jones Infernal Machine 10. Indiana Jones Temple of Doom...[still playing...and playing... {Syd & Jen..I agree...chapters!  }
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/15/05 06:21 PM
07/15/05 06:21 PM
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1.Morrowind 2.Divine Divinity 3.Baldur's Gate Shadows of Amn 4.Dungeon Seige 5.Icewind Dale 6.Diablo II 7.Baldur's Gate 8.Kult Heretic Kingdoms 9.Arcanum 10.Pain Killer Slim pickins in the new game arena 
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/18/05 11:39 AM
07/18/05 11:39 AM
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I took my first foray into the dark side with Psychonauts and I have to say it was fabulous. So that's my only vote. I sure am getting great ideas from you guys. Thanks!
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Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/19/05 03:21 PM
07/19/05 03:21 PM
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I have 3 Galapagos- Mendels Escape- becaise its maddening- but fun anyway- and Harry potter- the first 2- I couldn't finish the 3rd because they wouldn't let me use my gamepad so that was a major drawback-
It never bodes well to leave a live dragon out of your calculations- J.R.R Tolkien
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/22/05 01:29 AM
07/22/05 01:29 AM
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Hi there, Divine Divinity leads the way with 1 week to go. Intriguing sounding ones I must check out are Psychonaut and the two Gothics, and how could one resist something titled Hordes of the Underdark. If I ever make a game it will have to have a name something like that (Evil Minions of the Nether Regions maybe). Well done to those who resisted the temptation to list those so called long chapter thingys, but I will make special mention of QG in my summary at the end (bribery and flattery does bring results). Thanks metzo for the clarification, and do I recall that Kult and Heretic are the same or at least related?
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Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/25/05 07:45 AM
07/25/05 07:45 AM
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1) Baldur's Gate 2) Baldur's Gate 2 3) Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal 4) Neverwinter Nights 5) Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark 6) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 7) Planescape: Torment 8) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 9) Realms of the Haunting 10) Fallout 2
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Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/27/05 03:51 AM
07/27/05 03:51 AM
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Hi ho, 48 hours to go. I will send you a list Nickie so you can categorise.
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/27/05 07:09 PM
07/27/05 07:09 PM
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Nickie, just e-mailed a list. And my selections are
Outcast Twinsuns Odyssey Knights of the Old Republic Ico Realms of the Haunting Deus Ex
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2005 Dark Side recommendations
07/28/05 12:45 AM
07/28/05 12:45 AM
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It is almost too hard to just pick 10!  Since lately I'm playing more shooters than adventure games, just love the freedom of running around in 3D environments, plus all of them have excellent stories too.... So here goes, I played all of them on a PC: Thief Gold Outcast Chronicles of Riddick Unreal 2: The Awakening Alice No One Lives Forever Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Wheel of Time Silent Hill 2 Splinter Cell And here is a shameless plug for some of my faves that I had to leave off that you shouldn't miss playing. Max Payne 1&2, Thief 3:Deadly Shadows, Drakan, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Nocturne, Blair Witch 1, Undying, Unreal & expansion Return to Na Pali, Silent Hill 3&4, Splinter Cell2: Pandora Tomorrow, NOLF 2. Here's looking forward to playing Doom3,Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory, and Far Cry, whenever I finally pick them up. Sassy