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Carol Reed Mystery #20: Murder Malady by flotsam

The Haunting of Joni Evers by flotsam

The Holy Gosh Darn by flotsam

The Last Half of Darkness 35th Anniversary by flotsam

Loco Motive by flotsam

miniatures by flotsam

Mouthwashing by flotsam

NORCO by flotsam

Sanitarium by flotsam

Slender Threads by flotsam


Last Update: March 2025



Adam's Venture Episode 1: The Search for the Lost Garden by Looney4Labs

Adam's Venture 2: Solomon's Secret by Becky

Adam's Venture III: Revelations by Becky

Adam Wolfe by flotsam

Adventure at the Chateau d'Or by syd

The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle by flotsam

Adventures (The) of Fatman (demo) by Jenny

Adventures (The) of Fatman by gsd

Agapito's Crazy Adventure by nickie

Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None by Becky

Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun by Inferno

Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case by flotsam

Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express by Becky

Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders by Oldmariner

AGON by gatorlaw

AGON 2: Lapland by Jenny100

AGON 3: Madagascar by Jenny100

AGON: The Mysterious Codex by Becky

AGON 4: The Lost Sword of Toledo by Looney4Labs

Al Emmo and The Lost Dutchman's Mine by Becky

Al Emmo & the Lost Dutchman's Mine enhanced by gremlin

Alida by Jenny100

Alien versus Predator by Drizzt

All You Can Eat by oldmariner

Alpha Polaris by Rushes

Alter Ego by flotsam

Alternativa by Becky

Alum by Jenny100

Amber's Blood: A Carol Reed Mystery by Becky

American Girl: Julie Saves the Eagles by nickie

Amerzone by lasanidine

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs by flotsam

Amnesia: The Bunker by flotsam

Among the Sleep by flotsam

Amos Green's Final Repose (Carol Reed #17) by flotsam

Amphora by gremlin

AnaCapri : The Dream by Jenny100

Anachro nox by gremlin

Anatomy by flotsam

A New Beginning by Becky

Anna's Quest by flotsam

Ankh by Looney4Labs

Ankh 2: Heart of Osiris by Looney4Labs

Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods by Becky

Anna by flotsam

AntVentor by flotsam

The Apotheosis Project by flotsam

Argonus and the Gods of Stone by flotsam

AR-K by flotsam

Ark of Time by syd

Armikrog by flotsam

Art of Murder: FBI Confidential by nickie

Art of Murder: Hunt for the Puppeteer by gremlin

Art of Murder: Cards of Destiny by Rushes

The Artifact by flotsam

Arx Fatalis by Singer

Arthur's Knights: Tales of Chivalry & The Secret of Merlin by syd

ASA: A Space Adventure by flotsam

Astroloco by flotsam

Atlantis Evolution by Jenny100

Aura: Fate of the Ages by gatorlaw

Aztec - Sacred Amulet by lasanidine




Back to the Future: The Game by flotsam

Back to the Future: The Game - Citizen Brown by Becky

Back to the Future: The Game - Double Visions by Becky

Back to the Future: The Game - Get Tannen! by Becky

Back to the Future: The Game - It's About Time by Becky

Back to the Future: The Game - Outatime by Becky

Bad Mojo Redux by inferno13usa

Bad Dream Fever by flotsam

Baldur's Gate by Drizzt

Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn by Drizzt

The Ballads of Reemus: When the Bed Bites by Becky

Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok by Rushes

Barrow Hill by inferno

Barrow Hill: The Dark Path by flotsam

Batman: Telltale Series by flotsam

Bayou Island by flotsam

Belief & Betrayal by Becky

Beyond A Steel Sky by flotsam

Bioscopia by Namma

The Birdwatcher - A Carol Reed Mystery by oldmariner

Birth by flotsam

Black Mirror 2017

Black Mirror (The) by gatorlaw

Black Mirror II by Rushes

Black Mirror III by Rushes

Blackstone Chronicles by Rick36

Blackwell Convergence by Becky

Blackwell Deception by flotsam

(The) Blackwell Legacy by nickieBlack Circle: A Carol Reed Mystery by Rushes

Black Island by flotsam

Black Sails by flotsam

Blackwell Epiphany by flotsam

Blackwell Unbound by Looney4Labs

Blade of Darkness by dougmillsap

Blindside by Becky

Blood Nova by flotsam

Blue Madonna: A Carol Reed Mystery by Rushes

(The) Blueness of a Wound by flotsam

Bohemian Killing by flotsam

Boinihi: The K'i Codex by flotsam

Bolt Riley by flotsam

Bone: Out From Boneville by Becky

Bone Act Two: The Great Cow Race by Becky

The Book of Unwritten Tales by gremlin

The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles by gremlin

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 by gremlin

(Carol Reed 10:) Bosch's Damnation by Jenny100

Botanicula by gremlin

Broken Age by Oldmariner

Broken Sword: Circle of Blood (Shadow of the Templars) by Becky

Broken Sword: Circle of Blood (Shadow of the Templars) by Witchen

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror by syd

Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon by gatorlaw

Broken Sword: The Angel of Death by gremlin

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse by flotsam

Bulb Boy by flotsam




Cabinets of Doctor Arcana (The) by flotsam

Call of the Sea by flotsam

Cameron Files (The) : Pharaoh's Curse

        - by Jenny100

        - by syd

Candle by flotsam

(The) Capri Connection by Jenny100

Captain Disaster in Death has a Million Stomping Boots

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle by Becky

Carte Blanche by nickie

Casebook: Episode 1: Kidnapped by flotsam

Casebook: Episode II: The Watcher by Becky

Casebook III: Snake in the Grass by Becky

Catyph: The Kunci Experiment by flotsam

The Cave by gremlin

Cayne by flotsam

Celtica by Jenny100

Ceville by Looney4Labs

Chaos on Deponia by flotsam

The Charnel House Trilogy by flotsam

Chaser by Drizzt

Chemicus by syd

Chewy: Escape from F5 by syd

Children of Silentown by flotsam

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual by flotsam

Chronicles of Mystery 2: The Tree of Life by Rushes

Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by gremlin

Chrono master by Rick36

City of Secrets by flotsam

Circle of Blood by Witchen

(The) City of Lost Children by Jenny100

Cleopatra: A Queen's Destiny (Riddle of the Tomb) by Looney4Labs

Codename: Nina - Global Terrorism Strike Force by Singer

Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman by flotsam

Cognition Episode 2: The Wise Monkey by Rushes

Cognition Episode 3: The Oracle by flotsam

Cognition Episode 4: The Cain Killer by flotsam

Cold Case Files by Becky\

Cold Case Summer: Carol Reed Mystery by Rushes

(The) Colour of Murder by nickie

Comer by lasanidine

Companions of Xanth by syd

Conarium by flotsam

Connections by syd


        - by gatorlaw

        - by Jenny100

Conspiracies II: Lethal Networks by flotsam

Cooroora by flotsam

Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting by flotsam

The Council by flotsam

(The) Count of Monte Cristo by Becky

The Corruption Within by flotsam

Cracking the Conspiracy by syd

Creaks by flotsam

Creepy Tale 2 by flotsam

Crime Stories: From the Files of Martin Mystere by inferno

Crimson Room Decade by flotsam

The Crow's Eye by flotsam

Crystal Key 2 by Becky

CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder by nickie

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation by Rick36

CSI: Dark Motives by nickie

CSI: Deadly Intent by flotsam

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy by Rushes

CSI: Hard Evidence by nickie

CSI: Miami by gsd

CSI: NY by flotsam

Culpa Innata by nickie

Curse of Monkey Island by gsd

Cydonia-Lightbringer by Rick36





Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass by Becky

Daedalus Encounter (The) by Rick36

Daemonica by nickie

Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav by Becky

Dark Eye: Memoria by flotsam

Dark Fall by Becky

Dark Fall by infernoj13usa

Dark Fall II: Lights Out

        - by gatorlaw

        - by Jenny100

(Dark Fall) Lights Out: Director's Cut by Becky

Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls by flotsam

Dark Fall 4: Ghost Vigil by flotsam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro by flotsam

Dark Room by flotsam

Dark Secrets by flotsam

Dark Side of the Moon by gsd 

Darkestville Castle by flotsam

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder by Becky

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder -Revamped by flotsam

Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage by flotsam

Darkstar by flotsam

Day of the Tentacle Remastered by oldmariner

Dead Drop (Carol Reed Mystery #19) by flotsam

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel by Rushes

Dead Reefs by nickie

Dead Space 2 by flotsam

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today by flotsam

Dear Esther

Death Gate by syd

(The) Death of Erin Myers by Christopher Brendel

Decay: The Mare by flotsam

Delaware St. John Vol. 1: The Curse of Midnight Manor by nickie

Delaware St. John Vol. 2: The Town With No Name by infernoj13usa

Delaware St. John Vol. 3: The Seacliff Tragedy by nickie

Demetrios by oldmariner

Deponia by Becky

Destination: Treasure Island by nickie

Detective Di: The Silk Road Murders by flotsam

Detective Gallo by venus

Detention by flotsam

The Detail Episode 1 by flotsam

De-Void by flotsam

Diabolik: The Original Sin by flotsam

Diamon Jones: Amulet of the World by flotsam

Diamon Jones: Eye of the Dragon by Becky

Diamonds in the Rough by gremlin

Diary of a Roadie by oldmariner

Discolored by flotsam

Discworld by syd

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes by syd

Discworld Noir by Becky

(Enter the Story:) The Divine Comedy by Becky

Divine Divinity by nickie

Doc Apocalypse by flotsam

Doctor Who Adventure Games Episodes 1-3 by flotsam

Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot by Becky

Down in the Dumps by Singer

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon by flotsam

Dracula 4: Shadow of the Dragon by Jenny100

Dracula 5: The Blood Legacy by Jenny100

Dracula: Origin by Inferno

Dracula Unleashed by nickie

Draugen by flotsam

Dream by flotsam

The Dream Machine by flotsam

Dreamfall by gremlin

Dreamfall Chapters by flotsam

Drowned God by lasanidine

Duke Grabowski: Mighty Swashbuckler by flotsam

Dungeon Lords by Drizzt

Dungeon Siege II by nickie



Earthworms by flotsam

East Side Story by Becky

ECHO: Secrets of the Lost Cavern by Becky

ECHO: Secrets of the Lost Cavern by Looney4Labs

Edna & Harvey: The Breakout by Becky

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes by Becky

Egypt 2: The Heliopolis Prophecy by gatorlaw

Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy by Jenny100

(The) Egyptian Prophecy by Jenny100

Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon by Drizzt

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind by Drizzt

(The) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion by Drizzt

Eleusis by gremlin

Embracelet by flotsam

Emerald City Confidential by Becky

Empathy: Path of Whispers by flotsam

Encodya by flotsam

Epanalepsis by flotsam

Eric the Unready by syd

Escape from Monkey Island by Becky

Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts by flotsam

Eternal Threads by flotsam

Everlight: Of Might and Power by Looney4Labs

Evidence: The Last Ritual by gremlin

Evoland by flotsam

The Excavation of Hob's Barrow by flotsam

The Experiment by Becky

The Eyes of Ara by flotsam




Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers by lasanidine

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father 20th Anniversary Edition by flotsam

Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within by syd

Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned by syd

The Gallery by flotsam

The Game Maker (Carol Reed Mystery #18) by flotsam

Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series by flotsam

(Tapping) GameTap by Looney4Labs

Gast by Singer

Gemini Rue by flotsam

Gene Machine (The) by syd

Genesys by gatorlaw

Geospots - Carol Reed Mystery #15 by Jenny100

Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island by Becky

Ghosts by infernoj13usa

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure by Dan Peach

Girl with Heart of by gremlin

Gladiators (The): Galactic Circus Games by Singer

Ghost in the Sheet by Becky

Ghostdream by flotsam

Ghost on the Shore by flotsam

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure by Dan Peach

(The) Goat in the Grey Fedora by looney4labs

Gobliiins 4 by Becky

Goin' Downtown by flotsam

Gold Rush Anniversary Edition by flotsam

Gold Rush 2 by flotsam

A Golden Wake by flotsam

Gomo by flotsam

Goodbye Deponia by flotsam

Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris by gremlin

Gorogoa by flotsam

Gray Matter by Becky

Great Journey: Mr. Penguin's Letter by inferno

Green Moon by Rushes

Grim Fandango by Becky

Grim Fandango Remastered by gremlin

Growbot by flotsam

Guard Duty by flotsam

Gumshoe Online's Something in the Water by Looney4Labs




The Lady by flotsam

Lake Ridden by flotsam

Lancelot's Hangover: The Quest for the Holy Grail by Dan Peach

Landlord of the Woods by flotsam

(The) Last Express by Drizzt

The Last Crown: Midnight Horror by flotsam

(The) Last Door by Jenny100

The Last Door: Season Two by Jenny100

Last Half of Darkness by infernoj13usa

The Last Half of Darkness 35th Anniversary by flotsam

Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirits Eye by Looney4Labs

Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon by flotsam

Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir by flotsam

Laura Bow Mysteries by flotsam

Law & Order: Criminal Intent by infernoj13usa

Law & Order: Justice is Served by Becky

Law & Order: Legacies by Becky

Law & Order: Legacies by Rushes

Layers of Fear by flotsam

Layers of Fear: Inheritance by flotsam

Layers of Fear 2 by flotsam

Layers of Fear 2023 by flotsam

Leaves: The Journey by flotsam

Legacy: Dark Shadows by Jenny100

The Legend of Crystal Valley by Looney4Labs

LEGO® Indiana Jones© The Original Adventure by gremlin

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice by flotsam

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events by infernoj13usa

Les Misérables by Becky

Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 by flotsam

Life is Strange 2 by flotsam

Life of Delta by flotsam

Lifeless Planet by flotsam

Lifestream by Jenny100

Lifestream (2016) by oldmariner

Lightbringer-Cydonia by Rick36

Lighthouse by Becky

Lilly Looking Through by Jenny100

Limbo by flotsam

The Little Acre by flotsam

Lisssn by flotsam

Little Misfortune by Dan Peach

Loco Motive by flotsam

A Long Road Home by flotsam

Longest Journey (The) by Becky

LOOM by flotsam

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes by flotsam

The Lost City of Malathedra by flotsam

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura by gremlin

The Lost Crown by nickie

The Lost Crown Enhanced by gremlin

Lost Horizon by Rushes

Lost Island of Alanna (The) by syd

Lost: Via Domus by gremlin

Lucius by flotsam

Lucius 2: The Prophecy by flotsam

Lumino City by flotsam

Lunar Deep: The Adventure Below by gremlin

LUNA the Shadow Dust by flotsam

Lure of the Temptress by gatorlaw

Lydia by flotsam




MacGuffin's Curse by gremlin

Machinarium by Rushes

Mad Father by flotsam

MADievals: Episode 1 by flotsam
Mages Initiation by flotsam

Magicama by Becky

Magnetic by gatorlaw

Magnetic Revisited by Rushes

Maize by flotsam

The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo by flotsam

Marcella Moon Mysteries 1 and 2 by flotsam

Martha is Dead by flotsam

Martin Mystère Operation Dorian Gray  by Becky

Martin Mystère: Operation Dorian Gray by Looney4Labs

Mass Effect by Trail_Mystic

Masters of the Elements by jenny100

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy by flotsam

Mata Hari by flotsam

Memento Mori by Becky

Memento Mori 2: Guardians of Immortality by flotsam

Metal Dead by flotsam

Metamorphosis by flotsam

MIAZMA or the Devils Stone by flotsam

Midnight at the Celestial Palace by flotsam

Midnight Nowhere by gatorlaw

Milkmaid of the Milky Way by flotsam

Mindlock: The Apartment by flotsam

miniatures by flotsam

The Minims by flotsam

Mira by flotsam

Mirror's Edge by Trail_Mystic

Miskatonic by Rushes

Missing: Since January (In Memoriam) by gatorlaw

10th Anniversary Edition of the Myst Games by lasanidine (commentary)

Moebius by gremlin

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge Special Edition by flotsam

(The) Moment of Silence

       - by gremlin

       - by nickie

Morning's Wrath by nickie

Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock by flotsam

Mosaic by Dan Peach

Mouthwashing by flotsam

Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso by Looney4Labs

Murder in the Abbey by flotsam

Murder Malady - Carol Reed Mystery #20 by flotsam

Mutropolis by flotsam

Myha: The Return to the Lost Island by flotsam

Myst III: Exile by Becky

Myst IV: Revelation by gremlin

Myst V: End of Ages by gremlin

Mysterious Journey 2: Chameleon by Jenny100

Mysterious Island by syd

Mystery of the Druids

         - by gremlin

         - by syd

Mystery of the Nautilus

        - by Rick36

        - by syd




Nairi: Tower of Shirin by flotsam

Nairi: Rising Tide by flotsam

Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes by Rushes

Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor

      - by gremlin

      - by nickie

Nancy Drew: Danger by Design by Looney4Labs

Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island by gatorlaw

Nancy Drew: The Deadly Device by Rushes

Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moonlake by gatorlaw

Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: Labyrinth of Lies by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon by Becky

Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull by Looney4Labs

Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion by looney4Labs

Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships by Looney4Labs

Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock by infernoj13usa

Nancy Drew: Secrets can Kill Remastered by Becky

Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge by Rushes

Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave by Becky

Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse by Rushes

Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel by gatorlaw

Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy by flotsam

Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice by Becky

Nancy Drew: The Secret at Shadow Ranch by gatorlaw

Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek by inferno

Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen by Becky

Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower by Witchen

Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister by Rushes

Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister by Rushes

Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness by Jenny100

Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy by Rushes

NCIS: Based on the TV Series by Becky

Necronomicon by Singer

Nelly Cootalot by flotsam

Nelly Cootalot Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD by flotsam

Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III by flotsam

Neofeud by flotsam

The Next Big Thing by flotsam

Neverend by nickie

Neverhood (The) by Becky

Nevermind by flotsam

Neverwinter Nights 2 by Drizzt

Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide by Drizzt

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer by Drizzt

Next Life (Reprobates) by nickie

NiBiRu: Age of Secrets by Becky

Nicolas Eymerich, The Inquisitor: Book 1: The Plague by Jenny100

Nicolas Eymerich Book II: The Village by flotsam

Night Call by flotsam

The Night is Grey by flotsam

The Night of the Rabbit by gremlin

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals by nickie

Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy by Jenny100

Nine Noir Lives by flotsam

non - The First Warp by flotsam

No One Lives Forever by Singer

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way by Singer

NORCO by flotsam


        - by gsd

        - by Jenny100

Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy by Becky

Nubla by flotsam




A Painters Tale: Curons, 1950 by flotsam

Pandora's Box by LShaw3457 (Guest)

Papetura by flotsam

The Park by flotsam

Paradise by Becky

Passage: Path of Betrayal by syd

Pathologic Classic HD by flotsam

Penumbra: Black Plague by Looney4Labs

Penumbra Overture by nickie

Perils of Man by flotsam

Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle in Flesh by Rick36

Pharaoh's Curse (The Cameron Files)

        - by Jenny100

        - by syd

Phobos: 1953 by flotsam

Physicus by Witchen

The Pillars of the Earth by flotsam

The Plague Doctor of Wippra by flotsam

Please Knock on my Door

Polar Express by gremlin

Portal 2 by flotsam

Possession 1881 by flotsam

Post Mortem by gatorlaw

PRIM by flotsam

Primordia by Rushes

Prince of Persia by Jenny100

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time by gremlin

Profound Red by oldmariner

Project Earth by Singer

Prominence by flotsam

Psychonauts by gremlin




RAMA by Jenny100

Randal's Monday by flotsam

Rauniot by flotsam

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief Chapter 1 by flotsam

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief Chapter 2 by flotsam

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief Chapter 3 by flotsam

Reah by Becky

Real Myst by Becky

Realms of the Haunting by Drizzt

Relics: Dark Hours by flotsam

Remedy by infernoj13usa

Rent a Hero by gatorlaw

Reperfection - Volume One by Rushes

Resonance by gremlin

Return to Grace by flotsam

Return to Mysterious Island

      - by Jenny100

      - by Looney4Labs

Return to Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate by Looney4Labs

Return to Zork by Rick36

REVEIL by flotsam

RHEM by Jenny100

RHEM 2 by Jenny100

RHEM 3: The Secret Library by Jenny100

RHEM 4: The Golden Fragments by flotsam

Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches by gremlin

Riddle of the Sphinx by Becky

Ring 2: Twilight of the Gods by Becky

Ripper by Jenny100

Riven by Namma

Riven Remake by flotsam

Road to India by Witchen

(The) Rockin' Dead by flotsam

RoonSehv: Neterra by flotsam

Runaway: A Road Adventure by Becky

Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle by Looney4Labs

Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate by Looney4Labs




(The) Sacred Rings by inferno

Sacred Mirror of Kofun by syd

Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure by gremlin

Salammbo by gatorlaw

Sam and Max by gatorlaw

Sam and Max Episode 1: Culture Shock by Looney4Labs

Sam & Max Season 1: Episode 2 - Situation Comedy

Sam & Max Season 1: Episode 3 - The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball by Becky

Sam & Max Season 1: Episode 4 - Abe Lincoln Must Die! by Becky

Sam & Max Season 1: Reality 2.0 & Bright Side of the Moon by gremlin

Sam & Max 201: Ice Station Santa by gremlin

Sam & Max 202: Moai Better Blues by gremlin

Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead by Inferno

Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs by Looney4Labs

Sam & Max 205: What's New, Beelzebub? by Inferno

Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Beyond the Alley of Dolls by Becky

Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: The City that Dares Not Sleep by Becky

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: The Penal Zone by Becky

Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak by Becky

Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: They Stole Max's Brain by gremlin

(The) Samaritan Paradox by flotsam

Samorost 2 by Becky

Sandra and Woo in the Cursed Adventure by flotsam

Sanitarium by flotsam

Scavenger Hunter by Looney4Labs

Schizm: Mysterious Journey by Jenny100

Scooby Doo (Phantom of the Knight & Showdown in Ghost Town) by gatorlaw

Scratches by inferno

Scratches: Director's Cut by Becky

Season: A Letter to the Future by flotsam

Secret Files: Tunguska by Looney4Labs

Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis by Becky

Secret Files 3 by Becky

Secret Files: Sam Peters by gremlin

The Secret Monster Society by flotsam

Secrets of the Luxor by Jenny100

(The) Secrets of Atlantis: The Sacred Legacy by inferno

(The) Secrets of Da Vinci by Looney4Labs

The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition by flotsam

(The) Sea will Claim Everything by flotsam

Sentinel: Descendants in Time by Jenny100

Seven Games of Soul - Faust by Becky

Seven Doors by flotsam

Shades of Black: A Carol Reed Mystery by Jenny 100

Shadow of Destiny

        - by Becky

        - by Singer

Shadow of the Templars by Witchen

Shadowgate by Oldmariner

Shadows on the Vatican: Acts 1 & 2 by gremlin

Shady Brook by Becky

Shady Brook by Jenny100

Shady Brook (2016) by Oldmariner

Shannara by Singer

Shape of the World by flotsam

Shardlight by flotsam

(The) Shattering by flotsam

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective by Oldmariner

Sherlock Holmes: Mystery of the Mummy by Witchen

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened by Becky

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Remastered by Becky

Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring by Becky

Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis (Sherlock Holmes vs Arsène Lupin) by inferno

Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper by flotsam

Sherlock Holmes 6: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes by gremlin

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments by gremlin

Shift 87 by flotsam

The Shivah: Kosher Edition by gremlin

Shivers by Rick36

Shivers II: Harvest of Souls by Rick36

(The) Shopkeeper by flotsam

Sidekick High by oldmariner

The Signifier Director's Cut by flotsam

Silent Footsteps by flotsam

Silver Chains by flotsam

Simon 3D by gatorlaw

Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens by Becky

Simon the Sorcerer: Who'd Even Want Contact?! by Becky & flotsam

Sinking Island by Looney4Labs

Skaramazuzu by flotsam

Slender Threads by flotsam

Slip Space: The Burma-Shave Analogy by flotsam

The Slaughter Act 1 by flotsam

So Blonde by gremlin

Sojourn by flotsam

SOMA by flotsam

Space Madness by flotsam

Spellforce: The Order of Dawn by Drizzt

Splinter Cell by Singer

SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, PANTS! by nickie

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie by Becky

SPORE by Trail_Mystic

Stacking by flotsam

Starship Titanic by Rick36

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II by Drizzt

Stasis by flotsam

Stasis: Bone Totem by flotsam

State of Mind by flotsam

Static: Investigator Training by Becky

Sterling's Gift by Looney4Labs

Still Life by nickie

Still Life 2 by flotsam

St. Kotar: The Yellow Mask by flotsam

Stonewall Penitentiary by Dan Peach

Strangeland by flotsam

A Stroke of Fate by flotsam

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Homestar Ruiner by gremlin

Strong Bad 2: Strong Badia the Free by Becky

Strong Bad 3: Baddest of the Bands by flotsam

Strong Bad 4: Dangeresque 3 by Becky

Strong Bad 5: 8-bit is Enough by flotsam

Stupid Invaders by syd

Submerged: Hidden Depths by flotsam

Subject 13 by Jenny100

(The) Suicide of Rachel Foster by Dan Peach

SuperPower by Singer

Supposedly Wonderful Future by flotsam

Supreme League of Patriots by Oldmariner

Syberia by gatorlaw

Syberia 2 by gatorlaw

Syberia 3 by flotsam

Syberia 4: The World Before by flotsam

Sydney Mystery (The) by gatorlaw

Symbiocom - SynFactor by syd

System Shock 2 by Drizzt




Tails: The Backbone Prelude by flotsam

A Tale of Two Cities by Becky

Tales by flotsam

Tales of Cosmos by flotsam

Tales of Monkey Island by flotsam

Tales of Monkey island: Lair of the Leviathan by Looney4Labs

Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal by Becky

Tales of Monkey island: Rise of the Pirate God by Becky

Tales of Monkey Island: The Siege of Spinner Cay by Becky

Tales of Monkey Island: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood by Looney4Labs

Tales of Cosmos by flotsam

Tales from the Borderlands by flotsam

Talos Principle by flotsam

Tape: Unveil the Memories by flotsam

Technobabylon by flotsam

Tell Me Why  - Chapter 1: Homecoming by flotsam

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure by gremlin

Tex Murphy: Overseer by flotsam

Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon by gatorlaw

Thaumistry by flotsam

Thayer's Quest by Becky

The Adventures of Fatman (demo) by Jenny

The Alien Cube by flotsam

The Arrangement by Jenny100

The Book of Unwritten Tales by gremlin

The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles by gremlin

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 by gremlin

The Butler Did It by Looney4Labs

The Egyptian Prophecy by Jenny100

The Experiment by Becky

The Gene Machine by syd

The Gladiators: Galactic Circus Games by Singer

The Last Express by Drizzt

The Legend of Kyrandia: Book 1 by syd

The Legend of Kyrandia 3  : Malcolm's Revenge by syd

The Longest Journey  by Becky

The Lost Crown by nickie

The Moment of Silence

       - by gremlin

       - by nickie

The Neverhood  by Becky

TheNightfall by flotsam

The Office Quest by flotsam

The Omega Stone by gatorlaw

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief by flotsam

The Sacred Rings by inferno

The Secrets of Atlantis: The Sacred Legacy by inferno

The Secrets of Da Vinci by Looney4Labs

The Shine of the Star by flotsam

The Tales of Bingwood: Chapter One - To Save a Princess by Looney4Labs

The Tale of Doris and the Dragon: Episode 2 by flotsam

Thimbleweed Park by flotsam

Thorgal: The Curse of Odin by nickie

Tick’s Tales: Up All Knight by oldmariner

Time Gentlemen, Please! by flotsam

Time Warrior by Witchen

Timelapse by Becky

Time Stand Still by nickie

To The Moon by Becky

Tomb Raider: Anniversary by gremlin

Tomb Raider 6: Angel of Darkness by LShaw3457(Guest)

Tomb Raider: Legend by gremlin

Tomb Raider: Underworld by gremlin

Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths by syd

Torin's Passage by syd

Tormentum: Dark Sorrow by flotsam

Touche: The Adventures of the 5th Musketeer by syd

Traitors Gate 2: Cypher by gatorlaw

Trauma by flotsam

Treasure Island by Becky

Truberbook by flotsam

Twilight Oracle by flotsam




Waking Tides by flotsam

The Walking Dead - Season 1 Episode 1: A New Day by flotsam

The Walking Dead - Season 1 Episodes 2 & 3 by flotsam

The Walking Dead - Season 1 Episodes 1 - 5 by flotsam

The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 1 by flotsam

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season 3 by flotsam

The Walking Dead Season 2: Episodes 1-5 by flotsam

Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees by gremlin

Wallace & Gromit Episode 2: The Last Resort by flotsam

Wallace & Gromit 3: Muzzled! by Becky

Wallace & Gromit 4: The Bogey Man by gremlin

Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure by Becky

Watchmaker (The) by gatorlaw

Wayward Strand by flotsam

Welcome to the Future by Jenny100

What Makes You Tick: A Stitch in Time by Becky

What Remains of Edith Finch by flotsam

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

Whimsy by flotsam

(The) Whispered World by gremlin

Whispers of a Machine by Dan Peach

The Wild Case by flotsam

Wild Wild West: Steel Assassin by gsd

Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town by flotsam

(The) Witch's Yarn by infernoj13usa

Without Escape by flotsam

The Wolf Among Us Episodes 1-5 by flotsam




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