Pandora Directive
02/03/03 10:35 AM
02/03/03 10:35 AM
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Betty Lou
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Started this game last week. Got it to install and run OK but no sound. That's OK got subtitles. Have made it through to the FunHouse rooftop, sneak-up/down-stairs-to-air conditioner-stoop-down-to-hide part but keep getting killed. Have the walkthrough but can't seem to get it right. Is/are there any hints or tips beyond what the walkthru suggests to get me past this part? Would like to be able to 'get on with it'. Like this one very much. (Have not been able to get TM UAKM to run on my computer at all, boo hoo). Thanks for any help. Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/12/03 10:29 AM
03/12/03 10:29 AM
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Betty Lou
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UNCLE! UNCLE! UNCLE! I give up. Someone please email me the saved game to get me 'off this roof' (the nights are chilly and I am getting cold just sitting here trying to figure out how to 'beat this guy'. Try, try again they say and I have. Now I am anxious to get on with the rest of the game. Thanks mucho Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/14/03 11:54 AM
03/14/03 11:54 AM
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Betty Lou
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Hi Barb. I just asked Albert to 'play me off the roof' and sent him my last saved game for this via email attachment. Saving your saved games to an "A" disc is not too difficult, usually. First you have to find - in Windows Explorer - where the game was installed on your C Drive. Then you have to figure out which file (in this case it is labeled pandora) has your saved games in it. Then you just copy and paste the saved games (data) to your "A" floppy. I do this with saved games for games I am keeping to replay or for when I get stuck (like now) and need to send a saved game to someone like Al to play it thru for me or to send to someone else who requests a particular saved game to get them unstuck. Thanks for the offer to help. I hope Al can get me past this. Would like to be able to finish the game. Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/14/03 05:21 PM
03/14/03 05:21 PM
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Hey Betty Lou, CYE, help is on the way. I sent you two saved games. Copy them into your Pandora\Saves directory. I forgot to mention that in my email.
When I first tried this on my current machine, movement was so fast with default settings it was effectively uncontollable. I had to go into the game Configuration : Preferences. Set Speed Walking to Slow, Mouse Sensitivity to Low, and Rendering Quality to High. Some changes to the game configuration settings may help you here.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
Re: Pandora Directive
03/17/03 10:08 AM
03/17/03 10:08 AM
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Betty Lou
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Thanks Al. I have loaded your saved games into my saved games file for Pandora but I think I have to have a copy too of the 'log' of the saved games. It is in the same place/list in Windows Explorer and is called plyrs or something like that. The date on it should be the same date as the last saved game file. Some games include a 'data log' with the saved games and others do not. Without the 'log' the saved game will not show up in the games LOAD list. Thanks Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/17/03 05:51 PM
03/17/03 05:51 PM
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Hey Betty Lou, I didn't have any problems loading and running the saved game you sent me after I created a player called Betty. You just need to make sure you have a player name that matches the saved game names (I think, it worked for me). Look at the names of the saved games in the Pandora\Games directory. In your case, Betty_00.XXX, player name is Betty. If you just copy games it probably won't work, unless player and game names match. I think you can rename games for different players, if you need to ( to Albert_whatever for example).
Re: Pandora Directive
03/18/03 01:41 PM
03/18/03 01:41 PM
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Betty Lou
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Thanks Al, I went back and double checked in WinExplorer and sure enough did not have it loaded into the right place. Did so and am back in the game. It sure is a shame I cannot get it with sound. May play it again on the used machine I bought a couple weeks ago with WIN95 on it and see if it will work there. Having a problem with UAKM too, can't get it to load/install. Oh, well, maybe on other machine. Thanks for all your help. Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/19/03 01:34 AM
03/19/03 01:34 AM
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Betty Lou
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Hello again. I have opened Regan's puzzlebox (I used the cheat code) and have examined its contents twice. Now I am supposed to go to Mac Muldens office at police station and talk to him about Dag Horton and his Autotec connection. Mac is not talking much and I don't know what I have missed here - the morgue does not show up on the map and Mac does not mention it. Any ideas? Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/19/03 10:19 AM
03/19/03 10:19 AM
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Hi Betty Lou, Finding out what you missed with a game like this is difficult - check the Pandora walkthroughs . Here's another point of view after getting Regan's box . MaG
Re: Pandora Directive
03/20/03 10:05 AM
03/20/03 10:05 AM
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Betty Lou
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Thanks for the link. I have checked each of the other w/t's helps and don't know how to get Mac to mention the it supposed to show up on my map? if not, how do I find it? Where IS the morgue? I would expect it to be in the police station somewhere, no? I will be happy to go there when I know where it is...and thanks for the help. Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/21/03 03:51 PM
03/21/03 03:51 PM
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Betty Lou
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Thanks Al, for the offer to take a look at my last saved game and see what I could have missed..I have however taken a step back one saved game and replayed it to the police station, talked to Mac and he has sent me on to the Morgue. Have advanced up to the point of now trying to solve Emily's box (redid the slider puzzle box and solved it without having to cheat, sure surprised the heck out of myself for this accomplishment - happy days). I will holler again if I get stuck again. Thanks Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/23/03 11:50 AM
03/23/03 11:50 AM
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Betty Lou
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My mother warned me "never play with dynomite", you'll "shoot your eye out!" and she was right, its worster than playing with fire! Hey, Al, I have sent you my last saved game just before I light the dyno, could you play me past this danger, I love that blue laser maze but can't run thru it fast enough to survive. Thanks Love, Betty Lou <img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" />
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/23/03 06:03 PM
03/23/03 06:03 PM
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Betty Lou,
I haven't played Pandora's Directive or UAKM in a long time but I'm wondering about your lack of sound.
If you're running the game under pure Windows 98 that could be your problem. These games are MS-DOS and I had to run them under DOS control in order to get sound.
You have to know where your game is loaded; for instance C:\Pandora\Pandora is where my game was. You then (providing you have Windows 95 or 98) go to Start-Shut Down-Restart in MS-Dos Mode. You should end up in DOS at a C:\ prompt. If you're not at the folder to run the game you should enter 'CD C:\Pandora' (without the quotes) and then enter 'Pandora' - or whatever folder and execute name you have - and then hit enter and the game should start, hoepfully with sound.
I might try to reload both games just to see if I can get it to work again. I'm using Windows 98 SE. If you're running under Windows XP you would have to find out if there is a way to run the game(s) under DOS control.
If you need more information feel free to e-mail me.
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Re: Pandora Directive
03/25/03 11:01 AM
03/25/03 11:01 AM
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Betty Lou
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I'm not ignoring you Robert, just been busy and trying to play two games, alternating between Rhem and PanDir....Rhem is driving me crazy/woozy, it is ONE BIG MAZE and I keep getting lost. As for my lack of sound, I am not very technical about computer, don't know where to look for my sound card settings (numbers, IO etc), don't know if I can update my sound card drivers, don't know much of anything. Will ponder on your offer to help me a bit and get back to you as soon as I can. Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/25/03 01:05 PM
03/25/03 01:05 PM
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Since my last note I've tried a few things under DOS control - not very successfully.
But, what I was able to do was to install Pandora under Windows control. When you first installed the game there should have been a 'sound' check window that opens up. When that was open you could select the type of sound card you have and also the settings such as I/O port, etc. There was a test button so even if you weren't sure about everything you could try a couple of settings until you heard sound. I realize it could be hit or miss but it might be worth a shot.
Obviously you wouldn't want to start over so you should make sure you save your 'saved' games.
You could find out what type of sound card you have by going to START/SETTINGS/CONTROL PANEL/SYSTEM/DEVICE MANAGER/SOUND VIDEO AND GAME CONTROLERS and see what's listed as your audio device. You can click on the audio device and select 'properties' to get more information if you need it.
I will continue to check out the DOS approach in case it's needed.
Also, exactly what was your problem loading UAKM?
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
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Re: Pandora Directive
03/26/03 01:54 PM
03/26/03 01:54 PM
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Betty Lou,
One thing to keep in mind when you're trying to get the sound to work is the list to select from in the game may not have your particular sound card - it didn't have mine for instance. What I did was select a Creative Labs sound card and just tried it along with different settings until the test sound button worked.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
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Re: Pandora Directive
03/27/03 11:30 AM
03/27/03 11:30 AM
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Betty Lou
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Have not done anything about the sound for Pandora Dir. - am stuck trying to outrun the lit dynomite - can't do it. waiting for a saved game from Al (or anyone) to get me past it. As for installing UAKM and running it, I have WIN98 (&DOS) but while it has successfully installed on my hard drive when I 'boot in DOS' and try to start the game I get the message that it can NOT find my CD drive - don't know what to do about this - any suggestions? I just have to get a monitor and speakers and get my other computer for WIN95 up and running! Have 5 games now that will NOT run with WIN98. I shudder to think what would happen if I were to get/install WINXP! All my older games that I would not be able to replay! I would be devastated. Any help with UAKM is appreciated. Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
03/28/03 02:09 PM
03/28/03 02:09 PM
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Reference UAKM: When you say you started your system in DOS, there is more than one way to run under DOS - 1. is while you're still under Windows control and 2. is 'restarting in MS DOS mode.'
If you haven't, you might want to try DOS under Windows control which is: Start/Programs/MS DOS Prompt. This doesn't always work due to memory constraints but it might be worth a try.
If you're trying to start under 'pure' DOS which is: Start/Shut Down/Restart in MS DOS mode - you would need to setup your CD ROM, mouse and sound with DOS drivers. I'm still trying to get that way to work; I have my sound and mouse ok but still can't get the CD ROM drivers.
I will e-mail you two files; CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT that have DOS drivers for the CD ROM which may help with method 1. above. You should rename your existing CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in case you have to go back to that version.
I will give you more information in the e-mail as to how to do the above.
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
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Re: Pandora Directive
04/04/03 02:15 AM
04/04/03 02:15 AM
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Betty Lou
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Well, I want to thank you Al for that saved game. I did as you suggested and lit the dynomite and made it thru the blue laser field and to the outside with no trouble this time from your saved game. Thanks much. Am now in Day 7 avoiding that green blob. On my way to the kitchen (for a snack and a pot) next time I go back into this game. Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
04/05/03 07:43 PM
04/05/03 07:43 PM
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Betty Lou
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Hey You Guys! Help please. I am in the ventilation shafts, level 2, found J2-3, turned right and went into the room which must be the Linguistics Lab, three computer on right wall, a chair in the middle (no table) - I am supposed to go to the middle of the room, turn right and raise the robot up and use the 'arm' to get a "red passcard from the counter in front of you" = except, I can see no card, have tried retrieving with that arm again and again in different spots (hotspots?) but when get to a place to check my inventory I see I do not have that do I locate just exactly where that passcard is laying so I can get aholt of it? PLEASE! it is driving me crazy.....thanks much for any help you can give me. Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive
04/05/03 08:04 PM
04/05/03 08:04 PM
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Grande Olde Dame
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Betty Lou, most of the walkthroughs I looked at seem to agree that you need to go to the center of the room, near a chair. Then turn right and go to the computer consoles. Raise your elevation to see the security clearance card on the console. (One walkthrough said it was on "the table" and another on "the counter"--I just wish they'd make up their minds  ). Nothing was said about using any arms to get it, just to "pick it up"...
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