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Escape from Monkey Island #97925
04/05/03 01:10 AM
04/05/03 01:10 AM
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desertlilac Offline OP
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Stuck in the prothesis Shop trying to get Dave to listen to the music box. When Guy. asks him if he can hear -- he does not reply. Seem to be going around circles here. What should I be doing? wave

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97926
04/05/03 01:25 AM
04/05/03 01:25 AM
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Lilac, I've checked a bunch of walkthroughs--one of them said to "use" the music box on Dave, and another said to place it on the counter! Here is the best sounding complete explanation--maybe you don't talk to Dave about the music, but just run quickly over to the basket: SPOILER
*Talk to him and ask about a hand. Use the music box and steal the hand quickly.

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97927
04/06/03 12:08 AM
04/06/03 12:08 AM
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Finally found where the hand was that Guybrush is to pick up = had some problems wondering where it was. Have the strategy mapped out how to get it, but not sure I am going to be fast enough doing so. I have problems when I have to use the keyboard to move things in a game. Have been trying off and on all day with no luck. When I finally get 'down and out' will anyone have a saved game past this part?

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97928
04/06/03 12:37 AM
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I know what you mean about using the keyboard to move around, Lilac! frown

I checked the back posts, and Syd suggested that you make Guybrush run to the basket. And someone else said that a slow-down utility might help, if the problem is that your computer is just too fast...

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97929
04/06/03 12:49 PM
04/06/03 12:49 PM
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Still working at it -- not sure whether my PC is too slow or too fast or the problem is little old ME being too slow. I have a Pentium 3 450 MGh and using Win98SE as an OS. Not sure whether this is fast or slow in today's games?

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97930
04/06/03 02:08 PM
04/06/03 02:08 PM
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Syd was right Jenny. Running was the answer. Had forgotten I can get the character to zoom around in this game. Have the hand, got the clock from the chess players and am merrily on my way. These Monkey games are a hoot. The dilogue just kills me. smile

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97932
04/07/03 02:42 PM
04/07/03 02:42 PM
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Can you tell me how long one has to wait at the gate in Myst Swamp for the future Guybrush to appear. Have been tootling around now for some time and the WT I consult when I get stuck says that is what you have to do. My arms are wearing out poling around that same area again and again. Thought there just might be some trick to getting the future Guy. to appear. Have been consulting the time table and trying to pole in certain directions but so far am all alone there at the gate. smile

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97933
04/07/03 04:30 PM
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go to the gate as near as you can and a bit to the left so the future guybrush can pass by.

Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97935
04/09/03 12:27 AM
04/09/03 12:27 AM
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Still no future Guybrush. Tell me does it make a difference if Guybrush is outside the gate or within the gate? The heads of the gate look forward so I take it that is inside the gate. When Guybrush is outside the gate you can't see the faces. Though there is also a time when Guybrush is outside the gate and the faces do show as though the game player is inside the gate and Guybrush is outside. Hope I have not confused this issue. frown

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97937
04/09/03 10:51 AM
04/09/03 10:51 AM
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Hi Lilac

I played this a long time ago but if I recall correctly the future Guybrush is looking at you through the gate so he's "inside the gate". The current Guybrush should have his back to you (I think LOL).

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97939
04/09/03 11:40 PM
04/09/03 11:40 PM
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Well, guess I will have to put another game on and get involved in it. Guybrush of the future remains in the future and will simply not appear in the here and now.

Have present Guybrush outside the gate where the heads on the poles are facing him so I guess that means he is on the outside looking in and I put him slightly to the left (have tried both sides as left). But no future Guybrush.

So will try another game and ever so often go backto EFMI and see if I can get two Guys.

Unless someone else has any more ideas?

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97940
04/10/03 09:55 AM
04/10/03 09:55 AM
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The only other suggestion I can think of Lilac, is to go back to a saved game and play this part again, following a walkthrough closely. Sometimes this will shake something loose...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97941
04/10/03 11:37 AM
04/10/03 11:37 AM
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Finally found the secret to the future Guybrush! The Wt I was following simply said to just wander around until the #2 appeared. Well, that certainly does not work. Found another WT that said to follow the clock and the directions received in the prosthesis shop. Worked like a charm -- so this info for anyone working this old but delightful game.

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97942
04/10/03 11:44 AM
04/10/03 11:44 AM
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Thanks for the heads-up, Lilac. This illustrates the hazards of trying to help someone play a game that you don't have any experience with yourself--I just assumed that you were following those directions, and never thought to check whether you actually were or not...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97945
04/16/03 12:37 PM
04/16/03 12:37 PM
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desertlilac Offline OP
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Still escaping from Monkey Island. Anyone remember the spot where you are talking to parrots on the beach. Have got them talking, have made the one parrot tipsy, have decided on the truth talking parrot. BUT cannot bring up any dialogue that WTs claim will appear re a bronze hat. Missing something here but not sure what or where. WTs claim that if one got the parrots talking then you got the hidden triggers re talking to the tourist and the pirate so don't think I need to go back and engage in conversation with tourist or pirate again. If anyone remembers this old game and this spot where I am stuck -- all help gratefully appreciated.

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97946
04/16/03 01:52 PM
04/16/03 01:52 PM
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tigger Offline
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Hazy memory here... but weren't you supposed to ask the pirate whose shoulder they were sat on where the hat was??

If not, try walking towards the rocks, see if they come with you... (right hand side of the screen I think)


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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97947
04/16/03 03:38 PM
04/16/03 03:38 PM
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I have talked the pirate out -- keep getting same conversation over and over again. Tried walking toward the boulders and seemed to just walk around in circles after I got on boulder beach.

So went back to game where the birds had automatically went to the beach and I was to question them. So am now questioning them and as per above have reached a stalemate.

No big sweat if I never figure it out == will move to other games. Though I enjoy the Monkey games am finding them devlishly difficult around the conversation areas and somewhat boring when you get stuck and can't get the conversation you are supposed to in order to move on. smile

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97948
04/16/03 04:08 PM
04/16/03 04:08 PM
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When you went to the rocky beach, did you blow the whistle?? That summons the parrots smile (knew I missed something!!)

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97949
04/16/03 05:13 PM
04/16/03 05:13 PM
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After you made one parrot drunk you have to talk with the other one. He will tell you the truth.You don't have to go back to the two men and talk to them again,in that case you will never come to an end.So if you ask the parrot where the hat lies, he will go and you have to follow him. This will take a long time. If he flies away, use the whistle to bring him back.Finally he will bring you to the hat, that is of course on the end of the beach. But you have to follow all the instructions of the parrot.
Good luck and don't give up. Even I didn't.

Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97950
04/16/03 07:07 PM
04/16/03 07:07 PM
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I am talking endlessly with the sober parrot and the truth telling one from what I can discern.

And have blown that whistle umpteem times with the parrots following me all around the beach.

The part I am missing is I can't get the truthful sober parrot to come up with conversation lines that enable me to ask about the hat.

All I get are the same conversation lines over and over. Have even gone back to the pirate, brought the parrots back to perch on his shoulder and started over again with little luck.

I seem to be doing the right actions but not getting the conversation lines that the WTs tell me I should be getting -- the one about the hat.


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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97951
04/18/03 10:33 AM
04/18/03 10:33 AM
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Hi desertlilac,

I came late on these - so bear with me if you have done some of the stuff I will mention.

You might need to go back to a saved game.

1. You should have talked to the tourist by the statue in town and he should have clued you in about the HAT. He should have told you the story of the LeFeet and about the statue. He should also have told you about where to find the hat.
2. Then when you get to Knuttin Hole - talk to the pirate all about his weight, LeFeet and about Ultimate Insult. He should have told you about what happened to LeFeet and where the hat is buried. He has to mention - one of the boulders.
3. Now the parrot - after finding out from the pirate all about the parrots and how one lies and one tells the truth - give one of the parrot either the coffee or the microgrog. Then ask the parrot something that will show who lies. Just be persistent and ask the truthful bird which direction to go to to find the rock and eventually he will show you where it is. Follow the direction and he when he says 'nowhere' - that means you found the correct rock.

Good luck,

Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97952
04/18/03 03:42 PM
04/18/03 03:42 PM
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Bless you bless you MaG. This was to have been my last post as giving up on the game. Your directions will be enormously helpful. Yes, I will have to go back to a saved game but with your ideas think maybe I might muddle through now:) Thanks muchly again. When I am finished with this game -- will post a celebration note!!!! smile smile smile

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97953
04/18/03 04:08 PM
04/18/03 04:08 PM
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Hope that by going back to a saved game and talking your head off with all those characters - something will shake loose and get you through to pick up that hat.

MaG wave

Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97954
04/21/03 11:33 PM
04/21/03 11:33 PM
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Still at it with Monkey -- went way back in saved games in order to get fresh start. Am now on Jambalaya Island looking for the high rock to get the Golden man. (Gave up the bronze hat for the time being). Can't find that rock to save me. So decided to do the puppet thing -- now can't get the puppeteer to come out and then run away so I can pick up the puppets. Any ideas on these two issues. Never have I played such a frustrating game -- trying to get people to say things they should:(

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Re: Escape from Monkey Island #97955
04/21/03 11:43 PM
04/21/03 11:43 PM
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Did you show the puppeteer the picture on the back of your map, Lilac...

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