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Rhem III SE New Area #1244104
03/28/21 12:31 AM
03/28/21 12:31 AM
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Hi all,

Anyone playing Rhem III SE? I accessed the new area and immediately got stuck smile Since the game just came out there are no walkthroughs available, so I thought it might be fun to figure it out together from here.

I solved the code with flashing colors and entered a small corridor with 3 rooms. I can't figure out what to do at all, I can see that clues are abundant but all of my attempts failed me

Any help is appreciated!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244120
03/28/21 08:38 AM
03/28/21 08:38 AM
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I hope you will get some input about this from other players. It's been a long time since you've posted here - I hope all is well. wave

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244123
03/28/21 09:02 AM
03/28/21 09:02 AM
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Thank you Marian smile I don't post here often but I read it all the time.

I think the number of gamers who attempt to finish a Rhem game the weekend it comes out is probably not very high, but I thought I would try my chances anyway smile

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244139
03/28/21 01:08 PM
03/28/21 01:08 PM
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You can ignore my original post, I managed to beat the game! I am not going to delete this thread, if you are interested in hints regarding the new SE area, please post your questions here and I would be happy to help.

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244142
03/28/21 02:33 PM
03/28/21 02:33 PM
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Thank you, Kemal! That is an excellent idea. I have no doubt you will get questions as more people get the game.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244146
03/28/21 02:50 PM
03/28/21 02:50 PM
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Congratulations on finishing the game, Kemal! bravo

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1244148
03/28/21 02:53 PM
03/28/21 02:53 PM
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Thanks Marian smile It took me the whole weekend, but it was worth it!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246155
04/24/21 11:07 PM
04/24/21 11:07 PM
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Hi guys. I am playing RHEM 3 SE. I played the original RHEM 3 when it came out. Playing it again 10 years later brought back fond memories!! I recalled a lot of the game & forgot just as much. I finished the original part & got the black crystal. So my one & only question i have to solve the optional extra puzzle or do i take the tram to go find the NEW AREA? My game is saved at this point & if i dont have to solve the optional puzzle i'd rather be on my way to new horizons!! smile THANKS!!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246163
04/25/21 07:30 AM
04/25/21 07:30 AM
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Hi Scotty,

You do not need to solve the optional puzzle from Rhem III First Edition to get to the new area of Rhem III SE.
Btw, solving the optional puzzle gives you an item for the tram to access a small additional area when using the tram to leave Rhem.
When you leave Rhem with the tram you must have completed the new area if you want to see solve everything. The game displays a warning
about this, so you cant make a bad choice by accident.

Also, the new area is not to be found by taking the tram, if I remember correctly.

Last edited by mike_bn; 04/25/21 07:31 AM.
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246210
04/25/21 10:14 PM
04/25/21 10:14 PM
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Thank you Mike. I saved my game right before the the warning appears. i completed the original game just for the heck of it & now i"m back to my save & will begin my search for the new area tomorrow...(I hope?) I have NO clue where to begin looking but i look forward to the challenge. Thank you again buddy!!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246292
04/26/21 11:48 PM
04/26/21 11:48 PM
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You're welcome, Scotty smile Have fun with the new area, it is great. If you need a nudge how to find it, let me know, I would be glad to help

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246496
04/29/21 07:54 PM
04/29/21 07:54 PM
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So....I'm at the rail car & the 4X4 panel with the red button in the center. This is the only RHEM game i've ever played but i learn fast & i know nothing is random or trial & erreo in RHEM. there's always a clue somewhere. I've searched for 2 evening now & pretty much came up empty. My only thought might be...the 4X4 16 yellow square puzzle on the 2nd floor near the drawbridge is the only thing I didn't solve in the original game & it bears resemblance to the 4X4 panel? I must be missing something?

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246586
04/30/21 10:32 PM
04/30/21 10:32 PM
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Hey Mike. I figured out what i was missing & had to backtrack & find the 4 plates with the symbols but I solved the 4X4 panel puzzle & the sound puzzle & got the GREEN BUTTON. Stoped & saved there. Note to self...NEVER forget to document a clue in RHEM!! smile THANKS!!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246639
05/01/21 07:34 PM
05/01/21 07:34 PM
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Glad you got it Scotty!

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1246690
05/02/21 03:15 PM
05/02/21 03:15 PM
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Congrats for progressing, Scotty smile Let us know how it goes in the new area. As you probably already read, I found the puzzles there superb.

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247057
05/08/21 12:12 PM
05/08/21 12:12 PM
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Found the new area & made my way in. Finally got to see what that 4X4 yellow square panel was all about!! Took a while & burnt some brain cells but got thru the 3 adjoining rooms, into the small living area, open a sliding stone wall & now at a panel with 4 number & buttons. I have been looking everywhere for a clue but can't find anything? Is there a clue & if so is it in the SE area or must I re enter RHEM? PLEASE NO SPOILER!! Just a very gentle hint. THANK YOU!!

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247084
05/08/21 05:11 PM
05/08/21 05:11 PM
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Hopefully another player will be along soon to help you out, Scotty.

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247105
05/09/21 02:54 AM
05/09/21 02:54 AM
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Believe it or not, Sotty, but you don't need to reenter the old Rhem area smile
Let me know if you would like bit more of a hint.

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247162
05/09/21 09:46 PM
05/09/21 09:46 PM
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Hi Mike. Thanks for that info. I finished RHEM but i will say i was slightly un sure on my solving the final puzzle? When i came upon the 4 digit panel & began searching for clue, one of my 1st thoughts was what i seen/heard in the living quarters. The numbers i was using to solve the puzzle
, no matter how i applied them did not work.. Thats when i asked if i had to leave the SE area. After your reply I went back to my original thoughts & started again. I began using the 2 #s i was sure of & spent HOURS!! randomly trying combinations until it worked!! Still, after leaving RHEM i'm not so sure that was the proper way to solve that puzzle? I do plan to go back to the SE area & now that I know the correct sequence...look again LOVED my 1st trip thru RHEM. I will play another one in the series..RHEM 4 looks very intriguing? But I'm REALLY hoping the new MYST get released SOON!!!! THANK YOU agin my friend!! Stay well PEACE

Last edited by SCOTTY; 05/09/21 09:48 PM.
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247172
05/10/21 01:18 AM
05/10/21 01:18 AM
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Hi Scottry, congrats for completing the game. To answer your question, yes there is a proper way to solve that puzzle that does not
include guessing. If understood you correctly, you found the hints for two digits and I am pretty sure which ones you found.
The two others are harder to find. Accessing them was the only thing I did not like that much in Rhem III SE. Let me know if you want
a nudge where to look closer.

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247264
05/10/21 10:31 PM
05/10/21 10:31 PM
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I am now obsessed with finding the last clue!! Spent the entire night looking for it & i left empty handed again. I made it thru RHEM with the help of a walkthrough only twice...Once when i walked aroubd FOREVER not knowing what to do because I never seen a hidden overhead trap door & once to understand what a ear ring had to do with a puzzle. LOL!! I cant believe this darn clue is bamboozaling me!! The SE area isnt that big!! As much as i hate to say it...NUDGE ME, before i go insane. BTW...My wife already thinks that!! LOL

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247508
05/14/21 09:10 AM
05/14/21 09:10 AM
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Sorry I only read this post now. Do you still need a nudge, then here it is:

There are two places in the new area which are similar and where you can do a very similar/the same thing. But one of those places
behaves differently than the other. There you need to do something.

Let me know if that is not enough


Last edited by mike_bn; 05/15/21 02:29 AM.
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247605
05/15/21 10:36 PM
05/15/21 10:36 PM
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Mike. My attention has been focused at the same location i got the 2 clues earlier. Am i at least correct on that assumption?

Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247607
05/16/21 01:35 AM
05/16/21 01:35 AM
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First let's make sure my assumption which clues you already got is correct. Plz tell me which clues you already found, then I will respond to your question.

Btw, I am from germany, so depending on when you post, you will get my reply only on the next day because of the different timezone ;I

Last edited by mike_bn; 05/16/21 01:39 AM.
Re: Rhem III SE New Area [Re: Kemal] #1247609
05/16/21 03:10 AM
05/16/21 03:10 AM
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So,, I re-read this thread and I am pretty sure you which clues are still missing. What I mentioned above with two similar places
is correct and it is not in the living quarters (= not in the small building with the piilars with buttons to be pressed etc) ;-)

A bit more of a nudge:

You need to examine the building/corridor with the three rooms and/or the area behind that building,
Everything else you can ignore. In that area, search for two screens which look similar/serve a similar purpose
and examine those two - there is a difference to be noticed. By screens I dont mean a screen like an item in the
game, rather two screenshots. I hope you know what I mean

If you noticed the difference and don't know what to do here is more:

This is the only puuzle which I did not like in Rhem III SE, because it is the ONLY place where you have to do
something during a cutscene

And finally, if you want to give up ;-)

Check the 2nd door of the building with the three rooms (the one closer to the living quarters). Play around with the yellow button
which opens/clsoes the door.

Last edited by mike_bn; 05/16/21 03:31 AM.
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