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06/21/03 10:13 AM
06/21/03 10:13 AM
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I´m stuck in this game....I´m in the control booth and activate the three lights ATRIUM, VENTRICLE and INJECTORS..but after that I don´t know I must be do..or I go out this control booth blush ..I need to go again to A I V Sequencer I think...but I don´t get it... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" />
Would you help me, please?
Rui smile

Re: MORPHEUS #96477
06/21/03 10:31 AM
06/21/03 10:31 AM
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Hi Rui,

Here's Jeanne's hints from the start of this place:

Look at the AIV sequencer in the control room.
The Solar Voltaic Circuits is already activated because it all red but the A I V Sequencer is not because the red ring is not complete. You need to activate it then.

Press the left button on the panel to bring the travel pod and enter it.
To use the travel pod - On the left and right are hand levers that direct the pod forward or back. (You may need to click slightly under the lever to operate it.)

Notice the lighted line (above the word "Injectors") indicating where you are now. This will help you return here when you are done.

Above each of the words "Atrium", "Injectors", and "Ventricle" is a light, currently off. You need to turn on those lights then.

Pull the right hand lever. The pod moves forward.
Press the yellow & black striped button. A device rises from below. Grab its handle and turn it all the way to the left. Notice the light above "Atrium" lights. Push the striped button to lower it.

Repeat the exact procedure for the next setting.

Pull the right hand lever again. This time the pod rotates around. Pull the LEFT hand lever to back up.

Press the striped button and move this mechanism over to the left. The light above "Ventricle" lights up

When done, return the travel pod to your original position. Exit the pod and face the A I V Sequencer panel.

Pull the switch on the right to unlock the atomic locks. The red ring should light completely.

Good luck!

Re: MORPHEUS #96478
06/21/03 10:51 AM
06/21/03 10:51 AM
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Hi MaG

My problem is: How return to the travel pod to my original position... because I make everything you I´m confuse how I return?!!!! blush

Re: MORPHEUS #96479
06/21/03 11:20 AM
06/21/03 11:20 AM
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After lighting up the 'ventricle' - Linda says "Return --------- by pulling the left lever you will back up to the area of the cargo bay you once entered."

If you back up, that means that you have to turn around and see the door behind you to go out.

MaG wave

Re: MORPHEUS #96480
06/21/03 01:54 PM
06/21/03 01:54 PM
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Hi MaG again

I don´t get it..I don´t find this lever....because is in the exit the travel pod.. I go out..but my way is stopped wheres is the dead man, with a continue confused..

Re: MORPHEUS #96481
06/21/03 03:00 PM
06/21/03 03:00 PM
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Inside the travel pod, there are 2 levers - the right and the left levers.
The right lever moves the travel pod forward.
The left lever moves the travel pod backwards.
You used both this lever when you were adjusting the lights of the Atrium, Injector and Ventricle.

Best to go back to a saved game before you enter the travel pod. Do the sequence that is posted above. Do Atrium first, then injector and then ventricle.
After lighting up ventricle, pull the left lever to back up.
Then turn around and exit the travel pod.
Go to the control panel of the AIV sequencer.
Pull the switch on the right to unlock the atomic locks. The red ring should light completely.
You will see then a movie.
Exit the room then.


Re: MORPHEUS #96482
06/27/03 10:31 AM
06/27/03 10:31 AM
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I´m stuck again.... blush In this moment I´m in Leo Galtes room..after examine the box that he has in the room I take the red sorum bottle...but I don´t know what I can do with it?....

Would you help me, please?

Rui smile

Re: MORPHEUS #96483
06/27/03 11:36 AM
06/27/03 11:36 AM
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Rui, you will use that red bottle to help you get to Galtes' dream world. You have some more exploring to do, I think, to find the machine that takes you there...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: MORPHEUS #96484
06/28/03 07:14 AM
06/28/03 07:14 AM
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Hi Jenny

I don´t know where I have to use the red bottle??!!.. blush I think that is in the bedroom...but what place? ...If I click in the bed I see a vision with the Galtes...but is the vision that I see in the first time that I click in the I think I must be to click in another place...but where?...

Re: MORPHEUS #96485
06/28/03 10:01 AM
06/28/03 10:01 AM
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To get into the dream world of any of the guest you have to:
1. Have the red serum bottle of the guest which can be find the the guest's room.
2. Then you have to go down to their pods. Take the elevator to level 4 and find yourself in the Sanitorium.
3. You have to 'retract' the guest's pod that you want. This is another puzzle.

Good luck!

Re: MORPHEUS #96486
06/30/03 10:19 AM
06/30/03 10:19 AM
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Hi MaG

Thanks for your help... thumbsup but now I´m stuck again...I need to get the keys to cell but I don´t get it....I see all rooms...but I I don´t get the keys..

Re: MORPHEUS #96487
06/30/03 11:10 AM
06/30/03 11:10 AM
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Hi Rui,

I think your down at the Sanitarium already and that you want to open the pods.
Look at each of the pods first.
Then walk back towards the exit.
Before you get to the door, turn left and see a machine on the wall. This is the pod retractor machine.
To use this machine, enter the number you got from the guest room in a box together with the serum. For example, Leo Galte has the number 155.
Enter 155 on the machine.
Pull the switch.
You will see a movie and a secret door to your right will open.
Enter that door.
You will see the Neurographicon.
Step into the open pod and insert the serum into the receptacle.

Good luck and have good dreams,

Re: MORPHEUS #96488
06/30/03 11:34 AM
06/30/03 11:34 AM
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Rui Offline OP
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Hi MaG

Thanks for your answer.. smile but I´m already in the dreams.. laugh It´s here..that I don´t get the keys..I need to get the to get items that is in the cells..There is my confusion...because I see the rooms in Ms.Pettibones Boarding house and after I need to go the police station again.

Re: MORPHEUS #96489
06/30/03 12:05 PM
06/30/03 12:05 PM
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It was nice to recall the game and now reviewed the key puzzle. wink

I don't think you need to open the jail cells with the keys. You only need to know which cell is for which woman. You can look at the cells for clues they left behind.
Then you use those clues you see in the jail cell to find out where they are from.

You saw the name with colored pins.
You saw the rooms of each women at the boarding house and also found out clues as to where they are from.
You saw there are 6 maps on the wall of the police station.

Now, all you do is:
Take the colored pin of a woman and from the clues given stick the colored pin on the map where you think she is from.

Tess' pin should go to Paris Map.
Ophelia -- London
Molly -- Brooklyn, New York
Lulu -- Hong Kong
Kitty -- Egypt
Ingrid -- Rome

MaG <img border="0" alt="[talky]" title="" src="graemlins/talky.gif" />

Re: MORPHEUS #96490
06/30/03 01:36 PM
06/30/03 01:36 PM
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Hi MaG

You don´t understand what I said... smile My stuck is inside the dream....I see the walktrough of Linda and I see pictures the keys..I´m inside Dream Leo Galte´s Dream my stuck is in the puzzle the keys and cells

Re: MORPHEUS #96491
06/30/03 01:56 PM
06/30/03 01:56 PM
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I understand, Rui.

The one I describe above is about Leo Galte's Dream for the puzzle at the police station.

1. Yes, there is a picture of the key with names and numbers at Linda's WT. This clue tells you which jail cell was the cell of one of the 6 women.
#1 is Tess, 2- Ophelia, 3 is Molly, 4 is Lulu, 5 is Kitty's and 6 is Ingrid.

2. Now go to the jail cells and look inside, you do not need to open the jail cells. Just look at each jail cell and notice that each of the cells has an item.
1, Tess' cell has a blue glove.
2, Ophelia's cell has a knitting basket
3, Molly's cell has flute and music
4, Lulu's cell has cup and teapot
5, Kitty's cell has blue jewelry
6, Ingrid's cell has flowered hat.

3. Now go to the boarding house and each of the room to find clues that will tell you where all these women are from.

Blue glove is beside a postcard from Paris. So, since there was another blue glove in Cell #1 and that cell was where Tess was, therefore Tess came from Paris.
You can now take the colored pin that is beside Tess' name and place it on the map of Paris on the wall of the Police Station.

In another room, you see knitting needle and yarn. There will be another postcard video that shows Big Ben in London, England.
So now you know that this will match the knitting basket in Cell #2 where Ophelia was. Therefore Ophelia is from London.

In another room, you see a teacup and a postcard video of Hongkong. There this will match the cup and teapot in cell #4 where Lulu was. So now you know that Lulu comes from Hongkong.

Now, you can deduce the rest of the clues as to where the other women came from.


Re: MORPHEUS #96492
07/01/03 10:17 AM
07/01/03 10:17 AM
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Hi MaG

Thanks for your help.... thumbsup Yesterday I don´t had noted that was in second page... blush so my confusion...sorry... rolleyes
Now I´m stuck again....This game is difficult..I´m Smedley´s Pub and I see darts and I need to throw it...but when I throw the six darts doesn´t happen anything....or is necessary to throw by order?....

Re: MORPHEUS #96493
07/01/03 11:04 AM
07/01/03 11:04 AM
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Rui, throw a dart from the first table. If it is the correct dart, beer will start to flow from one of the beer handles. If that happens, then move on to the next table--if not, try another dart until you find the correct one. When you have thrown the correct dart from all six tables, all the beer will start to flow at once, and a secret passageway will open behind the fireplace...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: MORPHEUS #96494
07/02/03 10:04 AM
07/02/03 10:04 AM
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Hi Jenny

Thanks for your help... thumbsup but now I´m another this game I have many problems.. blush I need to back aboard the Herculania...How make that?....

Re: MORPHEUS #96495
07/02/03 11:36 AM
07/02/03 11:36 AM
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Rui, there are three puzzles to solve in this dream world, and each time you finish one you should get a rose. Put it in the flower cart, and when you've placed the third rose you will be automatically returned to the ship...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: MORPHEUS #96496
07/02/03 12:08 PM
07/02/03 12:08 PM
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Hi Jenny

Now I´m confuse..because I think that I solve the 3 puzzles or could be 2?!!!.. blush I said this, because when I was in the police station with the one the ring 2....and dog tag I think that is correct..

Re: MORPHEUS #96497
07/02/03 01:49 PM
07/02/03 01:49 PM
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Rui, after you get the third rose, answer the ringing phone and then go to the morgue and click on the table there--I think that will take you back to the ship...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: MORPHEUS #96498
07/05/03 09:44 AM
07/05/03 09:44 AM
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Hi Jenny

Thanks for your help... thumbsup Now I´m stuck again...I´m in part 2 and I need to get another feather....but I don´t get it...I´m inside the blue doors and I turned the sundial pyramid...but I think I need to find six hookahs, but I find only four....

Re: MORPHEUS #96499
07/05/03 11:31 AM
07/05/03 11:31 AM
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Hi Rui,

Jenny is taking some time off.

I will just summarize this chapter (to help me remember) and let you see what is supposed to be done, OK.

1. Get the first feather and use it on the bird cage.
2. Collect 10 paintings from each room and then go to the maroon door and arrange the paintings. Then again place the second feather on the birdcage.
3. Connect the lines on the pyramid on a table behind the blue door.
Then touch the hookahs to see the form the smoke releases.
I think there's only 5 of them - smoke shapes are Triangle, three lines, star, S, and spade.
Click them in that order.
One side of the room has 3 hookahs and the other has 2.
Good luck,

Re: MORPHEUS #96500
07/09/03 10:15 AM
07/09/03 10:15 AM
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Wow..I solved the puzzle....but now I´m confuse about the stage room I don´t get to knot by to push...How I make that?

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