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Terrific Tuesday #1046549
12/21/15 07:50 PM
12/21/15 07:50 PM
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gymcandy1 Offline OP
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Calera, Oklahoma
If you can’t beat them, arrange 
to have them beaten.
George Carlin


My teenage patient’s mother was concerned. “He must have a temperature,” she said. “He hasn’t taken our motorcycle out all day.”

“Let me ask you,” I said. “Do you have a thermometer?”

“No,” she said. “A Kawasaki.”


Which West is that?

“Why did you choose a college so far from home?” I asked my British student.

She explained that she’d fallen 
in love with the American West by watching Westerns. So when it came time to apply for colleges, she Googled “Western universities.”

And that’s how she ended up here, at Western Carolina University.


The Wrong Language

I tried to explain to a client why I couldn’t help him with a project that was written in a program code that I didn’t know.

“Let’s say you’re asking me to write something in a specific language. Now, I’m fluent in English and Spanish, but your project is in Chinese. Since 
I don’t understand Chinese, I’m not your best option. You need someone who is fluent in this specific language. See?”

He said he did and thanked me.

The next morning, I got a call from another developer asking, “Why is 
So-and-So asking us if we’re fluent 
in Chinese?”


A Late Graduation

At the age of 55, I finally got 
my bachelor’s degree and set out to 
become a substitute teacher. One day, a seventh grader asked if I’d been teaching long.

“Actually, I’m brand-new,” I told him. “I just graduated.”

Looking me up and down, he asked, “How long were you in college?”


An Army of None

We were an Air Force family, but our son could not grasp that 
fact. Anytime someone asked what his father did, he’d say, “He’s in the Army.” I told him umpteen times, “Stop telling people I’m in the Army!” It finally seemed to hit home because on the admittance form 
for kindergarten, under “father’s 
profession,” the teacher wrote, “He doesn’t know what his father does, but he’s not in the Army.”


Winter Punderland

As we waited for a bus in the frosty weather, the woman next to me mentioned that she makes a lot of mistakes when texting in the cold.

I nodded knowingly. “It’s the early signs of typothermia.”


es That Come in Super-Size?

A friend was ordering her meal at a drive-through when she noticed she could get a side dish gratis.

“And I’ll take the free wiffie also,” she said.

“What?” asked the clerk.

“The free wiffie,” she said, pointing to the sign.

“Ma’am, that’s ‘Free Wi-Fi.’ ”


Let Minnow

My husband and I were relaxing on lounge chairs on a Jamaica beach, half listening to a couple walking 
ankle deep in the clear water. The woman was extolling the beauty of the island when suddenly she let out a scream.

“Oh!” she shrieked. “There are fish in here!”


Good morning everyboomie. welcome

IT'S FRIDAY!! santadance

It is for me, cause I'm off tomorrow. bravo12

I started training my replacement today. woot

I hope I didn't scare him off already. I filled his head with horror stories I'm afraid. grinch

I'm thinking of writing my memoirs now. I think I'll call it 'Seven Years a Slave'. lol12

In 11 days I'll only be a part time slave. wink12

Partially retired..................completely tired. tired

I hope you all have a happy day.


Last edited by gymcandy1; 12/21/15 07:58 PM.

There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.

William Butler Yeats
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046554
12/21/15 08:59 PM
12/21/15 08:59 PM
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Have a great Tuesday Joe. wave12

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: Space Quest Fan] #1046557
12/21/15 09:06 PM
12/21/15 09:06 PM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
Good morning everyone santaI wanted to stop by and wish everyone a christmas I'll get the coffee going reindeerHave a great day all tree wave12

I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046567
12/21/15 10:54 PM
12/21/15 10:54 PM
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Have a fantastic Tuesday Joe, Space Quest, Cailyn and all who come in after me. wave12

I got through my very long workday while sick today. thumbsup12 Now I just have three regular long workdays to go. lol12 I do think I'm feeling a little better this evening, so hopefully that will continue. smile12

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. tree

Interrogator: [True or false?] All mangoes are golden. Nothing golden is cheap. Conclusion - all mangoes are cheap.

Helena: Where are these mangoes?
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046568
12/21/15 11:05 PM
12/21/15 11:05 PM
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Happy Tuesday all! It's almost 60 degrees here. Not feeling like Christmas at all!

Ana wave12

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Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1046570
12/21/15 11:19 PM
12/21/15 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted By: BrownEyedTigre
Happy Tuesday all! It's almost 60 degrees here. Not feeling like Christmas at all!

Ana wave12

And here I am, it's absolutely pouring rain here and we are expected to get 3-8 inches of snow on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day along with a temperature of about 10 degrees. The weather is weird all over. winter

Happy Tuesday to all. santadance

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046575
12/21/15 11:43 PM
12/21/15 11:43 PM
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We have had very mild weather. It was 10 degrees the other day but the next was back up to 40. I wouldn't have minded a white Christmas, but these temps are nice. Stay safe if you need to venture out Marian.

Ana wave12

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046589
12/22/15 02:17 AM
12/22/15 02:17 AM
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Good morning,have all a nice day. santadance

I change all my passwords to "incorrect". So whenever I forget, it says, "your password is incorrect".

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046597
12/22/15 05:43 AM
12/22/15 05:43 AM
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Good Morning everyone. It looks like some of us are really getting warm temperatures for Christmas! cool Tomorrow we are suppose to be a recording breaking 70 degrees and today is the first full day of winter! eek12 I put on some fresh coffee and tea too. Wishing you all a wonderful day! tree catrub

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046610
12/22/15 08:09 AM
12/22/15 08:09 AM
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winter springs fl.
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Good morning everyone. Ana, it's going to be in the upper 80's here on Friday, so not Christmas. L4L, Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, and Triple Chocolate Chunk cookies. To all here and all who stop by later, have a Wonderful Tuesday. Robert took Cyndi and I to look at the Christmas lights last night. There are some Outstanding displays in some areas. I love Christmas! Danish, BB Pancakes, and Bacon Sandwiches in the NC. tree

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046636
12/22/15 11:58 AM
12/22/15 11:58 AM
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Good Morning Boomers

Busy week here. Wishing everyone a super day! It's looking a lot like Christmas! tree presents12 santadance

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: GBC] #1046654
12/22/15 01:15 PM
12/22/15 01:15 PM
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wave12 Howdy ho, sweet Joe! Thanks for the openers and congrats on your upcoming semi-retirement! Have a fabulously Terrific Tuesday!

Good morning, sweet 'Boomies!

Hubby and I have a food and wine pairing tonight with friends. Should be lovely!

Alrighty, off to see what's afoot!

Woohoo and booyah! smile Have an easy peasy day!
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046657
12/22/15 01:26 PM
12/22/15 01:26 PM
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Happy Toosday everyone! reindeer

hearts L4L


To learn, read...To know, write...To master, teach...To live, play games & listen to whale music Stay Smart & Stay Safe
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046658
12/22/15 01:26 PM
12/22/15 01:26 PM
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looney4labs Offline
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Terrific Tuesday ya'll puppy

Soot and I have a quiet house with lots of chores to do. Gonna run out and do a little Christmas Shopping in a bit.

It's going to be near 70 today.

Joe, Love the quote rotfl12 Not excited about semi-retiring at all, are you wink12

Space wave12

Sue, thanks for coffee and I hope your day is lovely.

Venus, prayers that you feel better soon. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Ana, will the crew be over on Christmas?

Marian, I'm heading your way and bringing the boys. Christmas snow sounds lovely. Stay warm. wink12

Haroula, will you be visiting family on Christmas?

Gerry, thanks for the tea. That is really warm for you guys.

Connie, pass the Triple Chocolate Chunk please.

Gail, are the girls out of school?

Darlene, hope whatever is afoot is afine!


"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046690
12/22/15 04:37 PM
12/22/15 04:37 PM
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Hope everyone is having a great day! santadance

L4L. tomorrow will be the last day of school for the girls till after New Years. tree

Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046696
12/22/15 05:02 PM
12/22/15 05:02 PM
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Are they excited?

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046701
12/22/15 05:39 PM
12/22/15 05:39 PM
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Today right now it is 76 on the back porch and that's in the shade and the sun would burn a hole in your forehead and the kits are stretched out on the front porch in the sun -just a'soakin' it up. Loveitloveitloveit

Those Christmas cookies sound good Connie -how about a peanut butter one. Which reminds me, why did I buy the big jar of p-butter crunchy? Maybe some p'butter cookies here soon? Gotta get busy.

On to sudoku then to more serious gaming. That wolfenstein game, the new order is good

I wish I were a cat and belonged to me ~ My Aunt Helen Mary Rose
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046702
12/22/15 05:42 PM
12/22/15 05:42 PM
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Yankee, no sun here. Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and overcast and gloomy, but warm! You can send some of those p'nut butter cookies this way wave12 reindeer

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046704
12/22/15 06:14 PM
12/22/15 06:14 PM
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OK L4L, doggies love'em. i just have to get some energy. A year oooollllddddeeeerrr and the ol' legs give out. "Why Bother" time is closing in. But must do something with this p-butter. Maybe posey possum. Speaking of her, she didn't whipe off her feet last night. BadPosey

I wish I were a cat and belonged to me ~ My Aunt Helen Mary Rose
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: Yankee Clipper] #1046715
12/22/15 07:55 PM
12/22/15 07:55 PM
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Hey everybody. santa

It's been a beautiful day here. I got off of work at 2:00 and rushed home. I've been taking both dogs for a walk as soon as I get home. The weather here is scary too. It's Spring in December. cool

After I walk the dogs I prop the door open because the little one loves going out in the yard and keeping guard over the house. She barks at everyone who comes into sight. lab

Baby tries to play with her and she runs circles around her. puppy

So anyway it's nice that the weather is so pleasant. bravo12

My friend that I got the dog from is coming out to visit. I'd better get out of here. wink12

Enjoy your evening everyone. smile12


There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.

William Butler Yeats
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046717
12/22/15 08:05 PM
12/22/15 08:05 PM
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Joe, what kind of puppy? How old?

Saw the cutest service dog in training while we were out today. Could have so taken him home with me lab

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: looney4labs] #1046724
12/22/15 08:23 PM
12/22/15 08:23 PM
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Good afternoon Boomers.

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: Space Quest Fan] #1046738
12/22/15 09:08 PM
12/22/15 09:08 PM
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L4L she's a 8 month old Chihuahua. She's almost the same color as Baby. puppy

joe santa

There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.

William Butler Yeats
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046742
12/22/15 10:12 PM
12/22/15 10:12 PM
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Joe, what happened to your cat Sambo? Where's he living -is he OK?

All's quiet here

I wish I were a cat and belonged to me ~ My Aunt Helen Mary Rose
Re: Terrific Tuesday [Re: gymcandy1] #1046743
12/22/15 10:15 PM
12/22/15 10:15 PM
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Oh, Sweet!

Off to bed for me. No sleep last night has caught up with me. Sweet dreams all sleep12

Last edited by looney4labs; 12/22/15 10:17 PM.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
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