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Rhem #99899
02/24/03 11:33 AM
02/24/03 11:33 AM
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Rui Offline OP
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I´m stuck in this game..and I´m in the begin yet..

I´m in place where is a thing with purple bot tons. but after I don´t know what to do blush

I see some paths but I don´t find who is the path to opened doorway by to find a red buttons....I see the WT but for me it´s a little confuse

Would you help me,please?
Rui smile

Re: Rhem #99900
02/24/03 01:05 PM
02/24/03 01:05 PM
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Hi Rui,

You are far away from the red button of the round building.

Can you start from the beginning after you got off the rail car again.

Then just go forward until you reach a round building (red lines in the map).

There will be a red button on the side of the door. Press that to enter the building.


Re: Rhem #99901
02/24/03 01:20 PM
02/24/03 01:20 PM
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Hi MaG

I explain badly...I´m in the round building..and see the two doors with the red button...After I go down the metal ladder and arrives to a place with square with to purple like you dyas in your WT I need to go the other place with a square with red buttons...It´s this way I don´t find....

I hope that you understand better...:)or you think I must be to the begin again?

Re: Rhem #99902
02/24/03 01:35 PM
02/24/03 01:35 PM
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Okay, I know where you are now - NO - you don't need to start over.

The way to this purple button stand was explained only so that you will remember where this place is - it will be important later in the game.

Now the red button stand you want to go to is also just to show you what is needed to be done later.

To go there from the purple stand,
climb the steps,
go forward through a path with wall on both sides,
turn right on a open doorway to go out to the main path,
turn right again and now you will see that you came out from under a stairs.
Climb this stairs and go forward (past cliffs on both sides) until you reach an open doorway.
Go forward here (there is a way to the right - ignore that for now).
Go forward and you will see the red buttons stand.
Then go until the end of the path and you will see a poster showing a floating bridge.

This is now the right blue line in the map.

Good luck,

Re: Rhem #99903
03/06/03 11:40 AM
03/06/03 11:40 AM
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I´m stuck again in this´s a little complicated...Now I need to open a hidden door, and I press the buttons but the door doesn´t open....I think make everything right...why the door don´t open?...
Would you help me, please?..
Rui... smile

Re: Rhem #99904
03/06/03 12:11 PM
03/06/03 12:11 PM
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Can you tell me more about the hidden door and buttons. Like where you are or what you have done before - so that I can pinpoint where you are.


Re: Rhem #99905
03/06/03 12:17 PM
03/06/03 12:17 PM
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Hi MaG

I read already the pumps and used the telescope..I go to back the water pipes control annex....and I see two arrows with 3 marked circles on them...after to press the red panel to close the door with 3 stars...and I find the door, with two bottons in the left and when I press the red button and the green button´s here whre I am...I don´t know if you understand where I am?...I think so..

Re: Rhem #99906
03/06/03 12:23 PM
03/06/03 12:23 PM
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Okay, I know where you are now.

Hi Rui,

You are facing now 2 doors with a panel on the left side. One door is closed and one is where you entered through. You are now trying to open the left closed door.
The panel:
1. To open the left closed door - you have to enter NW, SE W on the panel.
2. Use the red button to move the line to NW position. Then press the green button to enter that action - a red light on the button will show that it has been entered.
3. Now use the red button to move the line to the SE position. Then press the green button to enter that action - a red light on the button will show that it has been entered.
4. Now use the red button again to move the line to the W position. Then press the green button to enter that action - a red light on the button will show that it has been entered.
5. Once all the 3 positions has been entered - the left door should open but the right door will now be closed.

Enter, left, forward, right, forward pass the entrance, right and pull down the lever. This closes the door on the left.

Go back to the panel again and now you have to do the same procedure on the panel except you have to enter SW, S, E. Use red button to position line and green button to enter the pattern. This will close the left door and open the right door.

Enter right door. Go to the other room with the pipe distribution picture. See that the hidden door went up and an opening on floor is seen.

Post if you have anymore questions.

Good luck, MaG

Re: Rhem #99909
03/11/03 01:32 PM
03/11/03 01:32 PM
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I´m stuck i´m in the place where is a blue button panel where I pressed the buttons 2361 and the screen displays seems a square and the number 4...When I back to round building and go to the passage to the control room..I need to set the mechanism to south and east...I press the button but after I don´t get to open the door to round building
I don´t know if is correct when I press the button by South and East....If I see a picture... blush
Would you help me, please?
Rui smile

Re: Rhem #99910
03/11/03 01:59 PM
03/11/03 01:59 PM
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Hi Rui,

Have you checked the mosaic door already?

Then you go back to the walkway building and the tower control building at the top level.
Using the brown panel, turn the walkway to your right or 3 o'clock (east) and down or 6 o'clock (south). Remember that you are looking at the walkways from the south side or bottom of building.
Exit, forward and go down the ladder. Exit the building, forward until the open doorway and go left before open doorway -we will come back here later.

What door to round buildng can you not open?


Re: Rhem #99911
03/11/03 02:38 PM
03/11/03 02:38 PM
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Hi MaG

It´s the door where is the ladder that you says..Now I will go to try..

Re: Rhem #99912
03/11/03 06:25 PM
03/11/03 06:25 PM
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Once you faced the door at the other end of the hallway, turn around and you will see a ladder that goes down. This ladder opening is beside the hallway you came from.

Good luck and I will check the mail you sent also.


Re: Rhem #99913
03/12/03 11:10 AM
03/12/03 11:10 AM
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Hi MaG

I think that you don´t understand what I said...My English isn´t the best...I´m face the first I don´t get to enter where is the I need to set the mechanism to south and east...and I back into the building and leave by the lower east exit....It´s confuse..this game it´s dificult....

Re: Rhem #99914
03/12/03 12:06 PM
03/12/03 12:06 PM
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I do understand you, it's my fault - I just explain too much.

Okay, I played as to where you where in the game.

1. Turn back to the control room and enter.
2. Adjust the center panel to alas tres (pointing right) and alas sais (pointing down).
3. Doing this down arrow at 6 o'clock position will now open the door that has the red button.

Good luck! - post again when you need us!

MaG wave

Re: Rhem #99915
03/12/03 01:21 PM
03/12/03 01:21 PM
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Hi MaG

I don´t agree with you... laugh Or I´m very confuse today lol
My explain is poor...I don´t know if you understand but it´s the second time that I need to set the mechanism my confusion...and I need to find the buttons purples again to display the screen and to find the number 3.... blush
This game is difficult and I think I need help many times

Re: Rhem #99916
03/12/03 01:34 PM
03/12/03 01:34 PM
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Can you copy and paste here the part of the walkthrough you are trying to do. I lost you somewhere in the walkway building. lol


Re: Rhem #99921
03/13/03 11:29 AM
03/13/03 11:29 AM
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I checked, but I haven

Re: Rhem #99922
03/13/03 11:45 AM
03/13/03 11:45 AM
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Oh gee!

My mail has been not working right for weeks!

I did not send a saved game on my last mail.

Let's see if this where you are:
1. Set the walkway to 3 o'clock position and 6 o'clock position.
2. Go out the tower control room.
3. Go to through other door and down the hallway.
4. Turn around and go down the ladder.
5. Go out the door and you should be at the lower east exit.
6. Go forward a long way until you reach a place that you can go right to an open doorway or go left through a path that is between cliff walls.
7. Take the left path between cliff walls.
8. Go forward, climb the stairs, forward and go down the stairs.
8. Here at the bottom of the stairs, turn left to go under the stairs.
9. You will see a passage under the stairs. Go forward to this passage and find yourself in an enclosed path with a little stream on the right side.
10. Go forward, climb the steps.
11. Take a look on the right, forward into a small balcony and see a building. Remember this place - you need to go back here at close to the end of the game.
12. Turn left, go forward and down the stairs.
13. Turn left and see a purple stand. This is where you want to enter those numbers.

Hope this clear.


Re: Rhem #99923
03/13/03 01:18 PM
03/13/03 01:18 PM
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Hi MaG

Thanks for your help..this time I understand.. blush

But now I have another problem...after to be in generator building I find a purple button panel, but when I press him doesn´t happen anything...What´s is wrong? I forgot something?

Re: Rhem #99924
03/13/03 01:36 PM
03/13/03 01:36 PM
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Hi Rui,

I checked the walkthrough you are following.
After the generator building, you went through a wooden door and then another to the outside at a place where things looks destroyed.
There is a purple button panel there.
The walkthrough you are following has a different set of numbers than mine.

---Press L-R 7534 on purple buttons stand to see red elongated oval and a lower case l.

Try that and see if that works.


Re: Rhem #99925
03/13/03 03:31 PM
03/13/03 03:31 PM
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Hi MaG

You are rigth...with your numbers works with me too...
Thanks for your help.. smile

Re: Rhem #99927
03/14/03 11:02 AM
03/14/03 11:02 AM
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Hi MaG

I walking and walking, but now I have this problem...I´m in the elevator but doesn´t work..I need to go the upper level..but I don´t know why the elevator doesn´t work.. blush

I forgot something?...or to get the power where is the correct path? ,,,I think that is not correct..Maybe I forgot to make something..but in the control panel I don´t find any picuture like it is in WT!!!!!...I´m lost... laugh ..because I pull the lever but....stay always 100%...

Re: Rhem #99928
03/14/03 11:37 AM
03/14/03 11:37 AM
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To get the elevator working, the power must be turned at the generator building. Once you enter the elevator, close door and press button. See if that works.

Recheck that the 100 % electricity panel shows water flow on the right side.

If still doesn't work - Go back to a saved game and redo the steps in the Rhem wt on how to get 100% electricity .


Re: Rhem #99929
03/14/03 12:22 PM
03/14/03 12:22 PM
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I don´t arrived there.. mad ...There I think I give up the game laugh ...I do wht you says, but I don´t know if is correct in the pipes...?!!!and I don´t understand the control panel.... wink

Re: Rhem #99930
03/14/03 12:40 PM
03/14/03 12:40 PM
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Oh Rui,

It's up to you, dear. If the game is not fun anymore - You can put it aside and play it later when you think you want to or not play it ever. There's no need to go through with it - you should have fun when you play. smile

In case, you want to continue - we're always here. We will try to get you through. The game is like this until the end. wave

As for the pipes - make the connections just like the pictures at the generator building/Hydroelectric plant and then work the control panel outside.

smile MaG

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