(The) Cabinets of Dr. Arcana by flotsam

Call of the Sea by flotsam

Cameron Files (The): Pharaoh’s Curse
---- by Jenny100
---- by syd

Cameron Files (The): Secret at Loch Ness
---- by Bruce Fielder
---- by Mad

Candle by flotsam

The Capri Connection by Jenny100

Captain Disaster in : Death has a Million Stomping Boots by flotsam

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle by Becky

Carol Reed 1, Remedy
--- by Infernoj13usa
--- by MJartisian

Carol Reed 2, Hope Springs Eternal
--- by Becky
--- by Infernoj13usa

Carol Reed 3, Time Stand Still by Nickie

Carol Reed 4, East Side Story by Becky

Carol Reed 5, Colour of Murder by nickie

Carol Reed 6, Black Circle by Rushes

Carol Reed 7, Blue Madonna by Rushes

Carol Reed 8, Amber's Blood by Becky

Carol Reed 9, Cold Case Summer by Rushes

Carol Reed 10, Bosch's Damnation by Jenny100

Carol Reed 11, Shades of Black by Jenny100

Carol Reed 13, Birdwatcher by oldmariner

Carol Reed 14, Fall of April by Jenny100

Carol Reed 15, Geospots by Jenny100

Carol Reed 16, Quarantine Diary by flotsam

Carol Reed 17, Amos Green's Final Repose

Carol Reed 18, The Game Maker, A Review by flotsam

Carol Reed 19, Dead Drop, A Review by flotsam

Carol Reed 20, Murder Malady, A Review by flotsam

Carte Blance by nickie

Casebook:Episode 1 - Kidnapped by Flotsam

Casebook: Episode 2 - The Watcher by Becky

Casebook Episode III: Snake in the Grass by Becky

Cassandra Galleries (The) by kat165

Catyph: The Kunci Experiment by flotsam

(The) Cave by gremlin

Cayne by flotsam

---- by Betty Lou Brewer Jones
---- by Jenny100

Ceremony of Innocence by Bryansmom

Ceville by Looney4Labs

Chameleon/Mysterious Journey 2 (Schizm 2) by Jenny100

Chaos: A Fantasy Adventure by colpet

Chaos in Deponia by flotsam

Charnel House Trilogy (The) by flotsam

Chaser by Drizzt

---- by colpet
---- by syd

Chewy: Escape from F5 by syd

Children of Silentown, a Review by flotsam

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual
---- by Flotsam
---- by Oldmariner

Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life by Rushes

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by gremlin

Chronomaster by Rick36

Circle of Blood/Shadow of the Templars (Broken Sword 1)
---- by Becky
---- by lasanidine
---- by Witchen

City of Lost Children by Jenny100

City of Secrets by Flotsam

Cleopatra: A Queen's Destiny by Looney4Labs

Codename: Nina – Global Terrorism Strike Force by Singer

Cognition: Episodes 1-4 by Vegpot

Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman by Flotsam

Cognition Episode 2: The Wise Monkey by Rushes

Cognition Episode 3: The Oracle by flotsam

Cognition Episode 4: The Cain Killer by flotsam

Cold Case Files: The Game
---- by Becky
---- by Gamehound

Cold Case Summer: A Carol Reed Mystery by Rushes

Colour of Murder (The) by Nickie

---- by Betty Lou Brewer Jones
---- by lasanidine

Companions of Xanth by syd

Connections by syd

Conspiracies (Nick Delios)
---- by Jenny100
---- by gatorlaw

Conspiracies II: Lethal Networks by Flotsam

Cooroora: A Way With Words by flotsam

Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting by Flotsam

Corruption Within, The by flotsam

Count of Monte Cristo (The) -- Enter the Story by Becky

Cracking the Conspiracy by syd

Creaks by flotsam

Creature Crunch by mrkwang

Creature of Kapu Cave (The) (Nancy Drew) by Becky

Creepy Tale 2 by flotsam

Crime Stories: From the Files of Martin Mystere by inferno

Criminal Intent (Law & Order) by infernoj13usa

Crimson Room Decade by flotsam

Crimson Room and Viridian Room -- Review Compilation by mrkwang

The Crow's Eye by flotsam

Crystal Key (The) by Skully

Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm by Becky

Crystal Skull (The) by Reenie

CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder by nickie

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
---- by nolalou
---- by Rick36

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (XBox version) by Jarrodj

CSI: Dark Motives by nickie

CSI: Deadly Intent by Flotsam

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy by Rushes

CSI: Hard Evidence by Nickie

CSI: Miami by gsd

CSI: New York by Flotsam

Culpa Innata
----by Metamorphium
---- by nickie

Curse of Atlantis: Thorgal's Quest/Thorgal: The Curse of Odin
---- by gsd
---- by nickie

Curse of Blackmoor Manor (Nancy Drew)
---- by gremlin and Purple Bear
---- by nickie

Curse of Blackmoor Manor (Nancy Drew) -- DVD for TV version by inferno

Curse of Midnight Manor (The)/Delaware St. John
---- by nickie
---- by tinagoss

Curse of Monkey Island (The) by gsd

Cydonia/Lightbringer by Rick36


Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass by Becky

The Daedalus Encounter by Rick36

Daemonica by nickie

Danger by Design (Nancy Drew) by Looney4Labs

Day of the Tentacle Remastered by oldmariner

Danger on Deception Island (Nancy Drew) by gatorlaw

Darkestville Castle by flotsam

Dark Eye (The) by flotsam

(The) Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav by Becky

Dark Eye 2: Memoria by flotsam

Dark Fall
---- by Becky
---- by infernoj13usa

Dark Fall II: Lights Out
---- by gatorlaw
---- by Jenny100
---- by sister

Dark Fall Lights Out Director's Cut by Becky

Dark Fall III : Lost Souls by Flotsam

Dark Fall 4: Ghost Vigil by flotsam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Room by flotsam

Dark Secrets
---- by Chrissie
---- by Flotsam

Dark Side of the Moon
---- by Betty Lou Brewer Jones
---- by gsd

Darkened Skye by philby

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
---- by Becky
---- by Catbelly36 aka Tracy

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder -Revamped by flotsam

Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage by flotsam

Darkstar by Flotsam

Da Vinci Code (The) by Jarrodj

Day the World Broke (The) by Jen in Chgo

Dead City by mrkwang

Dead Drop, A Review by flotsam

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel by Rushes

Dead Reefs
---- by Bigmamma1
---- by nickie

Dead Space 2 by Flotsam

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today by flotsam

Dear Esther

Death Gate by syd

Decay: The Mare by flotsam

Deep Sleep Trilogy by Dan Peach

Delaware St. John Vol. 1: The Curse of Midnight Manor
---- by nickie
---- by tinagoss

Delaware St. John Vol. 2: The Town with No Name by Infernoj13usa

Delaware St. John Vol. 3: The Seacliff Tragedy by nickie

Demetrios by oldmariner

Deponia by Becky

Destination: Treasure Island by nickie

(The) Detail by flotsam

Detective Di: The Silk Road Murders by flotsam

Detective Gallo by venus

Detention by flotsam

De-Void by flotsam

Diabolik: The Original Sin by Flotsam

Diamon Jones: Amulet of the World by Flotsam

Diamon Jones: Eye of the Dragon by Becky

Diamond Mystery at Rosemond Valley (The) by catsmom2

Diamonds in the Rough
---- by Gremlin
---- by Oldmariner

Diary of a Roadie by oldmariner

Dig (The) by syd

Discolored by flotsam

DiscWorld I by syd

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes by Syd

Discworld Noir
---- by Becky
---- by nolalou
---- by pretzel

Disney Princess Royal Adventure (GBA) by Tracy

Divine Comedy (The) -- Enter the Story by Becky

Divine Divinity
---- by nickie
---- by VHLMagic

Doc Apocalypse by Flotsam

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games Episodes 1-3 by Flotsam

Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot by Becky

Doom III by Alone in the dark Freak

Down in the Dumps by Singer

Dracula: Origin by Inferno

Dracula: Resurrection
---- by Gameman007
---- by pretzel
---- by Skully

Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
---- by Betty Lou Brewer Jones
---- by bpegasus69
---- by pretzel

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon by Flotsam

Dracula 4: Shadow of the Dragon by Jenny100

Dracula 5: The Blood Legacy by Jenny100

Dracula Unleashed by nickie

Dracula's Secret by Namma

Dragonsphere by Clovis

Draugen by flotsam

Dream by flotsam

The Dream Machine by flotsam

---- by gremlin
---- by winkie
---- by bigmamma1

Dreamfall Chapters by flotsam

Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages
---- by lasanidine
---- by Scout

Druuna Morbus Gravis by Mr 2 u

---- by bredon
---- by nolalou

Duke Grabowski: Mighty Swashbuckler by flotsam

Dungeon Lords
---- by Drizzt
---- by jimbtx

Dungeon Siege by VHLMagic

Dungeon Siege II by nicki